

【作者】 刘月玲

【导师】 韩星;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 专门史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 世人对康有为的评价可谓“毁誉参半”、“难得统一”,但不论是谁提到了他,孔教是必定要说起的一项内容。孔教思想和实践与康一生紧密相系,梁启超说:“先生所以效力于国民者,以宗教事业为最伟;其所以得谤于天下者,亦以宗教事业为最多。”钱穆也说:“(康有为)自维新一变而为顽固,又各趋其极端,而尚有一始终不变之说联系其间者曰尊孔。”由此孔教既是康氏思想坚守和人生实践的着力,亦是对其本人盖棺定论的重要依凭,这两者间的关系可以说微妙甚甚,本文拟以此为线进行论述分为四章:第一章:康有为的孔教思想发源于19世纪80年代末,到戊戌变法时期方得以完善成形。在中西文化相互碰撞的大背景下,康有为采取“援西入儒”和“纳儒入教”两条路线,以中国人的民族历史习惯为基础,按照西方的宗教模式建立中国人的宗教,试图使国人在宗教信仰中团结起来,振奋民族精神推动维新变法。但康“武断解经”和“六经注我”的学术态度,使得其思想在当时引起了舆论风波,社会的各界人士都加入其中逞口舌之争,康氏的部分著作终因“非圣无法”遭禁毁版,维新变法的阻力也因之增加了数倍。第二章:清末社会结构发生了巨大变革,原有的四民社会解体,士人阶层也出现了明显的分化,他们向社会的各个领域渗透和转换,而各领域的人则趁机向“士”靠拢,这种复杂的状况到民初基本完成。与此同时儒学及其价值理念逐渐衰微,民初社会一派变革的新气象,社会传统的道德体系被否定并崩溃,另一方面社会对道德重建的呼声越来越高。第三章:孔教运动并没有因维新变法失败退出历史舞台,民初康有为嘱其弟子陈焕章建立孔教会,再掀尊孔高潮并力倡立孔教为“国教”,并要求将此条目写入宪法,为科举取消后的儒学寻求制度性支持。但由于康等人牵涉民国的两次复辟活动,孔教会受了连累,遭到陈独秀等激进人士的批判,国教运动被“反儒”的新文化运动取代。事实上孔教运动与封建复辟有着本质的区别,它是康有为面对民初道德危机和社会危机,展开的一场重建国人民族信仰的文化保守运动。第四章:康有为前后倡创孔教皆出于深沉的爱国情怀,但由于历史背景的变换和差异,两次孔教运动也有相当大的区别。维新变法时康借孔教为其政治活动张目,多次上书谋求上层支持而未达,其孔教思想也主要停留于理论层面,在当时产生了巨大的舆论影响。民国初年康试图借助政治权威来推助道德信仰重建,极力想使孔教定于一尊为“国教”,却由于政治牵累使其在客观上成为复辟工具,孔教、儒学在后来的新文化运动中万劫不覆。全文基本上总分为两大部分:第一部分以戊戌变法为线,从康有为提倡孔教的动因说起,以此探究康创立孔教的政治目的,同时结合时人对康孔教构想的反应态度,论述康之孔教对于戊戌变法的影响。第二部分以康嘱其弟子创立孔教会和立孔教为“国教”的努力为线,从当时社会形势与时代反应的变化入手,理清康之孔教会活动和复辟之间的关系,从而探究政治运动对孔教会活动的影响。在全文的最后作者拟对这两部分进行比类,试以孔教活动在国体变革的情况下,在不同政治运动中的各种差异性,来察看其对政治制度空间的拓展和从政治到文化转移的发展理路,梳理一种思想在政治和文化中的变异,从而寻找信仰重建的时代启示以为今天的借鉴。

