

A Preliminary Study on Design of Community Park

【作者】 纪芳华

【导师】 裘鸿菲;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 社区公园是城市绿地系统中的一个重要构成要素,也是最贴近居民日常生活的公园类型。随着人们对城市人居环境的日益关注,对邻近户外休闲娱乐空间的渴求,社区交往空间的缺乏,国内社区公园建设大规模兴起。虽然数量和规模都有了很大提高,但并不能完全满足居民的需要,在社区公园设计的过程中仍然存在着诸多问题,造成资金和土地资源的极大浪费。因此,研究社区公园的设计要点和设计方法是当前十分紧迫的课题,具有较大的理论意义和现实指导作用。论文首先对社区公园的概念和研究范畴进行了界定;根据公园的用地形态、公园与居住区的位置关系对社区公园进行了初步的分类;并从社会、经济、环境等角度分析了社区公园的功能现状和作用;提出公园服务人群针对性、空间功能多样性、设施和艺术开放性、可识别性、安全感和归属感等特征;分析了居民的行为方式、居住区建筑风格以及公众参与等主要因素对公园设计的影响。其次,以“以人为本”的设计理念和生态可持续性理论为依据,从总体布局上探讨了社区公园的选址、定位、立意、分区,分析总结出了可达性、整体性、公平性、生态性和实用性五条设计原则。然后,以公园的功能和特征为依据,分别论述了地形、水体、交通游线组织、种植设计、园林建筑及环境小品对社区公园的影响及其相应的设计原则和设计方法;并总结出了空间功能复合性、服务设施和环境小品人性化、生态理念介入三个社区公园设计的发展趋向。最后,论文结合实例分析,提出了社区公园设计需要遵循的调查收集民意、注重实效性和观赏性、遵循可持续发展原则三个方法,并对其未来设计的研究方向进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 As an important element of urban green space system, community park is a type of parks which mostly close to the daily life of the residents. With the increasing focus on the human residential environment, the desires of outdoor recreation nearby and a lack of community communication space, a large scale of community parks’ building has been arisen. Though it has a sensitivity improvement of quantity and scale, there are many problems in the process of design and building. As a result, it is an urgent issue of the study of design points and methods, and has the theoretical significance and practical guiding significance.First of all, this paper defines the conception of community park and research category. It has a preliminary classification of community park according to the land form, relations with park and residents. From the social, economic and environmental points of view, it analyzes the current situation and the function of community park. The paper summarizes some features, like pertinence of the service object, diversity of space function, openness of facilities and art, identifiability, security, belonging and so on. It also analyzes the mainly influence factors on park design, like behaviors of residents, architectural style of residents, public participation and so on. Secondly, according to "people-oriented" design concept and the theory of sustainable ecology, it discusses the site, orientation, purposive, area of the community park, and summarizes five principles of the design of community park: accessibility, integrity, fairness, ecological and practical. Then, based on the functions and features of the park, it explores the landform, water, traffic organization, planting design, landscape architecture and environmental pieces, and its corresponding design principles and methods. And on the basis of these, it summarizes the trend of design of community park from three points: the space of complex functions, service facilities and environmental pieces of humanity, and the application of ecological concept. Finally, with examples, the paper emphasizes three principles about design of community park: the investigation and collection of public opinions, effectiveness and appreciations, the principle of sustainable development. And it also discusses the future research direction of design.

【关键词】 社区公园总体布局景素设计
【Key words】 community parkgeneral layoutelementsdesign