

Analysis of Improvement of China’s Financial Organization System

【作者】 李绍亮

【导师】 李锁云;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 金融学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个农业、农民、农村大国。农业作为国民经济的基础,又是一个弱质产业;农村人口占人口的绝大多数,又是一个弱势群体;农村经济占国民经济一定的比重,又是一个脆弱部分,这些多方面的二重性凸显了依托金融平台解决农业产业、农民群体、农村经济“瓶颈”问题的重要性,而这又必须以建立完善农村金融体系为前提和保障。近年来,国家在促进农村金融改革方面采取了许多行之有效的措施,理论界从不同的视角、不同层面对建立完善我国农村金融体系进行了深入地研究和探索。下大力气解决农业、农民、农村的发展问题,着力完善农村金融体系,成为现阶段党和国家工作的重中之重。党的十七届三中全会提出,要建立现代农村金融制度,创新农村金融体制,放宽农村金融准入政策,加快建立商业性金融、合作性金融、政策性金融相结合,资本充足、功能健全、服务完善、运行安全的农村金融体系。本论文紧跟国家要求和当前形势,积极借鉴国内外建立完善农村金融体系理论研究成果和实践经验,紧密结合我国农村金融实际,灵活运用大量的调查分析资料,以及实证研究、对比分析、图表分析等方法,对我国目前农村金融体系的现状、存在的问题进行了认真分析,进而从我国农村金融供求现状分析入手,对我国农村金融体系改革滞后于经济发展这一突出问题进行了重点剖析。在此基础上,提出在坚持发展可持续、风险可控制的前提下,厘清农村金融组织体系各单元的职责边界,构建多元化、多层级、多渠道的“三农”金融服务体系,提高农村金融体系与农村经济发展的契合度,有效发挥农村金融体系服务“三农”的作用。

【Abstract】 Agriculture plays an important role in China,and most Chinese work as formers. So that agriculture is considered to be the foundation of the national economy, but it is also a underdeveloped industry. Chinese population is dominantly made up of peasants, but they are inferior to urban citizens in political rights and economic incomes. The rural economy account for a certain proportion of the national economy, but it also has many problems to be resolved. We believed that to improve the development of agriculture and rural economy and increase the incomes of peasants, we must rely on financial plafrorm,which cannot come true unless we firstly improve the rural financial system.In recent years, the central government has taken many measures in promoting the rural financial reform. Many Chinese scholars, from different theoretical viewpoints, have proceeded the in-depth studies and explorations on the establishment and improvement of rural financial system. The government have managed to overcome these difficulties in developing agriculture、rural economy and raising the life standards of peasants and has tried its best to improve the rural financial system. The government has been very concerned about the achievement of such goals. The third session of the 17th congress of CPC request us to establish such a kind of rural financial system which has the combination of political、commercial and co-operational finances、the enough capital、high level services and well-designed functions.In this paper, the national requirements are closely followed and the current situation is fully considered. The good methods at home or abroad are carefully studied and analyzed. China’s rural financial reality is connected with the organization of the paper.A large of number of survey analysis is flexibly used, as well as empirical research、comparative analysis、chart analysis and so on. The existing problems occurred in the current rural financial system are analyzed in detail. According to the interaction between supply and demand, Everyone must be aware that the reform about rural financial system has lagged behind the economic development. On this basis, adhering to the development of sustaince, keeping risk controlled under the premise of the rural financial organization system ,building a diversified, multi-level, multi-channel of financial service system in rural area, improving the interaction between rural financial system and rural economic development, providing effective services for the rural economic development.

  • 【分类号】F832.35
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