

Community Characteristics of Protozoa and Study on Assessment of the Water Quality in the Linxia Section of the Daxiahe River

【作者】 康瑞琴

【导师】 马正学;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在2006年3月—2008年1月期间,分三个水期(枯水期、平水期和丰水期)对大夏河临夏段的原生动物物种多样性及群落结构进行了研究,并利用原生动物群落特征参数,结合水体环境主要理化因子对大夏河临夏段水体环境质量进行了评价,综合评价结果显示,1#样点污染级别为βm-αm,2#样点污染级别为αm -Ps,3#样点污染级别为αm -Ps,4#样点为污染级别αm。4个样点受污染程度的顺序为3#﹥2#﹥4#﹥1#。1)在大夏河临夏段共鉴定到原生动物373种,其中肉鞭虫210种,隶属于5个纲18目43科80属;纤毛虫163种,隶属于3个纲12目43科60属。其中肉鞭虫占优势,优势度为56.3﹪。在肉鞭虫群落中,优势类群为眼虫目(Euglenida),优势度为25.7%;次优势类群为变形目(Amoebida),优势度为21.0%。领鞭目(Choanoflagellida)、单室目(Monothalamia)和溪滴目(Prasinomon- adida)为偶见类群;在纤毛虫群落中,优势类群为下毛目(Hypotrichida),优势度为22.1﹪,次优势类群前口目(Prostomatida),优势度为16.6﹪。吸管目(Suctorida)和齿口目(Odontostomatida)为偶见类群。同一水期不同样点和同一样点不同水期的优势种有变化,同一水期不同样点和同一样点不同水期的优势类群变化不大。大夏河临夏段原生动物的优势种类有:聚屋滴虫(O. socialis)αm Ps、群聚滴虫(M. sociabilis)αm Ps、平截杯滴虫(G. truncata)αm Ps、草履唇滴虫(C. paramaecium)βmαm、广卵异鞭虫(A. prosgeobium)αm Ps、双尖异鞭虫(A.biargutum)αm Ps、鼻吻滴虫(R.nasuta)αmPs、微小无吻虫(C. parva)αmPs、三角袋鞭虫(P. trichophorum)Ps、蠕形哈氏虫(H. vermiformis)Ps、剑桥哈氏虫(H. cantabrigiensis)Ps、奇怪蒲变虫(V. miroides)βmαm、扇形马氏虫(M. penardi)βm、双刺板壳虫(C. bicuspis)Osβm、小毛板壳虫(C. hirtus minor)Osβm、河流斜管虫(C. fluviatilis)βmαm、非游斜管虫(C. aplanata)βmαm、钩刺斜管虫(C. uncinata)βmαm、大口瞬目虫(G. macrostoma)αmPs、闪瞬目虫(G. scintillans)αmPs、苔藓膜袋虫(C. muscicola)αm、善变膜袋虫(C.versatile)αm、银灰膜袋虫(C. glaucoma)αm、纵长膜袋虫(C. elongatum)αm、长圆膜袋虫(C. oblongum)αm、颗粒膜袋虫(C. granulosum)αm和似膜袋虫(C. simulans)αm。