

Research on the Inspection and the Application of GPS Kenimatic Surveying Technology in the Project of FAST

【作者】 任红飞

【导师】 郑勇;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,GPS动态测量技术以其全天候、全天时等优良特性已经成功应用于诸多动态测量领域。随着GPS现代化步伐的逐步推进,GPS动态测量技术将会不断成熟和完善,必将在动态测量领域得到更加广泛而深入的应用。FAST(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope)是中国天文学家提出的建设世界上最大的单口径射电天文望远镜建议和工程方案。该工程对于动态测量的要求是实现在大尺度下的高精度、低动态、高采样率的实时动态无接触测量,而GPS技术在动态测量方面具有一定的优势,因此,研究GPS技术在FAST馈源测量中的应用将具有一定的实践意义。本文主要分析了动态检测平台构建原理和检测性能;介绍了NovAtel DL4-plus型GPS接收机及其相关的数据采集、数据预处理、数据后处理软件的主要使用方法和处理设置,对接收机及其系列软件在不同测量模式、不同数据采集模式、不同数据处理模式、不同处理设置下的数据处理性能进行了分析。基于动态检测平台对GPS动态单点定位、差分测量、和动态基线差分测量模式下的位置测量、速度测量及运动基线的姿态测量的精度进行检测和分析,得出了一些定性和定量的结论。应用小波变换技术对GPS动态测量数据进行了降噪处理,提取了GPS动态测量中的随机误差。以GPS动态测量数据为样本设计了BP神经网络,利用样本对不同的训练函数、不同的传输函数和不同的神经元数目进行了训练,得出了具体的训练方案,并对训练后的网络进行了泛化,实现了在平面方向上1cm的泛化精度和高程方向上2cm的泛化精度。基于动态检测平台和全站仪测量对GPS动态测量进行了平移检测。利用4台南方GPS单频接收机和NovAtel DL4-plus接收机进行了多基站的差分测量实验,在此基础上提出了FAST馈源跟踪测量的初步方案。

【Abstract】 For the moment, GPS kinetic surveying has been applied in many realm of surveying successful because of the advantages such as all-weather, all-time and so on. With the development of GPS moderned, it will be more mature and more perfect, and will be applied extensively and intensively in much more kinetic areas.FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) is a project designed by Chinese astronomers in order to build the biggest single aperture spherical telescope. Facing with the requirement for surveying technology, such as high precision, low speeds, high sampling, and untouched measurement etc, the study of GPS kinetic technology is more significate.In this thesis, the principle and capability of Dynamic Inspect Platform was analyzed, the measures and settings of NovAtel DL-4 plus GPS receiver and its’ concerned softwares for logging, calculating were introduced. Base on these hardwares and softwares, some summarizes has been concluded in different modes of logging, different orientation styles, different measure and settings, we have contrived a series of experiments to check out the velocity and orientation precisions of GPS kinetic surveying include single station kinetic surveying, different kinetic surveying, movement baseline’s kinetic surveying, and to check out the stances in the GPS single station kinetic surveying. From these experiments some quality and quantity results have been given. The datas of GPS kinetic surveying were processed with the technique of wavelet analysis and the random errors is gained in the process of low-noising. We have designed the BP NN and utilized the samples of GPS kinetic data to train the network with different train functions, different transfer functions and different quantity of nerve cells. As a result, the optimal solution was given. We have achieved 1cm precision in level and 2cm precision in height when network was expanded. We have utilized Dynamic Inspect Platform to check out the difference between GPS kinetic surveying and Total Station Instrument. In the end, the GPS difference kinetic survey with multi-base stations and one remote station was carried with 4 single frequencies of South GPS receivers and one NovAtel DL4-plus GPS receiver, the original plan for surveying the kinetic feed in FAST 500 meters prototype was brought forward depending on these.
