

Study on Origin of the Entropy of the Black Hole

【作者】 申北智

【导师】 袁萍;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 原子与分子物理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 1972年,Bekenstein证明:黑洞有熵,它的熵等于视界面积的四分之一。Hawcking等人也证明:黑洞事件视界的面积永不减少。黑洞面积与第二定律类似性,使得人们把黑洞面积与黑洞熵等同起来。1993年,t’Hooft提出全息原理:时空中某一区域的最大熵与它的表面积相关,而与体积无关。而传统场论里的熵是广延性的。它大大消减了传统场论中的量子态数,因而被认为是解决宇宙常数的最有力的工具。随后,Cohen等人建议:具有紫外截止频率与红外截止频率关系的有效场论使得宇宙常数经量子修正后与观测值一致。取红外截止为目前可观测宇宙的大小,所得到的暗能量为10 ?5 2cm ?2的量级,与观测值一致,缓解了宇宙常数问题。利用全息原理我们发现一个熵就是全息荧屏的一个Planck矩形,对应着区域内的一个粒子。表面积的增加意味着区域内粒子数的增多。运用这个原理,求得宇宙的半径与观测值一致。并且重新表述了热力学第二定律:时空中某一区域的粒子数总在增加。又用Einstein场方程作了论证,也证实了真空衰减学说。利用Friedmann方程我们发现:传统的能量守恒定律遭到了破坏,如果把暗能量,暗物质,普通粒子和辐射作为一个整体,能量守恒定律可以幸存下来。暗能量和普通粒子相互转化,能量既可从暗能量流向普通物质,也可从普通物质流向暗能量。现阶段,能量主要从暗能量流向普通物质。我们认为,这个熵就是Hawcking辐射中的黑洞熵的起源。

【Abstract】 Bekenstein(1972,1973,1974)suggested that a black hole actually carries an entropy equal to its horizon area ,4SBH = A .The area theorem(Hawcking,1971) states that the area of black hole event horizon never decreases with time: dA≥0.Assuming weak gravity ,spherical symmetry ,and other conditions one finds that the entropy in a region of space is limited by the entropy in a region of space ia limited by the area of its boundary. Based on spherical entropy bound ,’t Hooft (1993) and Sussind (1995)formulated a holographic principle: the number of independent degrees of freedom residing inside the relevant region is bounded by the surface area in Planck units, instead of by the relevant region.Such bounds establish black holes as maximally entropy objects of a give size, and postulate that the maximum entropy inside the relevant region behaves non-extensively, growing only as its surface area. Cohen and collaborators suggested sometime ago , that in quantum field theory a short distance cut-off is related to a long distance cut-off due to the limit set by formation of a black hole. An effective local quantum field theory with UV and IR cutoffs in accordance with holographic entropy bounds is capable of rendering the cosmological constant (cc) stable against quantum corrections. By setting an IR cutoff to length scales relevant to cosmology, one easily obtains the currently observedρΛ= 10 ?52cm?2, Thus alleviating the CC problem. In terms of holographic principle we analyze entropy once again , obtaining cosmological radius agree with the currently observed 10? 25m.According to holographic principle, we think entropy is made up of the number of the particles with different scale. In conventional quantum field theories, entropy denote number of the particles with electronic scale, In a black hole entropy denote number of the particles with Planck scale. With it wo reformulate the second law: the number of particles residing inside the relevant region never decreases. We demonstrate it with Einstein field equation. We also demonstrate decaying vacuum. We find the constant energy law inviolate, but we unify dark energy, dark matter, common matter, he constant energy law survies. There exists an interaction between matter and the CC which causes a continuous transfer of energy from matter to the CC and vice versa . We think this entropy just is the Hawcking radiation entropy.