椭圆嗜腐虫(S. ovatus)αm。大夏河临夏段水体中生活的大多是些耐污种,说明该水体已经受到了一定程度的污染。2)大夏河临夏段原生动物群落特征参数空间动态变化明显,规律性较强。从原生动物的BS类群百分比来看,2#样点原生动物的BS类群百分比最高,位于70%-80%之间;其次是3#样点,原生动物的BS类群百分比位于60%-70%之间;4#样点原生动物的BS类群百分比位于50%-60%之间;1#样点原生动物的BS类群百分比最低,位于40%-50%之间。大夏河临夏段4个样点原生动物BS类群百分比与其他水域相比,远远高于贫营养的索溪峪自然保护区水系(12.1%),2#样点和3#样点与中营养的道格拉斯湖(64.9%)相当,4#样点和1#样点则低于中营养的道格拉斯湖(64.9%)(沈韫芬等,1990)。结果说明目前大夏河临夏段水体受到较严重的有机物污染。1#样点的水质较好,其次是4#样点,而2#样点和3#样点污染较重。从1#样点到2#样点、3#样点,污染逐渐加重,再到4#样点,污染稍微得到缓解。4个样点受污染程度的顺序为2#﹥3#﹥4#﹥1#。从原生动物的污生指数来看,4个样点原生动物的污生指数值都位于2.5-3.1之间,其中,1#样点的污生指数值较低,位于2.5-2.6之间,其次是4#样点,其污生指数位于2.7-2.8之间;2#样点和3#样点的污生指数值较高,位于3.0-3.1之间。结果说明大夏河临夏段4个样点总体污染程度的变化趋势是从1#样点到2#样点、3#样点污染逐渐加重,从3#样点到4#样点污染稍微缓解。4个样点受污染程度的顺序为3#﹥2#﹥4#﹥1#。从原生动物的多样性指数来看,1#样点的多样性指数值最高,位于4.0-4.2之间,其次是4#样点,其多样性指数位于3.0-3.2之间;2#样点和3#样点的多样性指数值较低,位于2.6-2.8之间。结果说明大夏河临夏段4个样点总体污染程度的变化趋势是从1#样点到2#样点、3#样点污染逐渐加重,从3#样点到4#样点污染稍微缓解。4个样点受污染程度的顺序为3#﹥2#﹥4#﹥1#。大夏河临夏段原生动物群落结构参数的时间动态变化趋势规律性较差,受到人类活动的影响,枯水期、平水期和丰水期受污染的程度与该水期污水的排放有关,应根据具体情况具体分析。3)对水质的监测与评价不能单纯看种类数的多少,而应与丰度和多样性指数结合起来进行综合评价,从而获得比较客观的结果。4)大夏河临夏段在同一水期不同采样点之间以及不同水期同一采样点之间,原生动物群落相似性系数都较低,都表现出明显的空间异质性,表明该段水体已受到不同程度的污染。5)原生动物物种分布与水质环境因子的聚类的结果不同,据物种分布进行的聚类把1#样点和4#样点聚为一类,2#样点为一类,3#样点为一类;据水质环境因子的聚类把1#样点为一类,3#样点与4#样点聚为一类。说明物种分布的变化与环境因子的变化并不同步,因化学和物理的检测不能全面的评定污染物对生态系统的影响,而生物能对一种或多种污染物或环境因素联合存在所导致的影响发生反应。群落结构参数的聚类结果与环境因子的聚类结果相似,说明群落结构的多项生物学指标的综合分析能反映水质受污染程度的变化。从肉鞭虫和纤毛虫的群落结构参数与环境因子的相关性来看,肉鞭虫与纤毛虫对环境的反应是不一样的。肉鞭虫对水环境的变化更敏感一些。

