

Study on the Model Innovation of Governmental Information Service from Perspective of Credibility

【作者】 易臣何

【导师】 何振;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 图书馆学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪80年开始,随着电子网络技术发展,政府信息服务也开始进入迅速发展时期,特别是在2008年5月1日《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》实施以来,政府信息服务更是跨上了一个新台阶。然而实践中,政府和公众在信息资源的掌控上,存在着严重的不对称现象。一方面,政府基本垄断政府信息资源,且具有权威性;另一方面,公众对政府信息有着强烈的渴求,却得不到应有的满足。这种不对称性相当程度上造成了政府失信于民,政府信息服务公信力缺失。如何创新政府信息服务模式,提升政府信息服务公信力,是本文拟解决的关键问题,也是本文研究的着力点和闪光点。本文共分5章:第1章在分析选题背景及意义、国内外关于政府信息服务研究现状的基础上,提出了本文的研究思路、方法、内容概要和预期创新点。第2章在界定政府信息服务和公信力内涵的基础上,重点分析了基于公信力提升的政府信息服务基本特征及其内在逻辑契合。第3章在对政府信息服务公信力弱化的现象分析基础上,对政府信息服务的信息误选、信息失真、信息寻租等方面的突出问题进行了描述,并从观念文化、体制机制、数字鸿沟、运营机制等层面对政府信息服务公信力弱化成因进行了深层次解析。第4章在分析政府信息服务公信力弱化成因基础上,结合政府信息服务基本特征和需求层次,探讨了基于提升公信力的政府信息服务模式,包括政府主导、市场引导、公众参与等模式。第5章根据政府信息服务模式创新要求,树立了以人为本、公开透明、便捷高效的政府信息服务模式创新价值取向,改进服务关键技术,实行公共数据中心(PDC)法、虚拟数据中心(VDC)法、开放式WEB服务法等,并从制度安排、协调机制、流程结构、保真体系、沟通机制等五个方面构建了政府信息服务模式创新的保障机制。本文的研究成果及创新点主要有四个方面:一是深入研究政府信息服务与公信力提升的内在关系,寻求其互动的逻辑契合;二是对政府信息服务公信力弱化的现象、突出问题及其主要成因进行了深层次解析;三是探讨政府信息服务的政府主导、市场引导、公众参与的创新模式;四是从政府信息服务模式创新的价值理念、实施关键技术、保障机制等方面提出了对策建议。

【Abstract】 Since 1980s, governmental information service has been booming with the development of electric network technology. It has stepped into a new stage after the implementation of the Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on Disclosure of Government Information on May 1st, 2008. However, there is severe asymmetric information on the control of information resource between the government and the public. On one hand, the government almost has monopolistic control on government information resource, which is thought to be authoritative. On the other hand, the public seldom has deserved satisfaction on the information according to their strong craving for it. This phenomenon discredits the government to a large extent, that is, causes deficiency of the government’s credibility. Key problems that this article plans to solve are how to innovate in the model of and promote the credibility of governmental information service, which holds the concentration and virtue of this article.This article is slotted into five chapters. Chapter 1 puts forward the article’s train of thought, methods, content and prospective fresh points on the basis of analyzing the background and significance of choosing the topic for research and making comments on the domestic and overseas research about governmental information service. In chapter 2, on the basis of defining the connotation of governmental information service and credibility, the article focuses on analyzing the fundamental characteristics of credibility-promoted governmental information service and their internal logic consistency. In chapter 3, on the basis of analyzing weaken credibility of governmental information service, this part describes serious problems of information service concerning information mischoosing, information distortion, and information rent-seeking, etc., and deeply analyzes the causes for such weakening from level of cultural conception, level of institutions and mechanisms, level of digital gap, level of operation mechanism, and so on. Chapter 4 base on analyzing causes of restraining credibility of governmental information service, combining fundamental characteristics and hierarchy needs of governmental information service, discuss the governmental information service based on the development of credibility, which includes the government–dominated mode, market-leading mode and public-participating mode and so on.Chapter5,establishes the people-oriented, open and transparent, convenient and high-efficient model based on the innovation requirement of governmental information service model, impress the key technologies of service, and applies implementing measures of PDC, VDC, open WEB. This chapter establishes the guarantee mechanism on the model innovation of governmental information service from five aspects, that is, institutional arrangement, coordination mechanism, flowage structure, truth-guarantee system, and communication mechanism.Research results and innovations of this article entail three aspects. First, it studies deeply about internal relation between governmental information service and credibility promotion, in order to find their interactive logic consistency. Second, it analyze deeply the weaken credibility of governmental information service, serious problems and main causes of restraining credibility. Third, it discusses the governmental-dominated mode, market-leading mode and public-participating mode of governmental information service. Fourth, it gives measures and suggestions on value orientation, implementing measures of key technologies and guarantee mechanism and other aspects from the mode innovation of governmental information service.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期