

Studies on Larval Respiratory Systems and Respiratory Behaviors of Two Aquatic Fireflies

【作者】 郑霞林

【导师】 雷朝亮;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 萤火虫泛指鞘翅目萤科(Coleoptera:Lampyridae)昆虫,全世界已记录2,000多种,而水生萤火虫是萤火虫种类中稀少的一类,目前仅记录7种。雷氏黄萤是在武汉发现的一新种水生萤火虫,幼虫主要生活在水底,属底栖类水生昆虫,而条背萤幼虫主要漂浮在水面,通过游泳活动,属浮游类水生昆虫。两种水生萤火虫主要生活在清澈、干净的、水流缓慢且浅的湖泊、小溪或稻田中,以多种小型螺类为食,是有害螺类的生物天敌。同时幼虫对水质的要求较高,可作为一种水质监测昆虫。由于城市化进程的加快,以及人类对自然环境的破坏,致使对环境污染敏感的两种水生萤火虫分布范围逐步缩小。本文研究这两种水生萤火虫幼虫呼吸系统构造及呼吸行为的差别,利用雷氏黄萤的呼吸行为特性研究适合雷氏黄萤幼虫饲养的水环境参数,为室内规模化饲养条件提供参考依据,同时研究雷氏黄萤幼虫对不同水质的呼吸行为反应,为利用其呼吸行为指标监测水质奠定基础。总而言之是为雷氏黄萤的人工“复育”和利用提供参考依据。通过显微解剖,结合透射电镜和扫描电镜,观察比较了条背萤Luciola substriata(鞘翅目Coleoptera:萤科Lampyridae)幼虫两个不同龄期呼吸系统的差异。1-2龄幼虫的呼吸系统中只有气管无气囊,3-6龄幼虫的呼吸系统中气管和气囊并存。1-2龄幼虫的尾气门和3-6龄幼虫的腹部侧气门及尾气门结构没有差异。透射电镜观察发现条背萤1-2龄幼虫体壁上的毛状物为气管鳃。研究了雷氏黄萤Luciola leii(鞘翅目Coleoptera:萤科Lampyridae)幼虫的呼吸系统及其呼吸行为。雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸系统中只有气管无气囊。前胸、中胸和后胸均分布有气门,无气管鳃,腹部1-8节分布有气门和气管鳃,气门腔基部和气管鳃基部相连,呈“√”状,气管鳃内气管与气门气管相连通。通过观察和室内实验发现,雷氏黄萤和条背萤幼虫将气门伸出水面都与呼吸相关。雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸行为分为3种:利用胸部气门呼吸、腹部气门呼吸和气管鳃呼吸,其中以腹部气门呼吸为主。腹部气门呼吸可分为5种方式,其中呼吸时间最长的可达8 h-12 h。条背萤幼虫在仰泳的过程中,利用惯性可将具气门的腹节暴露于空气中,即游泳行为与呼吸行为同时发生。条背萤1-2龄幼虫体壁上布满气管鳃,主要营气管鳃呼吸,也可停留在水生植物叶片下方,将尾气门从叶片边缘伸出暴露于空气中,但它一般不会爬出水面将整个体躯暴露于空气中。3-6龄幼虫无气管鳃,只有腹气门,且气门外无疏水性绒毛。在仰泳过程中可利用惯性通过7个步骤将具气门的各腹节定期地暴露于空气中。除此之外,3-6龄幼虫还可爬至水生植物叶片上面,将整个体躯暴露于空气中。研究了水温、水深度及饲养密度对雷氏黄萤幼虫呼吸行为的影响。结果表明,水温可导致幼虫爬出水面呼吸时间最长可达8.83±1.34 h,呼吸频率(FR)最高达2.3次/h,两次呼吸间隔时间(SI)最小为0.53±0.27 h。5-70 cm的水深均不会导致1-6龄幼虫死亡,且不影响幼虫的呼吸行为。不同饲养密度对幼虫呼吸行为的影响较大,最有利于幼虫呼吸的饲养密度约为1-3头/64.8cm~3。选择武汉城区4种不同水质,研究其对雷氏黄萤幼虫呼吸行为的影响。探讨利用雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸指标作为监测多污染源混合废水水质的可行性。研究结果表明,Ⅲ类(东湖)、Ⅳ类(汤逊湖)、Ⅴ类(野芷湖)和劣Ⅴ类(南湖)四类水质与对照(CK)相比较,对雷氏黄萤幼虫昼夜的呼吸行为均有影响。雷氏黄萤幼虫刚接触Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质均有明显反应,以劣Ⅴ类水质影响最大,达到显著水平(P<0.05)。在劣Ⅴ类水质条件下,雷氏黄萤幼虫呼吸频率达14±4.2次/h,呼吸间隔时间达0.53±0.3 h,呼吸持续时间达6.88±1.6 h,其呼吸持续时间和呼吸频率(FR)均高于Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类水质,呼吸间隔时间(SI)均低于Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类水质。结果显示雷氏黄萤幼虫的昼夜呼吸行为、呼吸持续时间、呼吸频率(FR)、呼吸间隔时间(SI)可作为多污染源混合废水水质的敏感生物学监测指标。