【Abstract】 The species diversity and community structure of Protozoa in the Linxia section of the Daxiahe River were studied from March 2006 to January 2008 during the low water period, plentiful water period and usual discharged period .The water quality of the Daxiahe River was evaluated by analyzing the community characteristic of Protozoa and enviromental factors.The result of assessment showed the water level of 1# sampling site wasβm-αm,the water level of 2# sampling site wasαm-Ps,the water level of 3# sampling site wasαm-Ps,the water level of 4# sampling site wasαm and the severity of water pollution in 4 sampling sites was 3#﹥2#﹥4#﹥1#.1) 373 species belonging to Protozoa were identified by analyzing 48 water simples of 4 simpling sites,including 210 Sarcomastigophora species belonging to 5 classes,18orders,43families and 80 genera,and 163 ciliates species belonging to 3 classes,12 orders,43 families and 60 genera.Sarcomastigophora was dominant groups, its dominance was 56.3﹪. Euglenida was dominant group, its dominance was 25.7%; Amoebida was subdominant group,its dominance was 21.0%;Choanoflagellida, Mon- othalamia and Prasinomonadida were incidental groups among community of Sarco- mastigophora.Hypotrichida was dominant group, its dominance was 22.1﹪,and Pros- tomatida was subdominant group,its dominance was 16.6﹪. Suctorida and Odonto- stomatida were incidental groups among community of Ciliates. The dominant species would change in different sampling sites and in different water periods,but the dominant groups would not change in a big way.The dominant species in the Linxia section of the Daxiahe River were O. socialis, M. sociabilis,G. truncate,C. paramaecium,E. viridis,A. prosgeobium, A.biargutum, R.nasuta,C. parva,P. trichophorum,H. vermiformis,H. cantabrigiensis,V. miroides,M. penardi,C. bicuspis,C. hirtus minor,C. fluviatilis,C. aplanata,C. uncinata, G. macro- stoma,G. scintillans,C. muscicola,C.versatile,C. glaucoma,C. elongatum,C. oblongum, C. granulosum,C. simulans and S. ovatus.Many species were pollution bearable spe- cies, the water body of the Linxia section of the Daxiahe River had been polluted to some extent.2) The community characteristic Parameters of Protozoa had obvious spatial change and this change was disliplinary.As far as the BS groups percentage of Protozoa was concerned,the BS groups percentage of 2# simpling sites was the highest and it was between 70% and 80%;the second was BS groups percentage of 3# simpling site and it was between 60% and 70%; the BS groups percentage of 4# simpling site was between 50% and 60%; the BS groups percentage of 1# simpling sites was the lowest and it was between 40% and 50%.Compared with another water body,the BS groups percentages of 4 simpling sites in the Linxia section of the Daxia- he River were higher than that of water body of Suoxi Yu Nature Reserve in poor nutrition(12.1%); the BS groups percentages of 2# and 3# simpling sites were similar to that of the Douglas Lake in medium nutrition;the BS groups percentages of 4# and 1# simpling sites were lower than that of the Douglas Lake in medium nutrition.The result indicated that the water body of the Linxia section of the Daxiahe River had been polluted seriously.The water quality of 1# simpling site was the best,and the second was 4# simpling site,but that of 2# and 3# simpling sites were poor.From 1# simpling site to 2# simpling site and to 3# simpling site, The water quality was more and more poor,and from 3# simpling site to 4# simpling site, the water quality was better and better. The severity of water pollution in 4 sampling sites was 2#﹥3#﹥4#﹥1#.As far as the SI of Protozoa was concerned,the SI of 4 simpling sites were between 2.5 and 3.1. The SI of 1# simpling sites was the lowest and it was between 2.5 and 2.6;the second was 4# simpling site and its was between 2.7 and 2.8; the SI of 2# simpling site and 3# simpling site was higher and between 3.0 and 3.1. The result indicated that the changes in trends of pollution of 4 simpling sites in the Linxia section of the Daxiahe River was that the pollution was more and more serious from 1# simpling site to 3# simpling site and the pollution was lighter and lighter from 3# simpling site to 4# simpling site. The severity of water pollution in 4 sampling sites was 3#﹥2#﹥4#﹥1#.As far as the diversity index of Protozoa was concerned,the diversity index of 1# simpling site was the highest and it was between 4.0 and 4.2;the second was 4# simpling site and its was between 3.0 and 3.2; the diversity index of 2# simpling site and 3# simpling site were lower and between 2.6 and 2.8. The result indicated that the changes in trends of pollution of 4 simpling sites in the Linxia section of the Daxiahe River was that the pollution was more and more serious from 1# simpling site to 3# simpling site and the pollution was lighter and lighter from 3# simpling site to 4# simpling site. The severity of water pollution in 4 sampling sites was 3#﹥2#﹥4#﹥1#. The regularity temporal changes of community structural Parameters of Protozoa in the Linxia section of the Daxiahe River was poor and had been affected by human activities to some extent. The severity of water pollution in 3 water periods,which was relative to the dischange of waste water,should be analyzed through specific circumstances.3) The numbers of species were not enough for evaluating the water quality. The result of water quality of assessment would be objective by analyzing numbers of species and abundances and diversity index.4) In both different sampling sites of the same water peroid and different water periods of the same sampling site, the Jaccard similarity indexs among the Protozoa communities were all lower, thus, the spatial heterogeneity was obvious. The result indicated that the water body of the Linxia section of the Daxiahe River had been polluted to some extent.5) The cluster dendrogram of species distribution was different from the cluster dendrogram of enviromental factors, 1# sampling site and 4# sampling site were clustered for a class through the cluster dendrogram of species distribution;2# sampling site was a class and 3# sampling site was a class,but 3# sampling site and 4# sampling site were clusted for a class through the cluster dendrogram of enviromental factors and 1# sampling site was a class. The result showed the changes of species distribution were inconsiste to the changes of enviromental factors,because the evaluation from physical and chemical factors was not comprehensive by analyzing the effection of the pollutant to the ecology system,but bio-energy could react because of the existence of the impaction from more pollutants or environmental factors.The changes of cluster dendrogram of community structure index was the same as the cluster dendrogram of enviromental factors,which showed analysis through the changes of cluster dendrogram of community structure index could reflect the severity of water pollution.As far as the reletivity of community structural Parameters of Sarcomastigophora and ciliates was concerned,the reactions of Sarcomastigophora and ciliates to enviroment were different. Sarcomastigophora was more sensitive to the changes of water environment than that of ciliates.

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