

The Chronicle Biography of Jie Xi Si

【作者】 陈卫东

【导师】 欧阳江琳;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 揭傒斯,字曼硕,龙兴富州(今属江西丰城)人。生于元世祖至元十一年(公元1274年),卒于顺帝至正四年(公元1344年)。揭傒斯从幼年起,得其父教诲,博览经史百家,少有盛名。家贫,十五、六岁即挟其所有奔走衣食于四方。延祐元年,年四十,由布衣授翰林国史院编修,从此步入仕途。文宗继位,开奎章阁,揭傒斯为授经郎。在这期间,揭傒斯参与了《经世大典》的编修。顺帝时,历任翰林待制、集贤直学士、翰林侍讲学士等官。至正元年(1341年),肇开经宴,首推公为经宴官。二年,升侍讲学士知制诰,同修国史、同知经宴事。至正三年,诏修辽、金、宋三史,命揭傒斯为总裁。受命后,揭傒斯以笔削为己任,孜孜不倦。翌年,辽史成。金史垂成,宿馆中得寒疾,归家七日薨。追封豫章郡公,谥文安。揭傒斯是元代诗坛的杰出诗人。他的思想观念属于儒家,他尊奉孔孟之道,推崇儒家诗教。揭傒斯作诗提倡和平雅正,讲究作诗法则,表现了一种为现实而作的诗风。与虞集、杨载、范梈并称“元诗四大家”,又与虞集、黄(氵晋)、柳贯并为“儒林四杰”,揭傒斯不仅是一代诗人,也是一代散文家,他的文名为诗名所掩盖,因而散文创作一直被后人忽视,成为揭傒斯研究的一个空白点。揭傒斯的诗文创作在元代文坛上可谓是独树一帜的。他创作中的道家倾向,在其作品中占有较大的分量,且是有元一代众多文人内心世界的观照。他的散文有强大的艺术魅力,深深影响了元代散文,而其创作中表现出来的尚古的文学观,则成为了明代以前后七子为代表的复古主义文学思潮的前响。揭傒斯官至翰林侍讲学士,在朝廷任职三十余年,既做官又做学问,文学造诣深厚。总之,对揭傒斯研究的深入展开,有助于了解元代文学之实际情况,以及相关研究之深入展开。本谱搜集了谱主生平事迹,家庭情况,师友交游及相关史料,做了以下几方面研究:一、基本理清了谱主的生平行迹。二、对谱主生平交游情况作了搜集考辨。三、对谱主诗文作品考辨系年。四、在以上考证研究基础上,力图进一步展示和反映谱主生活的历史时代背景。五、注重对相关资料的搜集罗列,以求对相关问题研究能起到基础性的资料作用。

【Abstract】 JieXiSi, style ManShou, was born in longxing fuzhou(now in Fengcheng city in Jiangxi province) in 1274and died in 1344.Jiexisi studied JINGSHIZIJI at 5 years old from his father,at young he was well known. At 15 years old he must go out to work for food because of poor. He became a HANLINBIANXIU in GUOSHIYUAN. At seventy years old he was a ZONGCAI and compiled LIAO、JIN、SONG three history books with others. Finally, he died in his work.Jiexisi is one of the "Four Great Poets in Yuan Dynasty", and is not only a poet but a prosaic expert. His poetic fame is so widespread that his prosaic works are neglected and become a blank in the study of Jiexisi. JieXisi was a Confucian scholar. His thinking on poetry creation belongs to Confucianism . He looked up to the doctrine of Confucius and mencius, he also canonized the poetry creation rule of Confucius JieXiSi advocated that poetry should be elegant and complied to rule of poetry creation. Most of his poetry had some realist motives.Jiexisi poem creation was the single in the literature circle of the Yuan Dynasty. The Taoist tendency of creation held a great margin in his poems, which was the expression of lots of men of letters internal world in the Yuan Dynasty. His prose has powerful artistic charm, and deeply affects the prose in yuan Dynasty and the literary concept shown in his works to favor the tradition, becomes the foresight of "seven Men" in Ming Dynasty advocating the doctrine of "back to the ancients". In a word, the textual research on the chronology of Jie’s life and experience will help to make a deep study on the real position of literature about Yuan Dynasty and other related historical events.This chronicle biography tries to widely collect the data of jiexisi’s life and experience, his family circumstance, his intercourse as well as related historical material, in order to sort out, verify and finally make a textual research of them .The main researches as follow:Ⅰ. Basically sorting the chronology of jiexisi’s life and experience, and having made some explanations and proofreading about some non-detailed and ambivalent issues.Ⅱ. Making some collection and verification on the intercourse of jiexisi’s, and others related experience of his mentor and friends as well.Ⅲ. Sorting out his works in order of time.Ⅳ. Collecting other related information in the hope of truly reflecting the real picture of the time he lived.Ⅴ. Attaching to collecting and sorting out the related data so as to play a fundamental and data-availed role in Jiexisi’s research.
