

Experimental Study on Wall Beam of Frame Supported Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall

【作者】 杨刚

【导师】 王凤来;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 混凝土小型空心砌块符合节地、节能、利废的墙改方向,具有明显的经济和社会效益,成为替代粘土砖的首选新型墙体材料,在工程中得到了广泛的应用和推广。我校王凤来教授提出的配筋砌块短肢砌体剪力墙是一种新型的承重结构体系。配筋砌块短肢砌体剪力墙结合底部框支结构增大了底层的使用空间,满足了底层作为商业用房的需求。因此对该类结构进行试验和理论研究既有工程应用价值和理论意义,同时又对混凝土小型空心砌块应用范围的扩大起到了积极的促进作用。本文在拟动力试验完成之后进行了底层框架配筋砌块短肢砌体剪力墙结构的三层足尺模型试验。试验内容共分为两部分:第一部分内容是对在拟动力试验过程中未破坏的单洞口框支墙梁进行竖向力静载试验,分析研究了在竖向荷载作用下托梁与其上部墙体的受力模式;第二部分内容是对在拟动力试验过程中有损伤的双洞口框支墙梁进行静载试验,研究了拟动力试验后双洞口框支墙梁的受力模式。研究结果表明,托梁与上部墙体表现出良好的协同工作能力,其工作模式为拉杆拱,完全符合墙梁的受力模式。同时根据拟动力试验过程中所采集的墙体和托梁内钢筋应变数据,对水平地震作用对墙梁受力影响进行了分析,得出了水平地震作用下双洞口框支墙梁的传力模式。以试验为基础,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件对单洞口框支墙梁进行了受力性能分析,在单元选取、模型建立、参数设置及单元划分等方面得到了可靠验证的基础上,进行了扩大参数分析,获得了托梁高度、砌体强度、托梁混凝土强度对单洞口框支墙梁工作性能的影响。通过有限元分析得出了托梁内力等效系数,并且与砌体结构规范中所给公式计算值相比较发现剪力系数相当,弯矩系数要小很多,因此规范中设计公式是偏于安全的。

【Abstract】 Small hollow concrete block is used as a substitute for fired clay brick and has been widely used in engineering due to its advantages of soil-saving and energy-saving, which also brings distinct economic and social benefits as a new type of building materials. The reinforced block short-leg masonry shear wall(RBSMSW) structure proposed by professor Wang Fenglai is a new type of bearing structure system. The frame supported reinforced block short-leg masonry shear wall(FSRBSMSW) structure can increase the ground floor’s available space, and also be used for commercial buildings. Therefore, the study on capacity subjected to vertical load through experimental and theoretical analysis is not only significant to practical application, but also helpful to extend the applied range of small hollow concrete block.In this paper, the full-scale model of FSRBSMSW is tested subjected to vertical load after pseudo-dynamic test. The test content can be divided into two parts. Firstly, the static load test of frame supported wall-beam with single hole which has been undamaged after substructure pseudo-dynamic test is carried out to study the bearing mode of joist and its above wall. Secondly, the static load test about frame supported wall-beam with double hole which is badly destroyed after substructure pseudo-dynamic test is done. The experimental results indicate the joist and its above wall cooperate harmoniously, just like the frame supported wall-beam works as a tied arch. At the same time, we can gain the transmitting force model of frame supported wall-beam with double hole under horizontal earthquake action through analyzing the data of rebar strain, which is collected in pseudo-dynamic test.FEA program ANSYS is adopted to simulate the behaviors of frame supported wall-beam with single hole. On the basis of the analytic results agreeing well with the selection of elements, the establishment of models, the setting of parameters and the division of elements, an extensive parametric study is conducted to analyze the effects of different factors, including section height of joist, intensity of the wall, intensity of the concrete of joist on the working performance. The equivalent of joist internal force could be obtained by analysing the finite element. Besides, comparing with values calculated of code for design of masonry structure, The design formulate in code is safer.

  • 【分类号】TU364
  • 【被引频次】1
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