

A Study on the Pattern and Policy of the Minority Bilingual Teacher’s Training

【作者】 黄维海

【导师】 王鉴;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 双语教学就是在教学中使用两种语言作为工具进行教学的现象。我国是一个多民族统一的国家,根据各少数民族发展的需要和意愿,在民族地区的学校开设双语教学,是我国民族教育政策中的一项基本政策。少数民族双语教师作为双语教学的直接实施者,对其进行培训以提高双语教学质量是发展民族教育的客观需要。而且,对少数民族双语教师这样一个特殊的教师群体而言,使用两种语言进行教学在表面上是语言技巧问题,隐藏在现象背后的是深层次的跨文化适应问题。因此,对少数民族双语教师培训展开专门的研究显得非常必要。在对我国少数民族地区教师培训的现状、特点、存在的问题、已有培训模式和政策法规等方面及美国、加拿大等国相关研究资料进行搜集、整理和分析的基础上,本研究以成人教育理论、语言心理学理论和跨文化适应理论作为研究的理论基础,进行了实地调查研究。基于对现有资料和实地调查的分析,本研究提出少数民族地区双语教师的培训,在国家对教师培训的整体要求基础上,应当突出针对性、实效性、实践性和先进性的特点,以培养合格的双语教师并逐步形成一支能力较强、年龄和梯队结构合理的骨干教师、学科带头人、教育教学专家队伍为目标,根据双语教师的不同水平、所处的不同职业阶段、遇到的不同困难,建构一个多层次、分重点的少数民族地区多元文化教师培训模式。在培训内容上,应当涵盖日常教学,教师自身提高,学生及班级管理和多元文化及双语教学类四个大类19个方面,并在整体设计后形成一个融合式的多元文化培训内容体系。同时,针对各层级、各职级的教师在培训中的不同需要,体现出不同的培训重点,使受训教师在专业学科、教育教学、个体发展等方面获得全面的提高。在具体设计和组织实施过程中,培训应当从注重教转为注重学,灵活采用参与式、讨论式、案例式、合作学习、探究学习等方式,帮助成人实现自我导向学习。少数民族双语教师培训的正常和有效开展,不仅涉及微观操作层面,更需要宏观层面的支持,需要国家在培训的制度化,协调化,经费保障,评价机制和学术理论研究等方面在政策上予以保障。

【Abstract】 Bilingual teaching is a phenomenon of using two languages in teaching progress. China as a multi-national country, implementing the bilingual teaching in minority regions according to the needs and wishes for development is a basic policy of our national education policies. Training of the minority bilingual teachers, the direct actor of bilingual teaching, to improve their quality in bilingual education, is the objective needs to develop the national education. Moreover, the minority bilingual teachers, being a special group of teachers, teaching in two languages needs language skills on the surface, hidden behind this is the deep-seated cross-cultural adaptation. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out a special study for the training of minority bilingual teachers.On the basis of current situation, characteristics, existing problems, training patterns and policies of teacher’s training in minority regions of China and related researches of the United States, Canada and other countries, this study conducted an on-the-spot investigation and research supported by adult education theory, psycholinguisticsand cross-cultural adaptation theory.By analyzing the existing data and on-the-spot investigation, this study brought forward that bilingual teacher’s training in minority regions should focus on targeted, effective, practical and advanced features, aim at fostering qualified bilingual teachers and gradually forming a team which is consisted of skeleton teachers, academic leaders and educational experts. According to the different levels, professional stage and various difficulties that bilingual teachers have encountered, this study also constructs a multi-level, importance-oriented multi-cultural teacher’s training pattern in minority regions. Related to content, the training should cover daily teaching, teacher’s self-improvement, students and classes management and multi-cultural teaching of total four categories including 19 factors, then form a system of integrated multi-cultural training. Moreover, according to the various needs of different levels and ranks, the training should focus on emphasis of improving professional disciplines, capacity of education and teaching, and individual development. In the progress of specific design and implementation, the training should center on learning instead of teaching, and flexibly using both participatory, discussion, case, cooperative, and inquiry learning, etc to help adults achieve self-directed learning ability.Normal and effective implement of Minority bilingual teacher’s training not only involve micro-operational level, but the needs of the macro level support. Government should carry out policies with aspect of institution, coordination, financial security, appraisal, and academic research.

【关键词】 少数民族双语教师培训模式政策
【Key words】 MinorityBilingual TeacherTrainingPatternPolicy
  • 【分类号】G755.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】382