

Study of the Developmental Strategies to Be Adopted for TV Media on the Basis of Aging Society

【作者】 贺松柏

【导师】 何纯;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 新闻学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 社会老龄化意味着老年人口数量所占社会人口总量的比例不断增加,对电视媒体而言则意味着老年电视受众在总体受众中的人数比例也不断扩展。作为一个特定的群体,老年人除了在数量上越来越成为电视受众总体中的大额成分外,同时在电视接触时段的广泛性及电视接触时间的长久性也是其他年龄段的电视受众所无法比拟的。电视节目作为一种精神消费品,随着社会老龄化进程加剧,老年人将越来越成为数量上最庞大、消费时间上最具潜质的消费群体。按照市场经济的供求关系平衡规律,具有某种特征的消费群体越大,则所销售的适应这一群体需求的消费品也应越大。然而,对于电视节目这种消费品来说,目前电视媒体所提供的适合老年人接受的节目数量及播放方式与老年受众的规模、需求及特征等极不相称。老年人由于闲暇时间的增多以及生理上的衰退,心理发生明显变化,产生重重精神困惑,而电视媒体作为老年人最为依赖的大众传播媒介必然在老龄社会中既具有良好的发展机遇,同时又担负着相当重大而特殊的社会使命。在老龄化社会的宏观背景下,从分众化的老年电视节目与大众化的主流电视节目两方面进行微观分析,可以得出结论:老龄化社会的电视媒体既应给老年人提供特殊的精神食粮,更应发挥特有的“聚众”功能,让他们感受到来自社会的关照,帮助他们更好地融入社会,促进和谐社会的建设。在中国社会老龄化进程中,电视媒体无论是在老年电视节目还是在主流电视节目哪个层面做出的策略转型,都应以“切实帮助老年人融入社会,建设‘不分年龄人人共享’的和谐老龄社会”为着眼点和落脚点。这是电视媒体的生存需要,更是电视媒体的社会责任。

【Abstract】 While the process of the aging of population constantly increasing the population of the old, it correspondingly improves the proportion which the senior citizen takes in the entire television audience. As a specific group, the senior citizen people are increasingly becoming a major part of the TV audience. They are also in a dominant position of being exposed to the TV in the span and the length of time. Retiring from the stage of work gradually, the senior citizen possess the leisure time which is not acquired from their holidays any more. Therefore, it is incomparable in terms of the extensiveness and the length of the time that the senior citizen spend watching TV. If we regard the TV program as a kind of non material goods, in that case, with the aging of population becoming increasingly intense, the senior citizen will become the largest consumer groups in its quantity and the most potential one in terms of the time they spend. With the law of supply and demand balance of market economy, the larger the consumer goups with a certain characteristic, the greater the sales of the consumer goods which meet the demand of that consumer group. However, with regard to the consumer goods as TV program, the current amount of which provided by the TV media and the way in which broadcast are disproportionate to the scale as well as the demands and characteristics of the old.The spirit plight of the old, an increase of their leisure time and the independence which has already been formed on the mass media(mainly the TV),all of which indicate that the TV media not only possesses a favorable opportunity for development in the aging society, but also they should take up a rather significant and extraordinary social responsibility. In order to cope with the daily accelerating process of aging society, the TV media must recognize their duty and their roles, therefore, they can make a series of strategic transitions.Against the macro background of the aging society, we can analyze it from two parts: the senior citizen oriented program and the public oriented mainstream program. In the process of aging society, the TV media should provide the senior citizen particular non material food, especially they should give full play of its function of“attracting the public attention”, so that the senior citizen could feel he care from the society. Consequently, not only will the TV media help them better integrate into the society, but also it is in the interests of promoting building a harmonious society. In the process of aging society in China the strategic transition made by the TV media, whether on elderly oriented program or the mainstream program, both of them should focus on the outlook that they should practically help the senior citizen integrate into the society and build a harmonious aging society. It is not so much the survival needs of TV media as their social responsibility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】G222;C913.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】312
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