

Study on Distance Contral System of Urban Traffic

【作者】 王开锐

【导师】 崔胜民;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车工业的发展,私家车迅速进入人们的生活,给城市交通带来了很大的负担,在城市交通工况下,车流较长,车速较慢,行驶工况频繁更换,在较近的车距条件下,车辆必须要能够根据前方车辆行驶状态及时改变本车的行驶状态。由此,提出城市工况下的车距控制系统。城市工况下车距控制系统的功能是通过控制车辆的加速度变化量来控制车辆的起步、停车、加减速以及巡航行驶,从而减轻驾驶员由于频繁改变车辆行驶状态而带来的疲劳感。论文对城市工况下的车距控制系统做了整体分析,对信息感知部分比较重要的测速测距传感器做了比较和选择,在已有的驾驶员预瞄决策模型的基础上,针对城市工况复杂性、时变性等特点,提出了城市工况下最优预瞄加速度模型,并对模型建立了评价体系;在对最优预瞄加速度模型进行详细论证的基础上,又针对加速度与节气门开度、制动踏板力之间难以直接建立数学关系这一特点,运用适当的模糊规则,建立了模糊控制器,对节气门和制动踏板进行控制,实现了加速度的动态修正;同时又对车辆这一复杂的非线性系统,在机理分析基础上建立了适合于控制应用的车辆动力学模型、发动机及制动器模型,并对模型进行了建模仿真分析及论证。论文在已有的最优预瞄加速度决策算法、以及决策点的评价指标的基础上,重点研究了城市工况下最优预瞄加速度决策算法、以及决策点的评价指标,针对城市工况的特点建立了不同的仿真模型,最后将各章节搭建的系统集成为Simulink工作条件下的仿真模块,在Matlab/Simulink软件环境下对系统进行动态仿真,通过仿真结果对系统的合理性和算法的有效性进行了验证。

【Abstract】 With the development of automobile industry, many people have had their own vehicles. Because of that, it makes a heavy traffic burden. Because of the characteristics of the urban traffic, which has higher traffic flow, low speed and flexible vehicle driving behaviors, the driving state of the vehicles must be changed frequently, so distance control system of urban traffic is put forward.The function of distance control system of urban traffic is using the acceleration of the vehicle to make the vehicle start, stop, accelerate, decelerate and cruise, so that the system can alleviate weariness of drivers which is caused by changing the driving state of the vehicle frequently.At first, the thesis makes a analysis on the whole distance control system of urban traffic, choose the right the important sensor of the information catching part, which is used to measure speed and distance. And then on the base of the known driver prediction algorithm, best acceleration prediction model of distance control system of urban traffic and the assessment system of it have been set up. The thesis built two fuzzy controllers to control throttle and braking pedal in order to carry on the dynamic revision of acceleration which is from the prediction algorithm of acceleration. Then the thesis built a complicated vehicle dynamics model, engine model and brake model, which are used to make simulations later.On the base of the known the best prediction algorithm of acceleration and the assessment part, the thesis researched emphatically in the best prediction algorithm of acceleration of distance control system of urban traffic. According to different working conditions, the thesis builds different models, and gets them together to make simulation analysis using Matlab/Simulink software and uses these simulation results to prove that the distance control system of urban traffic is timely, logical and effectual.

  • 【分类号】U463.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】89