

A Study on Cheng Duanli and Cheng Shi Jia Shu Du Shu Fen Nian Ri Cheng

【作者】 罗玉梅

【导师】 石义堂;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 程端礼《程氏家塾读书分年日程》自问世以来,就受到人们的普遍关注,或抄或刻,形成了两大版本系统:一是在1315年成书后的二十年间,社会上辗转传抄,或刊刻行世的本子;二是在1335年11月,经过程端礼最终修订,并刊刻于甬东家塾的本子,由于该书内容概要,卷数较少,故之后又出现了许多此为底本的重刻本和抄本。在元、明、清时期,这先后形成的两大版本系统的抄本和刻本,均有传本广泛流布于世,所产生的影响较为深远。本文即以这部向来被人们看作是“目录学”、“推荐书目的先导”、“封建时代的教学计划”、“读书工程学”等的著作及其著者为主,分别从著者生平及教育思想,著作产生的背景、多样书名的由来及元代教育的独特性等方面进行较为详实的系统考察,认为它是我国古代较为完备的汉语文教学大纲。特别是它所规定的学习者从幼儿至一生学习与研究汉语文的基本方法,对我们今天的语文教育与研究有着很大的裨益。本文以“总-分-总”式结构,即共分为三个部分完成了本课题整体研究内容的撰述。第一部分是绪论。首先通过对该课题研究史的回顾与现状的分析,理清了该研究课题目前在学界存在的实际状况。然后以此为基础,既从整体上阐述了本课题研究的主旨所在与现实意义,为研究工作指明了行进的方向;又具体分析了本课题研究中所采用的思路与方法,使研究过程更为切实有效。第二部分是分论。由三部分组成:一是文本的外部研究,即通过程端礼的生平与著述情况的深入探讨,重在挖掘其语文教育思想,并进一步揭示著者与本课题研究的文本所相关联的诸多内容,为其后的研究作好铺垫。二是从文本的外部转向内部的研究,即通过考述《程氏家塾读书分年日程》成书背景与多样化名称的由来,并依据文本具体内容的分析,指出它因为具备当时各类以汉语为教学语言的学校教与学的通用性质而被元政府颁布,成为一部具有官方性质的文件,进而界定出文本所具有的性质。三是文本内部与现实相结合的研究,即先对文本所载主要内容进行逐一梳理,并作出较为细致的分类剖析,归纳出其自所居有的特点;而后再从当代诸多著作对《程氏家塾读书分年日程》的认识入手,结合元代语言教、学、用多样性的实际状况与当时蒙古语为国语以及蒙古语、汉语、波斯语并行的特殊情形,论述元代学校系统的多元性与复杂性。最后再通过相关术语的对比,并结合百年以来我国语文教学大纲外部形态和内部特征的比较分析中,指出它是我国古代较为完备的汉语文教学大纲。第三部分总体论述程端礼及其著述的影响与启示。首先厘清它对后世教育的长远影响,然后进一步阐述其对我们现今制定语文课程标准的启示。

【Abstract】 Since Cheng Duanli’s Cheng Shi Jia Shu Du Shu Fen Nian Ri Cheng’s birth, it gains the people’s general concern, copied or carved , arriving at two versions:One is the version which circulated in the world in the two decades after 1315 the year the book was completed.The other is the one well engraved in the book of Yongdong Ka, after Cheng Duanli’s final amendment in November 1335.But due to the less summary of the book and volume,many re-editions and manuscripts dibon in this book emerged.During the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties,the manuscripts and editions which has formed two versions are widely spread all over the world. The impact is far-reaching. In this paper,through analyzing this book which has always been viewed as "Bibliography" , "The guide to recommend bibliography“、" teaching plans of feudal times "and"engineering school", the writer expedites from the author’s life and educational notion, the background work, the origin of the variety title and uniqueness of the Yuan Dynasty’s education respectively, considering it is a comparatively complete Chinese syllabus in Ancient China.In particular, the basic methods that it provides learners from early childhood to lifelong learning and researching Chinese,is benefited to our language education and research today." Total - sub - total " structure is used to complete the work of comprehensive study in this subject.The first part is introduction.First of all, through reviewing the research history and analyzing the status quo ,the paper clarifies out the actual situation existing in the academic research. Then based on this, it puts forward the overall gist of this study and its practical significance, pointing out the direction of the reseaech;but also, it gives a concrete analysis of the ideas and methods used in this research,making the process of study more effective.The second part is the sub-theory. This article consists of three parts:The first is the external research of the text. That is,through the depth study of Cheng Duanli’s life story and writings, the writer focuses on exploiting his ideas of language education, and further reveals how the author relates to the research of the text, paving the way for the following research.The second is the research shifting from external to internal. That is, through tracing back to the writing background of Cheng Shi Jia Shu Du Shu Fen Nian Ri Cheng and the origin of the diverse title, and based on the analysis of the specific content of the text,this paper points out that just because of its general nature of teaching and learning in all kinds of schools with Chinese as the medium of instruction,it has been promulgated by the Government Yuan, and become a document with official nature, and then the nature of the text is defined.The third is the research that combine the internal of the text with the actuality. That is ,through combing the main content the text contained ,the paper makes a more detailed classification analysis,and then sums up the characteristics they have.And then starting from what a number of contemporary works understands the Cheng Shi Jia Shu Du Shu Fen Nian Ri Cheng, it combined the actual situation of the diversity of the Yuan language teaching、learning and using with the special circumstances of using Mongolian as the mother tongue and of Mongolian, Chinese, Farsi co-existence, elaborating the complexity or diversity of the school’s system during the Yuan Dynasty .Finally, through comparison of the relevant terms, combining with the analysis of the external and internal morphological characteristics of the language curriculum in China in the past hundreds of years, it points out that it is a more complete Chinese syllabus in Ancient China.The third part is the general discussion which includes Cheng Duanli、the impact and enlightenment of his writings. First,it sorts out its long-term impact to the education of future generations, and then elaborated the enlightenment to our present-day Chinese courses standard.

  • 【分类号】G629.299
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204