

The System Control and Experimental Study of Kilometer Asphalt Carbon Fiber

【作者】 王立峰

【导师】 张连凯;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 碳纤维是一种性能优异的新材料,广泛的应用于航空航天等高技术领域,是当今世界上材料综合性能的高峰,被喻为21世纪的黑色革命。因此,对碳纤维的研究具有重大的意义。我国碳纤维的研制和生产虽然取得了一定的成绩,但总的来说,研制和生产水平还较低,目前仅相当于国外20世纪70年代中、末期水平。沥青基碳纤维的生产能力小,虽然研究和开发较早,但在开发、生产及应用方面与国外相比有较大的差距。沥青碳纤维研制要经过原料沥青的精制,沥青的调制,而后形成沥青碳纤维原丝,沥青碳纤维原丝必须经过预氧化和碳化处理,才能成为工业可用的碳纤维丝。本文就沥青碳纤维收丝系统部分进行讨论,设计并研制生产出一套能够对千米沥青碳纤维长丝进行收丝处理,并且能够稳定运行的收丝控制装置。沥青碳纤维收丝系统采用闭环控制方案,以PLC为控制核心的控制系统,并且设计了人性化的人机界面。该系统通过实验运行,达到了预期目标,收出了千米沥青碳纤维丝,整个系统工作稳定。目前,所研制生产的沥青碳纤维丝已经开始了实际应用。千米沥青碳纤维丝的研制,填补了国内空白,对我国碳纤维的研制和生产具有重大的推动意义。

【Abstract】 Carbon fiber is a new material with excellent properties applied to the aviation and other high-tech field. It is praised as the summit of the materials comprehensive properties all over the world and called the black revolution in the 21st century. Therefore, the research on carbon fiber has great significance.Though the development and the production of carbon fiber has obtained certain achievement, conclusively, it is still at a low level which is equal to the level of 1970 ’ s abroad. The production capacity of the pitch carbon fiber is on a small scale, though the research in out country is carried out for a long time from the beginning, there are great gap compared with the foreign countries in the research and production application.The development of the pitch carbon fiber precursors can be made by refining and modulating asphalt, it must be carbonized, and then it can become the pitch carbon fiber. This paper discussed the part of the silk collection, a device for accepting silk, it not only can accept the kilometer pitch carbon fiber, but also can run stably.The silk collection control system used closed loop control scheme. PLC had become the kernel of the new control system and humanistic man-machine interface was designed as well.The system had achieved the expected target after the experiment, the kilometer pitch carbon fiber was developed and the system ran stably. At present, the carbon fiber had been used to practical application.The development of the kilometer pitch carbon fiber filled a domestic gap in this field and had a great significance to the research and production of the carbon fiber.

【关键词】 沥青碳纤维PLC伺服电机
【Key words】 pitch carbon fiberPLCservomotor
  • 【分类号】TQ342.742
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】119