

On the Industrialization of the High-Technology & Industrialization

【作者】 粟裕

【导师】 张建民;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 高科技产业化是与高科技成果产业化、商业化、市场化和国际化是联系在一起的。高科技是一种人才密集、知识密集、技术密集、资金密集、风险密集、信息密集、产业密集、竞争性和渗透性强,对人类社会的发展和进步具有重大影响的前沿科学技术。本文从高科技产业化何以必要、何以可能、何以实现三个方面系统阐述了高科技产业化的基础理论问题。高科技产业是高风险产业、高投入产业、高收益产业。“高科技产业化”与“科学技术是第一生产力”这一论断是密不可分的。科学技术已经成为生产力诸要素中起决定性作用的第一位要素;实现高科技产业化是转变我国经济增长方式的重要途径。同样,抓住机遇,加速高科技产业化是迎接知识经济时代最有力武器,是科教兴国的重要举措。高科技产业化需要一系列的环节:基础科学研究——应用科学研究——加工工艺设计——制造样品——形成产能。可以分为两个阶段,第一阶段是研究与开发(R&D)阶段;第二阶段是产能实现阶段。研究与开发经费成为发展的瓶颈口,其投入占国民生产总值的比重是科技政策的重要指标,具有国际可比性。我国的R&D比重多年徘徊,到2006年已经上升到1.4%,但比发达国家仍有较大差距。在高科技产业化诸环节中,从样品到批量生产最容易脱节,成为制约科技成果转化率的重要环节,我国的科技成果转化率一般来说只有20%左右,而发达国家科技成果转化率一般都有35%左右。高科技产业是科学、技术、生产一体化的生产体系。我们应选择我们有一定实力并有前途的课题或国外薄弱领域进行攻关,站在巨人的肩膀上,加快缩短差距。首先,要有效依托政府宏观调控,充分发挥政府组织管理作用。各级政府应对成果转化形成共识,把转化工作放在突出的位置,进行统筹规划与协调。为高新技术开发建立一系列配套支持服务。建立综合性、专业性咨询服务机构,为企业提供国内外经济信息、可行性论证、项目评估等方面的服务,帮助企业制定正确的研究开发计划和经营发展战略。政府需要制定相应的优惠倾斜政策,吸引资金,建立多渠道的融资体系,充分发挥政府在推动科技成果转化中的作用,加速科技成果的转化。其次,充分发挥市场导向作用,中试研究力求精益求精,最大程度上的保证科技成果转化的实际效益。要建立一个“科学—生产—经营”一体化的机制,有效推动人才培养机制,改革现存的企业产权制度和收入分配制度,加大鼓励高科技人才成长和发挥作用的政策力度。要从根本上解决科技成果转化率低的问题,还必须解决科研体制与企业机制等深层次问题,让科研院所与企业紧密结合,以市场发展为导向,产业化为目标,提高企业的自主创新能力,使企业成为创新主体。真正把国家经济社会的发展、把经济建设为中心进一步转移到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来。

【Abstract】 High-tech industrialization is correlated closely with the industrialization, commercialization, marketization and internationalization of high-tech achievements. High-tech, as a kind of forefront science and technology, can exert significant influence on the development and advancement of human society, with its talent-intensive, knowledge-intensive, technology-intensive, capital-intensive, risk-intensive, information-intensive, industry-intensive, competitive and permeable characteristics.This thesis systematically elaborates the fundamental theoretical problems of high-tech industrialization from the following three aspects: why is it necessary; how can it be possible; how can it be realized.High-tech industrialization is characterized by high-risk, high-investment and high-profits. There is an inextricably linked relationship between“high-tech industrialization”and the statement that“technology is the first productive force”.Technology has become the primary and decisive one among the factors of productivity; and it is an important approach to achieve high-tech industrialization in transforming economic growth mode in China. In the meantime, we should seize the opportunity to accelerate high-tech industrialization, because it’s our powerful weapon to employ when we enter the era of knowledge economy, and it’s our important measure to take when we carry out the policy of revitalizing China through science and education. There needs to be a series of links in the process of high-tech industrialization, including basic science research, applied science research, process techniques design, samples making and productivity forming. High-tech industrialization can be divided into two phases, taking research and development (R&D) phase as the first one and productivity realization phase as the other. Research and development funds have become the bottleneck in its developing process. The proportion of R&D investment to GDP has been taken as the important index of technological policy with international comparability. The investment proportion of R&D has been pacing up and down in China, which has been increased to 1.4% in 2006, but there is still huge distance to cover compared with the developed countries. The link from samples making to mass producing has been the most fragile one among the various links. It has been the biggest limitation in promoting technological achievements conversion rate, which is about 20% in China, while by contrast 35% in the developed countries.High-tech industrialization is a manufacturing system integrating science, technology and production. We should strive to make breakthrough on some promising projects or weak areas in foreign countries. It will help us narrow the gap by standing on the giants’shoulders. First of all, supported by the effective government macro-control efforts, we should bring its organization and management functions into full play. Government of all levels should reach a consensus on achievements conversion, putting it at highlighted place; they should make overall palns and coordinate them well; they should provide a series of supporting service for high-tech exploitation; they should establish comprehensive and professional consulting service organizations and provide enterprises with services, such as economic information home and broad, feasibility study, and project appraisal, which will help them make proper research & exploitation plans and management strategy; and government should give its full play to promote and accelerate high-tech achievements conversion by means of making favorable policies to attract more funds and establish multiple financing system. And then, we should give market orientation its full play and try to keep refining in pilot study, thus ensuring the practical benefits of high-tech achievements conversion to its utmost; we should establish a kind of integrating mechanism among“science, production and management”in order to promote talents cultivating mechanism effectively; we should reform the existing property rights system and income distribution system; and we should intensify the policy to encourage high-tech talents’growth and their function. But to solve the problems of low high-tech achievements conversion rates, we should also solve the deep-rooted problems, such as scientific research system problems and enterprises’mechanism problems; by ways of market–oriented and industrialization-targeted, we should combine research institutions closely with enterprises, with the aim to enhance their innovative capacity and to make them become mainstay of innovation. So that we can really transfer the center of social development and national economic construction to the track of development relying on the scientific & technological progress and the improvement of workers’quality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期