

Study on the Mechanical Analysis of the Extendible Beam of Airborne Roofbolter and Its Construction Technology

【作者】 麻勇

【导师】 柴敬;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 国内煤巷掘进普遍采用悬臂式掘进机与单体锚杆钻机配套即综合机械化的掘进方式。这种掘进方式,掘进机割煤与巷道支护之间相互分离,巷道支护占用时间长就必然影响掘进机开机率,影响巷道掘进速度,为能充分发挥掘进机功效,实现煤巷高效掘进,研究与悬臂式掘进机一体化使用的机载锚杆钻机是十分迫切和必要的,这对于大幅度提高煤巷机械化掘进水平,实现掘锚一体化作业方式,有效缓解矿井采掘接续紧张的被动局面,推动国内煤炭工业快速发展具有重要的现实意义。本文主要针对EBJ-120TP型悬臂式掘进机自身结构特点,并结合宁东梅花井矿地质条件,通过比较分析目前诸多机载锚杆钻机安装方案,最终探索出机载单臂液压锚杆钻机安装方式,该方式灵活可靠、适应性强,能满足各种巷道断面要求。同时,为保证机载锚杆钻机关键部位伸缩梁在煤矿井下能正常使用,采用力学计算和ANSYS有限元数值模拟的方法对该伸缩梁进行了理论研究。研究表明,伸缩梁中部支撑位置弯矩最大,其值的大小与支撑点的位置有关。内梁长度与伸缩梁的强度成1次方相关,与刚度成3次方相关,应根据刚度条件确定合理的内梁长度,进而确定出伸缩梁下支撑点的合理位置。通过数值模拟也可以发现,伸缩梁中部支撑位置产生应力集中,该位置一般最先发生破坏,是伸缩梁的关键部位。另外,由于内梁和外梁相连接部位的正应力值最小,因此伸缩梁的下支撑点应设在内梁和外梁相连接处,这样能最大限度地发挥伸缩梁的承载作用。最后,对煤巷快速掘进过程中的主要影响因素,锚杆支护施工工艺进行了研究,以提高机载单臂锚杆钻机支护速度,从而达到快速掘进的目的。

【Abstract】 It is normally in china to use cantilever type roadheader and monoblock rock bolt drilling machine to drive roadways in coal seam, which is also called fully mechanized driving method. With this driving method, the coal cutting of the driving machine and the supporting of the roadway are separated, the supporting of the roadway occupys a long time that the operating rate of the driving machine and the driving velocity is influenced. In order to fully develop the function of the driving machine and realize high efficient driving of coal roadway, it is essential to study the airborne roofbolter with the coorperation of cantilever type roadheader. It has significance on improving the coal roadway mechanical driving level, realizing the the intergration of driving and bolting and mitigrating the passive situation of tensioned mining and driving subsequence.In this paper, based on the structure characteristics of EBJ-120TP type cantilever type roadheader, and combining with the geological condition of Meihuajing Coal Mine in Ningdong coal field, with the comparative analysis of several installation solutions of airborne roofbolter, the airborne single arm hydraulic roofbolter installation method is determined finally. This method is flexible and reliable with high adaptability, which can satisfy the requirement of all kinds of roadway profile. Meanwhile, in order to make sure that the extendible beam of airborne roofbolter can be used normally in the coal mine, the mechanical calculation and ANSYS finite element numerical simulation methods are applied to study the extendible beam theoretically.The study shows that, the maximum bending moment is located in the middle part of the extendible beam, and its value has relation with the support point. The lenghth of the inner beam has first power relation with the strength of the extendible beam, and third power relation with stiffness. So, the lenghth of the inner beam should be determined with the considerasion of the stiffness condition, and then determine the suitable position of the support point of the extendible beam. The numerical simulation results show that, the middle support position of the extendible beam will generate stress concentrate, it will break at this point firtly, and it is the key part of the extendible beam. What’s more, the stress at the connection part of the inner and outer beam is smallest, so the support point of the extendible beam should be at the this area, which can fully develop the load-bearing role furtherestly.Finally, the main influence factors in the process of quick driving of coal roadway and the rock bolt support construction technology are studied, which can promote the support velocity of the of airborne single arm roofbolter, and realize the aim of quick driving.
