

A Study of the Ordinary High School Update Chinese Language Textbook New Addition Articles

【作者】 李硕臣

【导师】 石义堂;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 语文教科书的选文是学生进行语文学习的重要凭借,也是学生获取文化养分的重要资源。培养学生的文化底蕴成为我国语文教学领域的一块重要阵地。因此,注重语文教科书选文的文化价值,成为目前我国语文教科书选文和语文教学的重要历史使命。众所周知,我国语文教科书选文传统由来已久,这既为研究语文教科书选文的文化价值提供了丰富的研究基础,同时也为语文教科书选文文化价值的发掘积累了宝贵的经验。同时高中阶段,是学生人生观、世界观、价值观养成定型的重要时期,语文教科书选文通过语文教学给与学生耳濡目染的影响是不可估量的;加之教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的精神和《普通高中语文课程标准(实验)》中新课程理念的提出,研究普通高中语文教科书选文的文化价值具有实际意义。本研究选取人民教育出版社出版,课程教材研究所、中学语文课程教材研究开发中心、北京大学中文系、北京大学语文教育研究所在贯彻教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的精神、落实《普通高中语文课程标准(实验)》提出的新课程理念和推进我国普通高中语文课程改革的基础上共同合作编著出一套包括5门必修课和16门选修课在内的《普通高中新课程标准实验教科书.语文》系列教材中的必修课语文教科书中的50篇新增选文,从形式和内容,以具体选文文化价值为例,分类别对其进行选文文化价值分析。这套语文教科书中的新增50篇选文代表了语文课程专家、语文教材编写者、一线语文教师对2003年我国颁布的《普通高中语文课程标准(实验)》中关于教科书的编写建议精神的体会,同时也是语文课堂教学中关于文化教学中应该注重的相关方面的具体体现。这套语文教科书中的新增选文从传统文化的继承与发扬、异族、异国文化的了解与拓展;多元文化的吸收与接纳、性别文化的关注与对待方面出发有其自身的存在价值出发,在语文教学过程中深入分析这些选文的文化价值,对更好地发挥这些选文的文化教育功能具有举足轻重的作用。同时也进一步说明:普通高中人教版必修语文教科书新增选文更好地体现了新课程教学理念中对语文教科书选文的文化要求。鉴于以上,笔者对语文教师进行语文课堂教学的建议为:(1)传承经典、熏陶人文:根据系统的教学计划和适当的教学目标有选择地进行筛选,并且要掌握好教学中文化教学的主次轻重问题;筛选选文蕴含文化中的积极与消极成分;挖掘现当代作品中的传统文化成分。(2)吸收外来、尊重多元:语文教师要具备多元文化意识;利用多种手段进行多元文化教学。(3)关爱女性,性别意识:加强选文的性别文化教育;鼓励和引导女性学生的自我价值认同。

【Abstract】 The language textbook chooses the article is the student carries on the language study important tools; it is also the student gains the cultural nutrient capital stock. To raise student’s cultural inside story to become our country language teaching domain a critical position. Therefore, to pay great attention the language textbook to choose the article the cultural value, becomes the present our country language textbook to choose the article and the teaching important historical mission.It is well known, our country language textbook chooses the article system to be long-standing, this already chose the article for the research language textbook the cultural value to provide the rich research foundation, simultaneously also chose the article culture value for the language textbook the excavation to gain in the precious experience. Simultaneously the high school stage, is the student outlook on life, the world outlook, the values fosters the stereotypia the important period, the language textbook chooses the article to give the influence which through the language teaching the student is influenced by what one sees and hears is inestimable, in addition Ministry of Education ’Elementary education Curriculum reform Summary (Implementation)" the spirit and "the Ordinary High school Language Curriculum Standard (Experiment)" curriculum idea’s statement, the research ordinary high school language textbook chooses the article the cultural value to have the practical significance. This research selects the popular education publishing house curriculum teaching material research institute middle school language curriculum teaching material R&D center, the Beijing University Chinese department, the Beijing University Language Education Research institute to cooperate together, in implements the Ministry of Education "the Elementary education Curriculum reform Summary (Implementation)" spirit, carries out the curriculum idea which "the Ordinary High school Language Curriculum Standard (Experiment)" proposed and advances Our country Ordinary High school language curriculum reform in the foundation to compile a set including 5 required courses and 16 takes as an elective may "the ordinary high school curriculum standard experiment textbook. The language" in the series teaching material’s 50 piece of new addition article, from the form and the content, take specifically chooses the article culture value as an example, divided the category to carry on has chosen the article culture value analysis.In this set of language textbook’s additional 50 chose the article to represent the language curriculum expert, the language teaching material editor, a language teacher our country to promulgate "the Ordinary High school Language Curriculum Standard to 2003 (Experiment)" about the textbook compilation suggestion spirit experience, simultaneously was also in the language classroom instruction the aspect which should pay great attention about the cultural teaching. In this set of language textbook’s new addition article with develops, the alien race, the foreign land culture understanding from traditional culture’s inheritance and develops the multicultural the absorption and the admission, the sex culture attention and the treatment aspect embarks has its own existence value, analyzes these cultural value in the language teaching process to display well thoroughly to these chooses the article the culture and education function to have the pivotal function. Simultaneously also explained that the ordinary high school people taught the version update language textbook the new addition article to manifest in the new curriculum teaching idea to choose the article well to the language textbook the cultural request.In view of the fact that above, the author carries on the language classroom instruction to the language teacher the suggestion is: (1) inherits the classics, to gradually influence the humanities: Have the choice according to system’s plan of instruction and the suitable teaching goal to carry on screening, and must grasp in the teaching the cultural teaching primary and secondary weight question; Screening chooses the article implication culture positive and the negative ingredient; The excavation makes on behalf of now the traditional culture. (2) absorbs external, the respect multi-dimensional: The language teacher must have the multicultural consciousness; Uses many kinds of methods to carry on the multicultural teaching. (3) shows loving concern the female, sex consciousness: Strengthens chooses the article the sex culture and education; Encourages and guides the feminine student’s self-value approval.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】119