

Seven Microsatellite Marker Related to Growth Trait in Boer Goat

【作者】 苏杰

【导师】 陈世林; 杨利国;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究采用了微卫星、PCR-RFLP两种方法旨在寻找与波尔山羊生长以及繁殖性状相关的标记。具体研究结果如下:1.选择与羊生长力相关联的微卫星基因座MCM218、OARFCB005、MAF050、MCM064、ETH225、HEL04和LSCV11,分析其在150只波尔山羊群体中的遗传多态性及与波尔山羊生长性状的关系。结果表明微卫星MCM218的178/178基因型,MAF050的181/181基因型,OARFCB005的202/202与220/198基因型,ETH225的157/167基因型以及微卫星MCM064的193/167基因型对波尔山羊的出生性状有正效应;MCM218的198/172基因型,MAF050的163/163基因型,OARFCB005的等位基因224bp,微卫星MCM064的195/195基因型,微卫星HEL04的159/159基因型和135/135基因型对波尔山羊的出生性状有负效应;微卫星MCM218的178/178基因型,微卫星ETH225的153/183基因型对波尔山羊的三月龄性状有正效应,微卫星MCM218的198/172基因型,ETH225的157/160基因型,微卫星OARFCB005的194/194基因型对波尔山羊的三月龄重以及三月龄体长有负效应;微卫星MAF050的187/167基因型对波尔山羊的周岁性状有正效应,微卫星LSCV11的171/153基因型,微卫星MCM218的198/172基因型对波尔山羊的周岁重性状有负效应,202/178基因型对周岁体长有负效应。2.将三个微卫星的固定效应进行合并观察它们与波尔山羊周岁性状的相关性,发现大多数合并基因型的最小二乘均值达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。3.分析4个山羊品种共348只山羊的PRLR基因第十外显子的部分序列,结果马头山羊、杂种马头山羊和波尔山羊中发现存在突变,努比山羊未发现突变位点。4.利用3个微卫星标记(LSCV11、MCM218、MAF050)对波尔山羊、马头山羊和努比山羊的等位基因频率、群体多态信息含量、有效等位基因数和杂合度进行检测,结果表明:3个微卫星位点在3个山羊群体中多态性较丰富,可以用于山羊遗传多样性的评估;山羊品种遗传变异程度从大到小依次为:马头山羊>努比山羊>波尔山羊。

【Abstract】 Boer goat population were analyzed to look for markers of genes related with growth trait by using methods Of Microsatellite,PCR-RFLP.The specific result as follow:1. microsatellite markers which include MCM218、OAKFCB005、MAF050、MCM064、ETH225、HEL04 and LSCV11 were chosen to analyze the genetic polymorphism of 150 of Boer goat. Result shows 178/178 of MCM218,181/181 of MAF050,202/202 and 220/198 Of OARFCB005,157/167 of ETH225 and 193/167 of MCM064 were positively correlated to growth trait; 198/172 of MCM218,163/163 of MAF050,224bp of OARFCB005、195/195 of MCM064、159/159 and 135/135 of HEL04 had negative correlation with birth trait; 178/178 of MCM218, 153/183 of ETH225 were positively correlated to weaning trait; 198/172 of MCM218, 157/160 of ETH225,194/194 of OARFCB005 had negative correlation with wean trait; 187/167 of MAF050 were positively correlated to one-year-old trait; 171/153 of LSCV11,198/172 of MCM218 had negative correlation with one-year-old weight,202/178 of MCM218 had negative correlation with one-year-old length.2.Carried on the fixed effect of 3 microsatellite were merged,the correlation between merge genotype and the growth trait in boer goat showed the least squares means had reached significant(P<0.05).3. Mutations in PRLR exon 10 only found in Matou goat, Zazhong Matou and Boer by PCR-RFLP, Nubi goat were not found.4.Gene frequency, polymorphism information content, number of effective alleles and heterozygosity were studied in 348 Boer, Matou and Nubi goats using 3 microsatellite markers(LSCV11,MCM218andMAF050). The results indicated that there were genetic polymorphisms at these 3 microsatellite markers which can be used for genetic diversity evaluation in goat breeds. The population genetic variability of Matou goat was the highest, followed by Nubi goat, Boer goat.

【关键词】 波尔山羊生长性状微卫星PCR-RFLP
【Key words】 Boer goatGrowth traitMicrosatellitePCR-RFLP
  • 【分类号】S827
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】117