

【作者】 李月侠

【导师】 陈学超;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “泰国华校中小学生学习汉语并列连词偏误研究”这一课题具有理论和应用两方面的意义与价值。它不仅可以深化汉语并列连词本体理论和对外汉语连词教学理论,也能够在实际工作中对泰国汉语教师教学做出评估,对泰国汉语教材编写提供借鉴,对泰国学生学习汉语过程给予指导。我们以“对比分析”理论、“偏误分析”理论和“中介语”理论为依据,采用“对比分析”和“问卷调查”相结合的研究方法,选取了相关分析、描述性分析、独立样本T检验、方差分析等统计方法,对泰国春武里府大众学校五十名中小学生学习汉语并列连词过程中出现的偏误现象进行了分析与讨论,考察了出现偏误的原因,并对泰国汉语并列连词教学提出相关建议。对比研究表明,泰语并列连词(?)与相对应的汉语并列连词相比,义项数量和语义关系更丰富,语法功能更全面。二者在连接名词、代词、名词词组等体词性成分时,用法基本相同,但在连接动词、动词词组、形容词、形容词词组等谓词性成分时,呈现出差异,泰语并列连词(?)比相对应的汉语并列连词的限制要少得多。另外,(?)可以连接分句和句子,这是汉语并列连词多数成员所不具备的语法性质。问卷调查显示,泰国华校中小学生在学习汉语并列连词过程中出现的偏误现象是符合中介语理论的,即偏误率随着语言水平的提高而降低。我们首先从整体上分析了被试学生的五个背景因素对偏误率的影响,得到如下结果:年龄、年级、学习汉语的时间三个因素对偏误率有显著影响,性别、是否华裔两个因素在统计学上没有显著意义。其次,我们具体细化到单纯并列连词与关联并列连词的子项目中进行分析,结果如下:(1)单纯并列连词的偏误集中在连接功能以及形成并列结构的句法功能上,形式上体现为误加、误代和错序,尤以“和”的偏误最高。在其连接谓词性成分所组成并列结构的句法功能偏误统计中,初级阶段和中级阶段的学生在并列结构的陈述功能层面偏误率高,而高级阶段学生在修饰功能层面偏误率高。在对“和”的单项考察过程中,初级阶段和高级阶段学生呈现出与总体偏误率相同的趋势,即:动词(词组)>形容词(词组)>分句、句子>名词(词组)、代词。中级阶段学生的形容词(词组)偏误率略高于动词(词组)。(2)关联并列连词偏误率总体上低于单纯并列连词。五种偏误类型的总体偏误率依次为:误代>错序>遗漏>误加>搭配不当。在分级考察中,除“遗漏”类型,高级阶段高于中级阶段以外,其他偏误类型的偏误率均随学习时间的增加而递减。针对偏误产生的原因,我们主要从学习者、教师、教材、语言大环境四个层面进行了分析。学习者受母语的负迁移和有限的目的语知识的干扰,采用了错误推理、规则应用不完全、忽视共现规则限制、系统简化规则、回避等学习策略和交际策略。另外,我们还从认知心理学的角度对偏误的形成作了解释,包括学生的学习态度、自我汉语水平的评价、年龄群体特征、语言的普遍性理论和自然度因素等。外在因素中,教师、教材以及语言大环境的影响也是很明显的,说明汉语并列连词偏误现象产生的原因是多重交织起作用的。为此我们主要从教师教学和教材编写角度切入,对泰国华校中小学汉语并列连词教学提出相关建议,即整体上优化师资队伍、提高教师教法水平,教材编写上应该增加汉泰并列连词对比项目、并列连词的语法点要设置得当、注释和讲解要具完整性和准确性、练习要有针对性和代表性,以期为并列连词教学提供翔实的资料,推动对泰汉语教学整体和谐发展。

