

Research on the Originality of Image Art and Propagation in Digital Age

【作者】 史剑辉

【导师】 杨晓宏;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 信息时代,人们学会了利用一切媒介搭建传播平台。影像作为众多传播媒介中的一员,其信息承载量、视觉冲击力、艺术表现力、心灵震撼力、记忆保持期似乎比别的媒介更为突出。数字化时代,影像不仅是人们传播活动的重要工具,也是老少皆宜的艺术载体。有效地传播信息需要创意,打造精良的影像艺术作品更需创意。影像作为叙事文本,必然有自身的叙事结构和修辞方法。全球化传播中,各种思想文化激荡碰撞,努力追寻认同与独立;各类媒介竞相生存,自觉走向融合与发展。所有这些在影像技术的支持下暗流涌动、心照不宣。在此背景下,数字时代影像艺术创意与传播研究有其理论与现实需要。本论文从影像本体入手,对影像、影像艺术的创意层面、影像媒介及影像艺术流变与发展趋势等一系列问题进行了理论的剖析与实例的论证,主要分为五部分。第一部分论述影像本体及影像艺术审美特征。这一部分主要对影像的认识功能、传播特性进行了解读,在此基础上归纳总结了影像、影像艺术的定义及影像艺术的审美特征。第二部分论述了影像语言。这一部分从对普通语言的解读入手,分析了影像语言特性及具体层面。第三部分论述了影像艺术生态环境。这一部分从解读创意时代为切入点,归纳了创意的概念,总结了影像艺术创意产业的创意需求,分析论证了数字代时影像艺术传播环境。第四部分论述了影像艺术创意。这一部分从本文召唤结构、影像艺术文本层、影像叙事层、影像修辞层等四个方面分析论证了影像艺术创意的具体层面,并对影像艺术创意的文化意义进行了分析论证。第五部分论述了数字时代影像传播媒体融合及艺术的流变。这一部分主要分析论证了传统媒体传播困境与主体作为,对影像媒体融合发展、影像艺术流变等现象进行了梳理论证。

【Abstract】 In information age, people have learned to construct propagation platform through using various media.The image, as one of various propagation media, seems to be more outstanding than others in the load of amounts, impact to eyes, expression of arts, shock of heart, span of keeping memory. In digital age, the portrait is not only an important means of spreading action, but also an art carrier for the old and young. Spreading information effectively needs originality, and more so making excellent portrait artwork. As a narrative text, the image surely has its narrative structure and rhetoric method. In global propagation, various thoughts and culture interact and shock in making efforts to seek recognition and independence. various media compete and co-exist to melt and development automatically. All above surges from the undercurrent to water surface and become an understanding thing under provision of the image technology. In this situation, the originality of image arts in digital age and propagation research have their necessity theoretically and practically.This thesis begins with portrait ontology and aims to analyse theoretically and reason practically this flow problems: original level of image and image arts, image media, change and development of image arts,etc. In five chapters.The first part discusses image ontology and aesthetic features of image arts. This part mainly explains the recognizing function of image and spreading features, on the basis of which, summing up the definition of image and aesthetic features of image arts.The second part discusses image language. This part begins with reading common language and analyses the features of image language and concrete level.The third part discusses ecological environment of image art. This part begins with explaining innovative age and summarizes the definition of innovation and the request in innovative industry of image arts, and then analyses and reasons the propagation settings in digital age.The fourth part discusses the originality of image art. The part discusses the four specific levels of image art originality, such as "summon structure of context", text level of image art, image narrative level, image rhetoric level, and then analyses cultural significance of image art originality.The fifth part discusses the melt of propagation media and change in art in digital age. This part mainly analyses and discusses propagation suffering of traditional media, subject activity, the melt and development of image art and its change.

【关键词】 影像影像语言影像艺术创意媒体融合
【Key words】 Imageimage languageimage artoriginalitymedia convergence
  • 【分类号】J110.99;G206
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】594