

Study of Performance of Concrete Prepared by Different Cement Grinding Processes

【作者】 张雪晶

【导师】 王政;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 材料学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,水泥与混凝土分属两个行业,水泥行业与混凝土行业的信息交流渠道不畅,水泥生产技术人员对混凝土技术及其进展不甚了解。水泥的性能对混凝土性能有什么影响,现代混凝土究竟需要什么样的水泥产品以及如何生产,已是广大水泥工作者日益关心的问题。本文立足于现有的水泥粉磨工艺,在全国范围内选取具有代表性的水泥样品,兼顾水泥与混凝土两者性能,从粉磨工艺出发,研究其对水泥粉体和水泥浆体性能的影响,进而对水泥在配制混凝土时表现出来的性能进行研究。试验结果表明:圈流粉磨系统磨制的水泥颗粒分布集中,颗粒形貌好,棱角多,水泥标准稠度需水量大,强度高,与高效减水剂相容性较差,砂浆的干缩率小,配制混凝土时的强度高,但工作性差;开流粉磨系统磨制的水泥颗粒分布较宽,圆形系数大,颗粒形貌较好,水泥需水量小,凝结时间长,水泥胶砂强度降低,与高效减水剂相容性好,水泥砂浆的干燥收缩大,配制混凝土时工作性好,强度低;同时,辊压机预粉磨使水泥颗粒分布更加集中,圆度减小,颗粒形貌棱角增多,水泥需水量增大,凝结时间缩短,胶砂强度增高,与高效减水剂相容性降低,砂浆干缩度增大,配制出来的混凝土初始坍落度减小,但是混凝土的流动性经时损失率小。同时,本文还发现水泥的标准稠度需水量与所配制的混凝土流动性之间不具有对应性。本文认为:不同粉磨工艺的水泥各有其优缺点,不能简单的评价哪种工艺的优与劣,在目前现有的粉磨工艺的前提下,应根据不同的工程需要,选择适当工艺的水泥,发挥其优势,并通过其他方式弥其缺点,为进一步推广高效节能水泥生产工艺奠定基础。

【Abstract】 In land of China, the cement and concrete are in two different industries, so rare communications between the industries are seen, the technicians from cement area sometimes know little about concrete technologies. The main concerns for the cement experts are: how cement influent concrete’s properties and what cement does the modern concrete industry need and how they make. Standing on cement grinding process, selecting cement specimens nationally and both the cement and concrete properties are concerned, the influence of grinding systems on the performance of cement powder and cement paste is studied in this paper, then the concrete’s performance which is made of the specific cement is further studied.The results showed: The cement made of circular flow grinders is concentrated in particle-size distribution, roundness-less, big for angularity of particle shape, high water requirements of standard consistency of cement, high strength of cement glue sand, poor compatibility with water reducer, and low mortar drying shrinkage rates. The concrete made of this cement is poor at workability, has a high time-correlated loss and strengthened. The cement made of opening flow grinders is wide at particle-size distribution, big at roundness degree, good at particle shape, small in water requirement, lower for cement glue sand’s strength, good at compatibility with water reducer and big in mortar drying shrinkage. The concrete made of this cement is good at workability and poor in strength. The cement made from pre-mill roller is much more concentrated in particle-size distribution, small at roundness, big for angularity of particle shape, high water requirements of cement, high strength of cement glue sand, poor compatibility with water reducer, and big in mortar drying shrinkage rates. The concrete made of this cement has a lower time-correlated loss and the concrete’s strength is determined by cement using capacity. Mean while, it was found that the water requirements of standard consistency of cement is not correspondence to concrete’s fluidity.This research ends up with the following conclusions: different grinding systems have their own strength and weakness; there is no simple comment for which systems is superior to another. So due to the recent grinding technology, the cement should be selected according to the real construction needs and use other approaches for remedying their disadvantages.

【关键词】 水泥混凝土粉磨工艺辊压机
【Key words】 CementConcreteGrinding systemRoller press