

Research on Generation of Natural Sign Language Motion Sequence Based on Surface Semantic Analysis

【作者】 陈新伟

【导师】 周经野;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,随着社会的发展,信息无障碍的研究与发展越来越受到重视,但聋人在获取信息,尤其是实时性极强的新闻类信息时,依然存在着很大障碍。如何使用计算机技术帮助聋人提高他们对信息的接收能力成为一个既有极高科研价值,又有极强实际意义的课题。利用计算机多媒体技术并结合手语合成技术,使用卡通人通过手语来与聋人沟通,例如的手语新闻播报,已经在某些电视台使用了。这种信息传媒方式为聋人和正常人之间的信息交流提供了一个很好的沟通渠道。但是,目前手语新闻播报收视率相对较低,究其原因是聋人普遍反映看不懂。造成这种局面的原因,不仅有中国聋人手语手势标准化普及、播报中由于播音语速导致哑语手势过快、以及虚拟人面部表情单一等多种原因,还有一个很重要的原因就是目前卡通人的手语是按照正常人的语法而非聋人所使用的自然手语的语法来打手语的。这样最终造成了手语新闻让聋人,特别是文化基础差的聋人,很难看懂。因此让卡通人按照自然手语的语法规则而非我们的现代汉语语法规则来打手语就成为了一个亟待解决的重要问题。本文的研究工作就是针对这一问题而进行的。本文研究的内容是首先整理聋人自然手语的规则并将其形式化,然后在建立自然手语形式规则库的基础上,将现代汉语的文本自动生成相应的依照自然手语规则的的手语动作序列。我们的工作取得了以下研究成果:首先我们在对自然手语的语法研究相对匮乏的情况下建立了自然手语形式规则库。其包括:1、从句子、短语和修饰词三个层次建立了语序系统的倒装规则体系;2、在副词、量词等词典的基础上建立了自然手语的省略规则体系;其次我们使用表层语义结构的分析方法获得汉语文本的表层语义结构,然后再依据自然手语形式规则库中的规则将其转换为自然手语的动作序列。最后我们通过手语合成技术和卡通动画,搭建了一个手语的播报平台,用卡通人的动画来输出符合聋人习惯的自然手语播报动作序列。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of society, the research and development of information accessibility is attracting more and more attention, but there still exist some difficulties for the deaf in the access to information, in particular, strong real-time news information. How to use computer technology to assist the deaf to improve their ability to receive the information is a subject which has both high research value and great practical significance.Through adopting the computer multimedia technology and sign language synthesis techniques, cartoon people use sign language to communicate with the deaf, such as sign language news broadcast has been used by some television stations. This media provides a good communication channel for the exchange of information between the deaf and the normal. At present, however, sign language news audience ratings are relatively low for the feedback from the deaf is that they can’t understand them. The reasons for causing such a situation lies not only there is no widely popularity of standard deaf sign language in China but also excessive speed of sign language in radio broadcast, as well as the single facial expression of virtual humans and the sign language of the current the cartoon are in accordance with the normal grammar rules used the normal but not by the deaf. Thus eventually lead to the deaf, especially the deaf with little foundation knowledge, difficult to understand news sign.Therefore, it has become an urgent but essential issue for us to let the cartoon follow the grammar rules of natural sign language rather than grammar rules of modern Chinese language. This thesis mainly discusses this issue. The contents of this paper include: first of all, collect the rules of the natural deaf sign languages and formalize them; and then base on set- up natural sign language database, the version of modern Chinese can automaticly generate the corresponding sign language motion sequence in accordance with the natural sign language rules.Our research has got the following achievements:First of all, we have set up our natural sign language database with little referent information, including:1. We have set up the inversion system from the three levels: sentences, phrases and modifiers.2. We have set up natural sign language omission system based on adverbs, quantifiers, emotional words and so on. Second, we explore the surface semantic structure analysis method to obtain the surface semantic structure of Chinese text, and then on the basis of rules of natural sign language database, we convert it to motion sequence of natural sign language.Finally, we set up a broadcast platform with sign language to use the cartoon animation to output natural sign language broadcast motion sequence in line with the habits of the deaf through sign language technology synthesis and cartoon animation.

【关键词】 表层语义自然手语倒装省略
【Key words】 surface semanticnatural sign languageinversionomission
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期