【Abstract】 Firefly(Coleoptera:Lampyridae),which had recorded 2,000 species,was distributing extensively in the world,but aquatic firefly was very rare,only had it named 7 species.A new aquatic species,Luciola leii(Coleoptera:Lampyridae),which is mainly living at the bottom in the natural water environment,belongs to one kind of benthic aquatic insects.However,Luciola substriata(Coleoptera:Lampyridae) mostly float on the surface in the natural water environment and move by back swimming,it belong to one kind of planktonic aquatic insects.The two aquatic fireflies were living in the lake, stream and paddyfield,which were characterized of clean,slow current and shallow.And these larvae,which eat of miniature aquatic snail,were the biologic nature enemy. Meanwhile,larvae need upper request for water quality,so the larvae may be deemed to one kind of water quality of monitoring insect.Due to the quicken process of urbanization, and destroy of human to nature environment.So the areas of habitat were gradually reduced.This dissertation was to study the dissimilarity of the respiratory system and respiratory behavior in Luciola leii and Luciola substriata.Study the optimal water environment parameter for larval breeding of Luciola leii,in order to provide scientific data for indoors large-scale rearing,and to study the larval feedback to different water quality,in order to provide scientific data for water quality of monitoring,according the characteristic of respiratory behavior.The structure of respiratory system during the 1st - 2nd instar and the 3rd - 6th instar of Luciola substriata larva was observed using micro-dissection,transmission electron microscope(TEM) and scanning electron microscope(SEM).The 1st - 2nd instar larva had trachea without air sacs,while the 3rd - 6th instar larva had trachea and air sacs in the respiratory system.The structure of the posterior spiracles of the 1st - 2nd instar larva was the same as that of the 3rd - 6th instar larva.Observations by TEM believed that the hairs on the culticle were tracheal gills.In this paper,we studied the structure of respiratory system and respiratory behaviors of Luciola leii larvae.The results showed that there had only tracheas without air sacs in the whole respiratory system of L.leii larvae.The spiracles were located on the prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax where had no tracheal gills distributed,the spiracles and tracheal gills were located on the 1st - 8th segments of abdomen,tracheal gills connected with the basement of the atrium which formed the shape of "√",and the tracheas in the tracheal gills connected with the spiracular trachea.The aim of exposed spiracles to air of L.leii and L.substriata are relative to respire through laboratory experiments and observations.L.leii larvae had three kinds of respiratory behaviors:using thoracic spiracles,abdominal spiracles and tracheal gills to breathe respectively.However,the abdominal spiracles were primarily used among them, which are mainly divided five ways in which the longest respiratory time is 8 h - 12 h.In the process of back swim of L.substriata,some abdominal segments with spiracles could expose to the air by swimming inertia,namely swim behavior and respiratory behavior occurred simultaneously.1st - 2nd instar larvae had tracheal gills,which primary respiratory organ.At the same time,they exposed their eighth abdominal segment to air when at rest,which usually occurred when 1st - 2nd instar larvae staying under the aquatic plant leaves(e.g.,Lemna minor(Arecidae:Lemnaceae)).In general,larvae did not crawl to the top of leaves and exposed its whole body to air.3rd - 6th instar larvae had only abdominal spiracles that had no hydrofuge hairs and without tracheal gills.During back swim of 3rd - 6th instar larvae,larval abdominal segments were periodically exposed to the air by inertia of seven swim steps.Besides,3rd - 6th instar larvae could crawl to the top of leaves to expose their whole body to air.We reported the influences of water temperature,depth and rearing density on respiratory behavior of 1st - 6th stages of L.leii larva.The results showed that respiratory duration was 8.83±1.34 h,the highest respiratory frequency(FR) was 2.3 times / h,the shortest subsurface interval(SI) duration was 0.53±0.27 h,and the optimal water temperature was approximately 23℃.Water depths of 5 cm - 70 cm didn’t lead to the death and didn’t influence respiratory behavior of 1st - 6th stages of L.leii larva.Different rearing density had more influences on L.leii larva,and the optimal rearing density was 1 - 3 individuality/64.8 cm3.The effects of four different kinds of water quality in urban waters of Wuhan on the larval respiratory behavior of L.leii(Coleoptera:Lampyridae) were evaluated by laboratory experiments.The feasibility was discussed to monitor multi - polluted and mixed wastewater by indexes of respiratory behavior.The results showed that the larval respiratory behavior of L.leii in lighted and dark conditions(simulation daylight and night - time) was influenced by typeⅢ(Donghu Lake),typeⅣ(Tangxun Lake),typeⅤ(Yezhi Lake) and type inferiorⅤ(Nanhu Lake) water qualities,compared with tap water(CK).These larvae had distinctly different responses when they were put into typeⅢ,typeⅣ,typeⅤand type inferiorⅤwater qualities.Type inferiorⅤhas the most significant influence on larval respiratory behavior among them(P<0.05).Under experimental conditions,the respiratory frequency(FR) in type inferiorⅤwater quality was 14±4.2 times / h,subsurface interval duration(SI) was 0.53±0.3,and the time of respiration was 6.88±1.6 h.The time of respiration and respiratory frequency(FR) were higher under typeⅢ,typeⅣand typeⅤwater qualities,subsurface interval durations (SI) were shorter with typeⅢ,typeⅣand typeⅤwater qualities.This results showed that the respiratory behavior of L.leii.In day and night,specifically the time of respiration,FR and SI could be used as a method of monitoring water quality for multipolluted and mixed wastewater.
