

Theoretical Study on Vibration Serviceability Design and Evaluation of Footbridge

【作者】 陈璞

【导师】 黄侨;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,研究人群的不同活动对结构的影响正在引起国际结构工程界的关注。人们逐渐意识到在一些人群活动较为密集的结构如人行桥中出现的人群不应该只看作结构的静荷载,在人群的不同活动下,结构的动力效应十分明显。人行桥由行人激起的振动一般不会导致结构本身的破坏,但会影响到桥上行人的舒适性。近期许多柔性人行桥出现了人行荷载导致的大幅度振动问题,这表明在结构设计中必须考虑振动舒适度的要求。人行桥振动舒适度问题是本文的研究重点,总的研究工作分成四部分:首先,系统回顾了关于人行荷载的己有研究成果,介绍了步行激励荷载的时域模型和频域模型;对各种规范提出的计算模型进行了介绍和比较,在此基础上,推导并建立了单人和人群过桥的运动方程,并提出了简化实用方法。建立了基于烦恼率模型的人行桥振动舒适度评价方法,此评价方法可以综合考虑多频率、多振型的情况;最后,介绍了采用TMD抑制人行桥振动的理论,并且讨论了不同MTMD优化设计参数对人行桥振动控制的影响。

【Abstract】 Recent years, the research about how the activities of different kinds of crowd influence the structural response is attracting more attentions in the fields of international civil engineering. People gradually realize that the crowd in some structures such as footbridges where the activities of crowd are more severe can not be seen as static loads. Under these different activities, the dynamic phenomenon in the structure is rather obvious. The excitation of a footbridge by a pedestrian passing over it can be unpleasant for a person walking or standing on the bridge, but usually not destructive for the structure itself. Recent excessive pedestrian-induced vibrations of many slender footbridges have especially shown that vibration serviceability limit states are very important requirements in any structural design.The main focus of this thesis was on the vibration serviceability of footbridge. The work was divided into four subtasks. Firstly, development of research on walking load has been reviewed, and two types of such models are introduced: time- and frequency-domain models. Secondly, design criteria and load models proposed by various standards were introduced and a comparison was made. Based on that, the motion equations for single-person and crowds crossing the bridge have been established, including a suggested design formulation for practical use. Following that, a new theory for footbridge vibration serviceability design is proposed in this research on the basis of annoyance rate, which can consider multi-frequency and multi-mode situation. Finally, the available solution by using TMD to control vibration problems was studied, and the controlling effect with different MTMD parameters optimization methods was discussed.