【Abstract】 The subject Error Analysis on Thai Students of Primary and Middle Chinese School in Thailand to Learn Chinese Coordinate Conjunctions has both theoretical and applied significance and value. It can not only deepen the theory of Chinese coordinate conjunctions and teaching Chinese as a foreign language theory but also help the teaching of Chinese language teachers in Thailand, provide reference to Chinese teaching materials editing for Thai students and give guidance to Thai students learning Chinese.Based on contrastive analysis theory, error analysis theory and the interlanguage theory, we use research methods of contrastive analysis and survey, and the statistical methods of relevant analysis, descriptive analysis, independent samples T test, analysis of variance and other statistical methods to analyze and discuss the error phenomenon occurred in the course of Chinese coordinate conjunctions learning of fifty Thai students at Wutthiwitthaya school in Chonburi, explain the causes of error and give suggestions for teaching Chinese coordinate conjunction to Thai students.Contrastive studies have shown that Thai coordinate conjunction (?) has much more meanings,richer semantic relationship and much more comprehensive grammatical function than the corresponding Chinese coordinate conjunctions.Usage is basically identical during connecting nominal parts such as noun, pronoun, noun phrase, but shows difference in connecting predicate components such as verbs, verb phrases, adjectives and adjectives phrases, Their differences are as follows,Thai coordinate conjunction (?) shows much fewer restricts than the corresponding Chinese coordinate conjunctions. In addition, Thai coordinate conjunction (?) can link the clause and the sentence, which is grammar nature that the majority of Chinese coordinate conjunctions do not have.Questionnaire survey demonstrates that the error phenomenon occurred in the course of Chinese coordinate conjunctions learning of Thai students in primary and middle Chinese school is consistent with the interlanguage theory, that is, the rate of errors reduces with the improvement of language learning. Firstly, we analyze the effect of five background factors of sample students on the rate of errors on the whole and find that,Age, Grade, Time to learn the Chinese language has a significant influence on the rate of errors, Gender, Foreign citizen of Chinese origin or not do not have notable significance on statistics. Secondly, we analyze concretely independent coordinate conjunctionsand conjunctive coordinate conjunctions,and the results are as follows, first,independent coordinate conjunctions’errors focus on connectivity function, as well as coordinate structure’ syntactic function,which are manifested as error increases, misuse and the wrong sequence, especially he.In error statistics of coordinate structure’syntactic function which connecting predicate components, the initial stage and intermediate stage of the students have more errors in coordinate structure’s referential function, while advanced stage has a high rate of errors in the asserting function. On individual study of hé, the initial stage and advanced stage show the same trend in error rate with the overall,that is, the verb (phrase)> adjective (phrase)> clause, sentence> noun (phrase),pronoun. In the intermediate stage,the adjective (phrase)’s error rate is slightly higher than the verb (phrase).second,conjunctive coordinate conjunctions’ error rate is lower than the independent coordinate conjunctions from the overall. Five types’error rate, on the whole, are as follows, misuse>wrong sequence> missing>error increases>wrong collocation. During the study in the classification, except for error rate of the missing, the advanced stage is higher than the intermediate stage,other types’error rate decreases as the increase of learning time.For the causes of error, we primarily analyze from four aspects, the learners, teachers, teaching materials and language environment. Learners are affected by the mother tongue negative migration and limited knowledge of the target language, using learning strategies and communication strategies such as the wrong Infer, incomplete the rules of the application, ignoring the rules of co-occurrence restrictions, simplifying rules of the system and avoidance and so on.In addition, we also explain the formation of error from the perspective of cognitive psychology,including srudents’learning attitude, self-evaluationof Chinese level, the age characteristics of groups, universal grammer theory and natural factors degree theory. In external factors, the roles of teachers, teaching materials, as well as the language environment are also very obvious, which show the causes of error of Chinese coordinate conjunctions are the result of a multiple work.In the end, we give suggestions for teaching Chinese coordinate conjunction to Thai students mainly from the perspective of teaching method and teaching materials.that is, the overall teaching staff optimized, teachers’teaching level should be improved, teaching materials should be prepared to increase contrastive grammer between Chinese coordinate conjunction and Thai coordinate conjunction, coordinate conjunction grammer should be set proper, notes and explaination should be integral and accurate, practice should be targeted and representative,.All of these will provide detailed information for coordinate conjunction teaching and promote harmonious development of teaching Chinese to Thai students.
