

Study on the Increasing of Recovery Ration of Fearfully Soft Coal in Longwall with Top-coal Caving Mining

【作者】 杨家兵

【导师】 余忠林;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对极松软厚煤层综放开采中存在的问题,围绕朱仙庄煤矿876工作面的地质条件和生产技术条件,在总结分析前人研究成果的基础上,运用理论分析和数值模拟等方法,对极松软厚煤层放顶煤开采关键技术进行以下相关研究。首先,根据现场实际分析极松软煤层综放工作面直接顶和顶煤的运动形式;然后,利用UDEC3.1数值分析软件进一步分析了极松软煤层综放工作面直接顶和顶煤的结构形式、支承压力分布规律。通过分析总结出对于朱仙庄煤矿876工作面端面漏冒和煤壁片帮是采出率低的主要原因。最后分析了综采放顶煤顶煤损失的构成,并结合实际提出了提高回收率和控制端面漏冒的方法。并对于煤层注水技术进行了深入的阐述,总结出注水对于防止端面漏冒和煤壁片帮有很大的实际效果。研究结论对寻求具体地质条件下的合理开采方法,进行安全经济开采,对于提高资源回收率,大幅度提高煤矿技术经济效益,具有重要现实意义和推广价值。

【Abstract】 This article for very soft and thick coal seam fully mechanized caving problems in around 876 coal face Zhuxianzhuang geological conditions and technical conditions of production. Based on the summarizing and analysising the research results of previous studies, using theoretical analysis and numerical simulation methods to study very soft and thick coal seam of the top coal caving key technology carrying on in the following Related research.First of all, based on the field analysis of very soft coal fully mechanized face immediate roof and the movement of top coal. Secondly, using numerical analysis software UDEC3.1 to further analysis of very soft coal fully mechanized face immediate roof and the structure of top coal, the bearing pressure distribution. By summed up and analyzing for the face of 876 the Zhuxianzhuang coal mine end -leakage and rib fall of coal wall are main reasons for the low rate . Finally, an analysis of fully-mechanized top coal caving constitute losses, combined with the actual proposed increase in the recovery rate and control end -leakage methods .For coal injection technology in-depth explanation ,summed up coal injection has the actual results of prevent end -leakage and rib fall of coal wall .Conclusion of the study to find the specific geological conditions on the rational exploitation of methods to carry out safe and economic exploitation of resources for improving the recovery rate, substantial increase in technology cost-effective of coal mine has important practical significance and promote value .

【关键词】 综放开采放顶煤回收率软煤
【Key words】 sub-level Caving Miningcaving coalreclaimingsoft coal