

A Study on the Way to Develop Oceanic Economy in Ruian City

【作者】 高泉印

【导师】 严奉宪; 陈林;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是海洋世纪,海洋引起了世界上越来越多国家的重视。而海洋经济是支撑社会经济发展的物质基础,有关海洋经济发展的专项研究正在国内外兴起。近年来,我国沿海各省区市也纷纷行动起来,根据本地实际制定了各具特色的海洋开发计划。瑞安市作为东南沿海开放城市,沿海地带拥有丰富的海洋资源,海洋经济的发展潜力巨大,具有诸多有利条件,例如港口航道资源、海洋渔业资源、沿海滩涂资源、滨海旅游资源、海洋风能及潮汐能资源等等。大力发展海洋经济,对于促进瑞安经济可持续发展意义重大。该研究在文献分析的基础上,在海洋经济相关理论的指导下,从瑞安市情况出发,深入调查研究,分析瑞安市海洋经济发展的有利条件、存在问题。采用了定性研究与定量研究相结合、宏观研究与微观研究相结合、理论研究与实践研究相结合等等先进全面的研究方法,突出研究了发展港口海运业、现代海洋渔业、滨海旅游业、临港(滨海)工业、海洋新兴产业等主要产业并提出培育一个滨海特色的中心城市、建设一个现代化沿海工业贸易港口、规划两大独具特色的海岛发展区、构筑四条优势海洋产业带等区域布局。并由此提出了强化涉海基础设施建设、实施“科技兴海”战略、拓展海洋经济外向空间、健全海洋开发机制、海洋综合管理体制等发展海洋经济的对策建议。该研究可能的创新之处在于,在海洋经济发展理论的指导下,对一个县市海洋经济发展的制约因素以及优势所在进行分析,具体提出海洋经济发展的主要产业、区域布局以及对策建议,提供了从微观角度研究海洋经济发展可借鉴的思路,具有一定的理论价值和应用价值。但该研究在研究内容等还不够全面、深入,下步可在发挥市场机制对瑞安市海洋资源配置的基础作用,全面提高海洋经济发展素质,处理开发与保护、利用与增值的关系,建立完整统一、协调融合的海洋产业等建设海洋经济强市的难解之题、必解之题方面进行深入的研究。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is the ocean century. Ocean attracts more and more countries attention. Marine economy is the material base of social-economic development. Research on development of marine economy has sprung up both at home and abroad. In the past few years, coastal provinces and regions took action one after another. Based on local conditions, characteristic ocean development plan has been drawn up by local government. As a south-east coastal open city, Ruian has abundant ocean resources in its coastal areas. The development of marine economy has a huge potential, which has a lot of advantages such as harbour waterways resources, Marine Fishery resources, land-construction resources, coastal tourism resources, ocean wind and tide resources, etc. Vigorously developing marine economy is of great significance to improve the economic sustainable development of Ruian.This study is based on the literature analysis. From Ruian’s actual condition, this study analyzes the advantages and existing problems of Ruian’s marine economy development through in-depth investigation. The research combines the methods of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, macro visual study and microscopic study , theoretical research and action research, which are advanced and comprehensive. Emphasizing on developing harbour marine shipping service, modern marine fishery, coastal tourism and coastal industry, this study proposes cultivating a characteristic coastal central city, constructing a modern coastal industrial trade port, planning two unique characteristic island development areas and building four superior marine industrial zones ,etc. Based on the above, this study puts forward some proposals to develop marine economy as follows: strengthening the infrastructure construction of wade the sea, implementing the strategy of "prospering ocean with science", enlarging marine economy outward space, perfect ocean development mechanism and ocean comprehensive management system, etc.The study is innovative, because it aims to analysis both the restricted and advantaged factors of the Marine Economy in a city, under the rules of Marine Economy development theory; also, it projects the main industry,area division and countermeasures connected with the development of Marine Economy; further more,it provides some referential ideas to the development of Marine Economy from the micro historical view. However, it is still superficial to some extent, so it could do more analysis in depth from other views ,such as the primary function of market mechanism to the maritime resource in Ruian, how to advance marine economy overall, dispose the connection between development and protection, utilization and increment, so as to constitute the marine industry which is united and harmonious.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】447