

Impaction on Ecological Processes of Soil Seed Bank by Different Restorations on Opencast Mine Dump

【作者】 李宏昌

【导师】 吴祥云;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以辽宁省阜新市海州露天矿排土场为研究对象,分别对排土场上的天然植被、紫穗槐林、刺槐林、榆树林、工程覆土五种恢复措施的土壤种子库进行了研究和分析。结果表明:不同恢复措施对排土场土壤种子库物种组成及结构有较明显影响,通过种子库萌发试验,得出在五种恢复措施的土壤种子库中,禾本科植物是最先萌发的植物,天然植被土壤种子库共萌发出6个物种,分属3科,6属;紫穗槐林土壤种子库萌发了8种植物,分属3科,8属;刺槐林土壤种子库的物种数最少,只有4种植物,分属2科,4属;榆树林土壤种子库有6个物种,分属4科,6属;工程覆土土壤种子库萌发出的物种数最多,达9种,分属5科,9属。紫穗槐林土壤种子库的物种多样性指数和丰富度指数均最大,分别为1.1748和1.1585,表明紫穗槐林有利于矿区生态环境的改善;刺槐林土壤种子库的物种均匀度指数和优势度指数都最大,分别是0.6891和0.1535,表明刺槐林为单优势群落,早期有利于环境改善。五种恢复措施土壤种子库与地上植被的相似性程度存在较明显差异,紫穗槐林土壤种子库与地上植被的相似性最低,只有0.1667;工程覆土措施土壤种子库与地上植被的相似性程度最高,达1.0000,表明工程覆土措施地上植被能够较全面地反映土壤种子库的物种多样性及生态学特征。

【Abstract】 The paper based on Haizhou opencast mine dump of the city of Fuxin in Liaoning province for the study, did researches and analysis respectively on the soil seed bank on dump that taken five restorations of the natural vegetation, Amorpha forest, Locust forest, Elm forest, engineering soil. The results show that: differert restorations have a significant impaction on species composition and structure of the soil seed bank on dump; In the seed bank germination test, found that Gramineae is the first germination plants in the soil seed bank of five restorations. The soil seed bank of natural vegetation germinated a total of six species, belong to three families, six genus; Amorpha forest soil seed bank germinated eight species, belong to three families, eight genus; The species number of Locust forest soil seed bank is the least, only four species, belong to two families, four genus; The soil seed bank of elm forest owns six species, belong to four families, six genus; Engineering soil seed bank germinated the largest number of species, has nine species, belong to five families, nine genus. The species richness and diversity index of Amorpha forest soil seed bank is the largest index, are 1.1748 and 1.1585 respectively, show that Amorpha forest is conducive to the improvement of ecological environment in mining areas; Species evenness index and advantage index of Locust forest soil seed bank are both the largest, are 0.6891 and 0.1535 respectively, show that Locust forest is single-edge communities,and is conducive to the improvement of the environment around early days; The similarity degree of the soil seed bank and vegetation on the ground by five recovery measures has significant differences, Engineering measure has the highest degree of similarity, up to 1.0000; Amorpha forest’s similarity is the lowest, only 0.1667, show that vegetation on the ground of engineering soil measure could reflect the soil seed bank’s species diversity and ecological characteristics in a comprehensive manner.
