

The Study of Prosocial Behavior Choice for Adolescent in Different Virtual Guilt Types

【作者】 刘金梅

【导师】 杨玲;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 内疚是一种与人际交往紧密联系的负性自我意识情绪体验,霍夫曼把内疚分为违规内疚和虚拟内疚,亲社会行为在社会生活中是一种普遍的行为。作为对个体所经历的不良事件进行评价和认知的产物,内疚可以引发亲社会行为。本研究用情境故事法探讨了10-18岁青少年的不同虚拟内疚类型与亲社会行为选择之间的关系。研究结果表明:1.青少年对不同类型的虚拟内疚的体验强度存在年级差异,虚拟内疚的体验强度随年龄的增长逐渐加强,在初中阶段,对虚拟内疚的体验出现出现反增长;2.对家人与对同伴在不同虚拟内疚类型中其体验强度存在差异;3.在不同虚拟内疚类型中移情水平影响个体的虚拟内疚体验强度;4.在不同虚拟内疚类型中,不同年级青少年对亲社会行为类型的选择无显著差异,其行为选择的可能性存在差异;5.不同虚拟内疚类型中,对家人和对同伴选择亲社会行为的可能性存在差异;6.对亲社会行为选择的可能性受到虚拟内疚体验强度的影响。

【Abstract】 Guilt is a kind of negative self-conscious emotion to associate with human relations . Hoffman believes that guilt include transgression guilt and virtual guilt. Prosocial behavior is a kind of widespread behavior in social life, and the result that individuals estimate and cognize negative experience about themselves can cause prosocial behavior. This study tries to find the relation between prosocial behavior choice and different virtual guilt types about adolescent aged 10-18 with situation-based story. The results show that :1. Adolescent’s virtual guilt experience have significant difference in different virtual guilt types . It gradually increased with growing up , and it exists antigrowth at junior middle school .2.Adolescent’s virtual guilt experience have significant difference for between the families and friends.3.Adolescent’s empathy level can influence their virtual guilt experience in different virtual guilt types.4.Adolescent’s prosocial behavior choosing in different virtual guilt types have no significant difference for different grades, but the possibility of their prosocial behavior chossing have significant difference .5.The possibility of adolescent’s prosocial behavior choosing in different virtual guilt types have significant difference for between the families and friends.6.Adolescent’s virtual guilt experience intensity can influence the possibility of their prosocial behavior choice.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】515