

A Jurisprudence Analysis on the Phenomenon that Seeing Others in Peril without Giving Help

【作者】 邱曦

【导师】 胡旭晟;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法学理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 见危不助事件由于其近些年来在社会上的频频发生而成为社会焦点之一。人们对这种冷漠和麻木不仁的人纷纷表示谴责。在我国,民众对见危不助这一现象进行了热烈的讨论。人们也在反思为什么见危不助的现象越来越多,但是见义勇为的人相对较少。我国群众强烈呼吁见义勇为,惩罚见危不助。见危不助是一个道德层面的问题。道德和法律都是社会的基本规范,是调整社会关系、维护社会秩序的手段。道德和法律先天有着密不可分的联系。从古至今,道德与法的关系问题耗费了学者们大量的心血和笔墨。虽然目前学界对此没有的定论,但是法与道德存在联系这一点是可以肯定的。同时法与道德存在着区别。法可以弥补道德的不足,道德则是法的基础。要解决见危不助问题仅仅依靠道德的自律是不行的,还需要法律的强制。见危不助的立法,古已有之,经过漫长而曲折的发展,在现代逐渐增多。尤其是二战以后,欧洲国家纷纷在刑法中规定了见危不助罪,英美国家也在案例中有所体现,而现代中国关于见危不助的法律规制仅仅体现在针对具有特定职务的人员如警察、医生和公务员的立法。虽然外国的经验我们不能照搬,应该审慎为之,但是根据现实情况,我国有必要借鉴国外的立法经验对见危不助进行法律规制。见危不助的法律规制有深刻的现实基础。对见危不助进行法律规制不仅是必要的,而且也是可能的。这种可能从根本上讲就是法与道德之间的必然联系。见危不助本身是一个道德问题,而要对其进行法律规制则是要将这样一个道德问题纳入到法制的轨道上来,也就是所谓“道德法律化”。“道德法律化”是一个历史悠远的话题,法从一开始就深深烙上了道德的印迹,法与道德之间有着天然联系。从实证的角度来看道德法律化的实现。比如在我国的宪法、行政法、刑法和民法法律规范中都有所体现。从法伦理学的角度来看,一部良好的法律不仅仅能够满足对秩序的要求,而更应当为人们过上幸福生活提供良好的环境。也就是法律的价值不仅仅只是秩序,还应当有更高的道德要求。

【Abstract】 Recent years, the phenomenon that seeing others in peril without giving help happened constantly and it graduately became one of the social focuses now. Some people began to condemn that phenomenon, and a heated discussion has been threatened in our nation. People also rethink why the more the phenomenon that seeing others in peril without giving help, the less hero existed. People in our nation strongly call for heroes that help other when they were in dangerous and punished those not. That seeing others in peril without giving help is a moral problem. Morality and law are all the basic social norms and are the way to adjust social relationships, to safeguard the social order. Morality and law are congenital connected. Historically, the relationship between them took many scholars painstaking efforts and ink. Although there are no academic theory to support, but that something is related between them is certain. At the same time, they are different. Law can compensate the morality and the morality instead is the basic of law. We could not only rely on the moral way to solve this non-moral phenomenon, the mandatory law is also needed. The legislation about this phenomenon has existed already and now increases more and more. Especially after the world warⅡ, European countries that belong to Civil Law System have stipulated the crime in criminal law and those countries belonged to Common Law System do the same in the case. However in China, the relative regulations only apply to people that has specific duties, for example, policemen、doctors and so on. The relegation to regulate the event of seeing other in peril without giving help is needed in China. We should use foreign countries’law as reference prudently but not only copy. The legal regulation grants deep realistic foundation, so it is not only necessary but also probable. This probability is ultimately the connection between the morality and law. Seeing others in peril without giving help itself is a moral phenomenon. However, When we use law to regulate it, it became a legal problem, and that what we called“the moral legalization”.“The moral legalization”is a historical topic. Law and morality has a natural connection from the very beginning. We could discus“the moral legalization”in the following aspects. From the perspective of positivism, it is reflected in the Constitution, the administrative law, the criminal law and the civil law and so on. From the perspective of the law ethics, a good law should not only meet the requirements from social order, but also provide a good environment to people’s happy life. That is to say, the value of this law is not only order, it still deserves high moral requirement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期