

Research of Trade-off Based on Supply Chain

【作者】 李博彦

【导师】 孙杰;

【作者基本信息】 天津科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 物流是一个综合系统,由运输、存储、包装、装卸搬运、流通加工和物流信息六个环节要素构成。这六个环节相互影响、相互作用,形成一个有机整体,发挥综合效益。近年来,物流作为“第三利润的源泉”越来越受到关注,降低物流成本成为研究的重点,但是系统内各要素之间存在着“效益背反”,尽管企业采取了多种措施降低物流成本,但成本却没有明显下降。所以,能否贯彻好系统原理即对物流进行系统管理相当重要。伴随着各种先进管理理念、管理思想的出现,特别是现代通讯、信息技术的发展,出现的供应链管理是当今管理理论和实践的热点。供应链管理逐渐被认为是企业增强竞争力的重要途径。二十世纪八十年代,西方发达国家,如美国、法国和德国等都提出了“物流一体化”的现代理论,应用于指导其物流发展并取得了明显的效果,使他们的生产商、供应商和销售商均获得了显著的经济效益。论文首先分析了国内外在效益背反、物流成本和供应链管理方面的相关文献,认为可以应用供应链思想解决物流系统中由效益背反引起的物流成本过高的问题。其次,论文对物流系统的构成要素的性质、目标和物流成本构成进行了分析,认为物流要素活动形成的成本加总形成了物流总成本,同时得出效益背反的根本冲突就存在于物流各职能要素的活动之中。因此解决效益背反问题,降低物流总成本必须考虑物流的系统特性。接下来,重点研究了供应链管理思想的起源和发展方向,并提出可以在现实中应用的物流组织形式——战略联盟;在阐述了供应链理论的基础上,站在物流成本角度应用由系统论衍生出的耗散结构理论证实了供应链理论解决效益背反问题的可行性。在定量分析方面,运用SCOR模型归纳出供应链上物流企业的运作步骤,并对其进行协同效应分析,考证供应链管理对物流企业经济效益的影响;在供应链模式中,供应链成员之间是既合作又竞争的关系,供应链目标是实现“共赢”。合作博弈问题关系到供应链的成效。论文应用博弈理论重点研究了供应链的整体收益情况,同时描述了供应链利益的分配模式。最后,采用数学包络分析衡量供应链绩效。在充分研究了传统绩效评价的缺陷和当前供应链绩效评价的现状后,本文建立了投入—产出型的供应链绩效评价体系,选择DEA中的C2R模型评价了某行业内的供应链管理改进效果,并得出通过提升系统化管理水平确实可以使供应链效益增加,只有整体利益得到保证,个体将损失降到最低,才能使物流成本得到控制,从根本上抑制了效益背反问题。

【Abstract】 The physical distribution is a system ensemble, by transportation, stocking, and packing, load and unload transporting, circulation processing and physical distribution information six-link essential factor constitution. These six links affect mutually form an organic whole. In recent years, the physical distribution achievement as the third profit fountainhead; more and more received the attention, reduced the physical distribution cost to become the key point to be researched, but in the system between various essential factors have trade off, although the enterprise took many kinds of measures to reduce the physical distribution cost, the cost did not have to drop obviously. Therefore, whether implements the good system principle to carry on the physical distribution is quite important.Following each kind of advanced management idea, the management thought appearance, specially the information technology development, appears the supply chain management is the theory and the practice hot spot now. The supply chain management was considered gradually the important way for the enterprise strengthens the competitive power. 1980s, the Western developed country, like US, France and Germany and so on all proposed the modern theory of "physical distribution integration", applied in instructs its physical distribution to develop and to obtain the tangible effect, caused their producer, supplier and the seller has obtained the remarkable economic efficiency.The paper has first analyzed domestic and foreign in the trade off, the physical distribution cost and the supply chain management aspect related literature, obtains may apply the supply chain theory solution physical distribution system cost excessively high.Next, this article to the physical distribution system integrant part nature, the goal and the physical distribution cost constitution has carried on the analysis, thought the physical distribution essential factor activity forms the cost added has always formed the physical distribution total cost, simultaneously obtained the trade off basic conflict during various functions essential factor activity. Therefore the solution of trade off reduces the physical distribution total cost has to consider the performance of physical distribution system.In the third part, has with emphasis on the supply chain management thought origin and the development direction, and proposes may reality in the application physical distribution organization form strategy alliance; Stood the diffusion structural theory which grew by the system theory confirmed the supply chain theory solution trade off feasibility in the physical distribution cost angle application.In the fourth, five parts, induce using the SCOR model supply chain the physical distribution enterprise’s operation step, and carries on the coordination effect on it; In the supply chain pattern, supplies between the chain member is both cooperates and competes, supply chain goal is the realization "win-win". The cooperation gambling question relates supply chain result. The paper emphasis on using the gambling theory has supplied the chain overall income situation, simultaneously described the supply chain benefit pattern.In the sixth part, uses DEA weight supply chain achievements. After fully studied the current supply chain achievements appraisal present situation, this article has established the investment-delivers the supply chain achievements appraisal system, chose in DEA the C2R model to appraise in some profession supply chain management improvement effect, through the promotion systematization management level may make the supply chain benefit truly to increase, then the overall benefit will obtain the guarantee, the individual loses falls to low, enable the physical distribution cost to be under the control, fundamentally has suppressed the trade off.
