

Study on Process of Buji River Pollution Bioremediation

【作者】 万杰

【导师】 金文标; 曹向东;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 市政工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 布吉河是深圳河的一级支流,由于沿岸工业废水和居民生活污水未经处理大量排入,水环境日益恶化。为了改善布吉河的水质状况从而改善深圳河流域的水环境,本论文开展了采用强化生物接触氧化-水生植物组合工艺对布吉河水进行生物修复小试试验研究。首先比较了聚乙烯中空悬浮球、软性纤维辫带式填料和阿科蔓新型填料的挂膜能力、污水处理能力和实用性。结果表明,阿科蔓填料具有污染物去除效果好、安装简单方便、后续维护管理省等特点,是该工艺的首选填料。然后选择了生物接触氧化的工艺模式。通过模拟河道动态试验研究表明好氧-好氧-氧模式为较好的工艺模式,其COD的去除率可达到60%,出水浓度可由进水浓度的120 mg/L降至50 mg/L,达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)中的1B标准。然而,氨氮和总氮的去除效果不佳,仅为34%和26%,出水浓度分别为13 mg/L和22 mg/L,未能达标。由于本工艺不设排泥,除磷效果也不佳。为了能够有效地提高本工艺的脱氮效果,采用了投加对环境无害的复配菌种强化对NH4+-N的去除。静态试验研究表明投加量为1/100时可取得良好的脱氮效果。通过动态试验研究结果表明投菌后氨氮和总氮的去除率分别可达到70%和50%,较未投菌前提高了35%和25%,出水氨氮和总氮浓度可分别降至6 mg/L和13 mg/L,达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)中的1B标准,其中总氮可达到1级A标准。为了强化本工艺的除磷效果,采用了水生植物工艺进行强化除磷。通过比较不同水生植物的脱氮除磷效果,试验结果表明金鱼藻结合介质可有效去除水中的磷。种植植物后出水总磷可以达到标准《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)中的1B标准,平均去除率为48%。最后,对本联合工艺的有效性和经济性进行了评价。采用本工艺可以改善布吉河的水质状况,处理后水质可以达到国家《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)中的1B标准;并且每吨水处理费用不到0.7元。

【Abstract】 BuJi River is a primary branch of ShenZhen River. Due to the discharge of the industrial wastewater and sewage into the river, the water environment becomes worse and worse.In order to improve the water quality of BuJi River so that the water environment of ShenZhen River can be improved, augmentation biological contact oxidation-phytoremediation process was used to in-situ bioremediation of BuJi River. Through the testing of the three types of packing carriers, Aquamats packing carrier was selected for this process due its advantages of high pollutants removal efficiency, ease to fix and need of little maintenances.Aiming to acquire the optimal operating conditions, dynamic experiments were carried out. The experiments results show that aerated-aerated-anoxic condition has a better contaminants removal rate especially for the ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen compared with the aerated-anoxic-aerated performance condition. So choose the former as the optimal condition which can make the COD removal rate reach to a level of 60%, the influent concentration reduce from 120 mg/L to 50 mg/L. NH4+-N and TN removal rates can be 34% and 26% with the effluent concentration of 13 mg/L and 22 mg/L, respectively. However, effluent concentrations of NH4+-N and TN were over the standard values even under the optimal performance condition. With no sludge discharge in this process, TP can not be removed efficiently.Through the adding of compounded microorganisms-adding, with the adding rate of 1/100, the effluent concentration of NH4+-N and TN reduced drastically with the removal rate of 70% and 50% respectively, and their values in the concentration were below 8 mg/L and 15 mg/L, which are under the standard limits.Ceratophyllum demersum L. is an aquatic plant using to remove TP of water. Static experiments reveal that the TP removal relies on the mechanisms of basis on which the plants were grown. Results of dynamic experiments showed planting Ceratophyllum demersum L. together with bases can assist TP removal with the effluent concentration below 1 mg/L, reaching the standard values. Finally, after estimating, calculating and analyzing, the treatment cost can be less than 0.7 yuan RMB/m3, furthermore, Ceratophyllum demersum L can be used to feed on the fishes and livestock and so on. It has been illustrated in this thesis that this process is feasible and cost-effective for the bioremediation of polluted rivers.

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