

【作者】 崔雪融

【导师】 王振宏;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究旨在探索不同情绪类型面部情绪的识别水平,不同情绪类型面部表情识别中情绪信息上半脸与下半脸的不对称性以及不同情绪类型面部表情识别的眼动特征。研究运用JACFEEZ面部表情标准图片和对该面部表情标准图片进行遮盖处理而形成的上、下半脸面部表情图片包括愤怒、不屑、厌恶、恐惧、高兴、悲伤、惊奇面部表情,进行了一系列的研究,本研究包括三个实验,均采用匹配任务即迫选标签任务,要求被试对呈现的面部表情标准图片进行情绪类型判断,指出是以下7种情绪中的哪一个:愤怒、不屑、厌恶、恐惧、高兴、悲伤、惊奇。其中实验一和实验三采用不同情绪类型JACFEEZ面部表情标准图片,实验二采用对JACFEEZ面部表情标准图片遮盖处理形成的上、下半脸面部表情标准图片,获得结果如下:实验一考察面部表情识别的情绪类型效应。通过分析被试对不同情绪类型JACFEEZ面部表情标准图片的识别成绩,结果发现,面部表情识别的情绪类型主效应显著,不同情绪类型的面部表情识别存在显著差异,高兴面部表情比其他面部表情能更好地被识别。实验二探讨面部表情信息的上下不对称性。通过分析被试对经处理形成的上、下面部表情标准图片的识别成绩,结果发现,面部部位与情绪类型交互作用显著,被试对不同情绪类型上、下面部进行的情绪识别存在差异。对于悲伤、惊奇情绪的识别更多的依赖于面部上半部的信息,对不屑、厌恶、高兴情绪的识别更多的依赖于面部下半部的信息,而愤怒和恐惧的上、下半部信息对情绪识别的贡献差异不显著。实验三考察面部表情识别的眼动特征,验证面部表情信息的上下不对称性。记录被试识别不同情绪类型面部表情时的眼动指标,运用SPSS11.5及Data Viewer眼动分析软件进行分析。结果显示,(1)不同情绪类型面部表情识别的眼动特征存在显著差异。识别高兴面部表情时注视点少、眼跳次数少、瞳孔直径小、反应时短且识别率高;而愤怒、厌恶和悲伤相较其它情绪更难识别,正确率低、反应时长,注视点次数、眼跳次数和瞳孔直径都多于其它面部表情;(2)不同情绪类型面部表情识别时对不同兴趣区的注视程度不同。对悲伤、惊奇和厌恶识别时个体更多的对上半脸的情绪信息进行深加工,注视时间长且注视点次数较多;而识别高兴和不屑情绪时更多的加工下半脸的信息,注视时间长且注视点次数较多;愤怒和恐惧识别时上、下半脸的加工程度基本一致。

【Abstract】 The covered and uncovered pictures of Japanese and Caucasian Facial Expressions of Emotion (JACFEE) was used to explore the difference of recognition of facial expressions, asymmetry of emotional information in upper and lower facial expression and the characteristics of eye movement of facial expression recognition. This study used the matching task namely forced choice label task, including three experiments. Subjects were presented with pictures in a randomized order. For each picture, the subjects were asked to categorize facial expressions. The first experiment and third experiment used the Japanese and Caucasian Facial Expressions of Emotion (JACFEE), and The second experiment used the lower faces and upper faces were covered respectively at the end of the center line from the hairline to the chin. The following conclusions are induced:The first experiment examined differences in recognition of various facial expressions by analyzing recognition scores of facial expression. Results indicated that there were different in recognition of different emotional facial expressions significantly, namely the happy facial expression were easy to distinguish than other facial expressions.The second experiment investigated asymmetry of emotional information in upper and lower facial expression by analyzing recognition scores of upper and lower facial expression. Results indicated that location of facial expression was associated with recognition of different emotions. The recognition of sadness and surprise were more dependent on the upper area of facial expression. The recognition of contempt, disgust and happiness were more dependent on the lower area of facial expression. The location of the facial expression was not associated with recognition of anger and fear.The third experiment investigated the characteristics of eye movement of facial expression recognition by analyzing eye movement data with SPSS 11.5 and Data Viewer. Results indicated that the characteristics of eye movement of various facial expressions were different. The happy face was accompanied by shorter fixations compared with other facial expressions. (2) subjects fixated the upper face in sadness、surprise and disgust. They redistributed fixations to the lower face when recognized happiness and contempt, and the upper and lower face of anger and fear attracted similar number of fixations.

【关键词】 面部表情识别不对称性眼动研究
【Key words】 Facial expressionRecognitionAsymmetryEye movement