【Abstract】 The points of common people to Kang Youwei include both the praise and the blame, but everybody thinks that Confucianism is a very important part in his life and very much to Kang Youwei’s valuation. Liang Qichao once said:"Kang Youwei’s maximal contribution to Chinese citizen for the greatest is his religious undertaking, because of which people in the land under heaven give him bad valuation." Qianmu also said: "Change of Kang Youwei’s thought happened in the front and back of Constitutional Reform and Modernization. Kang Youwei become brassbound from being radical, occuping two extremes. The unique turn having no unexpected was that he always persisted in respecting and advocating Confucianism." Therefore we reach a conclusion that Confucianism is both the important basis to appraise Kang Youwei and the sticking of his thought, besides the relation among this both is very delicate.Chapter one: Kang Youwei’s Confucianism thought originated from 19 centuries eighties and become perfect during the Constitutional Reform and Modernization of 1898. During the time-background of crashing in Chinese culture and the Western, Kang Youwei drawed support from Western culture to reform Confucianism, on the other hand, he made efforts to have Confucianism become a religion. What Kang Youwei’s purpose is founding China-self religion on the basis of Chinese history habit, using west Christianity pattern. Kang Youwei thought that Chinese could be united only by having religious belief to make the country prosperous and powerful. However, Kang Youwei’s attitude of not being realistic and subjectivity aroused enormous people to go against him and books writtien by him had been also forbidden, because of which the resistance of the Constitutional Reform and Modernization increased by several times.Chapter two: During the later stage of Ching dynasty social structure had happened enormous transform, four original people society of scholar, farmer, handicraftsman and merchant had disintegrated. The scholar stratum had also appeared to become divided obviously, permeating and changing to other fields of the society for survival, but other stratum took the chance to draw close to the "scholar" with efforts. It is completed to the beginning of Republic is annual. Meanwhile Confucianism and its value idea had declined gradually, traditional morality system of society was denied and collapsed, more and more people aspected to rebuild the morality in the beginning of Republic.Chapter three: Although the Constitutional Reform and Modernization of 1898 failed, Confucianism -movement had not disappeared and ended its historical life together. During the initial period of Republic, Kang Youwei told his student Chen Huanzhang to establish Confucianism-meeting once again, which got many people respond to and jion in. They made great efforts to fix Confucianism for state religion and required the clause written in constitution, seeking one system to ensure Confucianism after the imperial examination system being abolished.The Confucianism was criticized by radical people such as Chen Du Xiu ,because Kang Youwei and others had been involved in Yuan Shikai and Zhang Xun ’s politics, Confucianism was substituted of the New Culture Movement which opposed Confucian afterwards. In fact there were many difference between Confucianism Movement and feudalism restoration, the Confucianism Movement was the Conservative culture moves which Kang Youwei rebuilded the belief of nation, facing the moral crisis and society crisis in the beginning of 20 centuries.Chapter four: Because of transforming in historical setting there were many differences between the two Confucianism Motions advocated and establishesd by Kang Youwei, which was originated from his deep patriotic feelings. Kang Youwei carried out politics by the Confucianism during Constitutional Reform and Modernization of 1898, he had submitted written statements to the emperor for many times to get supports, however, the emperor hadn’t promise and accomplish his requests. Confucianism-thought mainly remained in theory and produced gigantic effect on public opinion. During the initial stage of Republic Kang Youwei tried his best to rebuild morality and belief drawing supports from politics authority. Because many people such as Kang Youwei were bented on fixing Confucianism for state religion, Confucianism become an political instrument and confused whith the provisional politics on many people’s opinion. Confucianism moved the ultimate and made for complete failure in the New Culture Movement afterwards .The text is basically divided into two major parts: firstly, through the description why Kang Youwei advocated and built Confucianism and what contemporaries’ reaction and attitude on Confucianism are, the writer is to find out the political purpose and effect of the Confucianism during Constitutional Reform and Modernization of 1898. Secondly , through the description what Kang Youwei told his Student and they tried their best to do about the Confucianism during the Republican period, Managing clearly the relation between Confucianism-meeting and politics of restoring a monarchy, the writer is to find out the impact of politics that time over the activity of Confucianism thereby. Thirdly, the writer intends to compare the first two parts and find out various differences what Confucianism was under the two historical settings, inspecting thought how to develop in political and cultural practice, in order to seek the enlightenment of the rebuilding the belief times.
