

【作者】 南友锋

【导师】 张华腾;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 蔡锷是我国近代杰出的军事家、政治家和思想家,他因参加云南重九起义和发动护国战争闻名于世。蔡锷生活在清末民初那个国难深重的时代,对于如何摆脱中国半殖民地半封建社会状况,他站在民族国家的高度进行了积极地探索。蔡锷不断总结别国现代化的经验,又结合中国的具体情况,构建出国魂、国本和国权三位一体的国家观。国魂是核心,全体国民首先必须具有国家思想;国本是基础,国家必须顺应时代潮流确立立宪制:国权是保障,国家必须实现独立、统一和拥有权威。本文紧紧围绕蔡锷的国家观进行论述,分三个部分:第一部分,主要论述蔡锷国家观的形成背景及过程。蔡锷国家观形成的背景主要从社会时代背景、家庭个人背景和学校教育背景三个方面进行论述。清末民初,中国已经完全沦为半殖民地半封建社会,深重的国难深深刺激了蔡锷寻求救国救民真理的渴望。出身于社会下层家庭的蔡锷,深受湖湘人文底蕴的熏陶,从小就养成一些良好的个人品质,又接受了国内外传统儒家教育和现代新式教育,为他国家观的形成创造了有利的条件。蔡锷国家观的形成经历了朦胧期、雏形期和形成期三个过程。第二部分,主要论述蔡锷国家观的主要内容。蔡锷形成了国魂、国本和国权三位一体的国家观。国魂即国民的国家思想,他极力地向军队、政党、当政者和普通民众灌输国魂。国本即立宪制,以辛亥革命为界,辛亥革命以前,他主张中国实行君主立宪制;辛亥革命以后,他主张中国实行民主立宪制。他基于中国国情的考虑,对于民国新旧两部约法,他认同了新约法。国权(国家主权)即统一权、独立权和权威。中国必须建立一个集权的中央政府,统一军事权、财政权、行政权和外交权;捍卫国家领土权、债权、铁路权和邮政权。为了应对民国前后严峻的内忧外患,蔡锷极力从实践、财政和观念上捍卫国家的权威。第三部分,主要论述蔡锷国家观的特点及评价。蔡锷的国家观体现了传统与现代相结合,理论与实践相结合,文与武相结合的特点。蔡锷的国家观具有进步性:以“民族国家”利益为取舍,符合“建设现代中国”的主题:尊重国情,稳健持重、循序渐进地改造中国,较早提出了中国化:顺应近代中国“器——政——教”变革的趋势,在思想观念上进行了革新。由于社会时代的局限性,蔡锷的国家观在当时无法实现。

【Abstract】 Cai E is a distinguished strategists, politician and thinker of our country in modern times. He is famous by taking part in Yunnan Chong jiu uprising and launching the war that protecting the country. Cai E was living in the End of Qing Dynasty and the Early years of the Republic, which was full of national calamity. He took active explorations from the nation and state degree to get rid of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal situation in China. After referring other countries’ experience in modernization and combining the specific situation of China, he built the country concept, which was formed by national spirit, country-based concept and national right. On the basis of his concept, National spirit is the soul, all citizens must have the concept of country. Country-based concept is basis, the State must conform to the trend of the times to establish a constitutional system. National right is indemnity, the country must achieve independence, unity and authority.This article is closely around the Cai E’s Country-based concept, it is divided into three parts:In the first part, we discuss the background and process of Cai E’s concept. The background that Cai E’s Country-based concept formed of time is mainly formed by three aspects, which are social background, family background and school education. In the End of Qing Dynasty and the Early years of the Republic, China has completely degenerated into a semi-colonial semi-feudal society. Cai E was stimulated by the seriously national crisis deeply, so he sought the truth salvaging the country’s desire. Cai E was born in a lower-class family. He was deeply nurtured by Hu and Xiang humanities; He had some good personal qualities. At the same time, he accepted the traditional Confucian education and the modern new-style education, they were favorable conditions for his Country-based concept. Cai E’s Country-based concept has three stages, the formation of hazy period, embryonic period and the forming period.In the second part, we discuss the main content of Cai E’s Country-based concept. Cai E formed the Country-based concept including national spirit, Country-based concept and national right. National spirit is citizen’s country concept; he tried to instill the national spirit to the army, political parties, those in power and ordinary people. Country-based concept is constitutional system. Take the Revolutionary of 1911 for boundary, before the Revolution, he advocated a constitutional monarchy system in China; after the Revolution, he advocated the implementation of Chinese democratic constitutional system. Basing on China’s special national conditions, he agreed more with the New Provisional Constitution than the Old Provisional Constitution. National right is the right to reunification, independence and authority. China must set up a unified central government, a unified military power, financial power, executive power and diplomatic power in order to defend the country’s territorial rights, claims, railways and the postal power. In order to cope with internal and external problems in the new building country, Cai E strongly defend the authority from practice, finance and ideas.In the third part, we discuss the characteristics and evaluation of Cai E’s Country-based concept. Cai E’s Country-based concept reflects the combination of the tradition and modernity, the theory and practice, the civil and military. Cai E’s Country-based concept has a progressive nature: benefits-orientated of the "nation-state", in line with the theme of modern China’s construction, respecting the conditions, reforming China with the steady step, proposing the theory of sinicize earlier. It is conforming to the modern China’s innovation trend, which is "technology -politics - thought". Because of the limitations of times, Cai E’s Country-based concept can not be achieved at that time.

【关键词】 蔡锷国魂国本国权
【Key words】 Cai ENational spiritCountry-based conceptNational right