

【作者】 张强

【导师】 王泽根;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着大型桥梁设计的轻柔化以及结构形式与功能的日趋复杂化,桥梁在建造和使用过程中,由于受到环境、车辆、风、地震、疲劳、人为因素等作用,以及材料自身性能的不断退化,导致结构各部分在远没有达到设计年限前就产生不同程度的损伤和劣化。这些损伤如果不能及时得到检测和维修,轻则影响行车安全和缩短桥梁使用寿命,重则导致桥梁突然破坏和倒塌。为了把握桥梁结构在营运期间的承载能力、营运状态、安全性和耐久性,迫切的需要对桥梁进行结构健康监测研究。基于GPS技术的桥梁结构健康监测,既有效地降低了监测成本,又极大地提高了作业的灵活性,通过对桥梁结构状态的监测与评估,为大桥在特殊气候,特殊交通条件下或运营状况严重异常时触发预警信号,并为桥梁的养护、维修与管理决策,验证桥梁设计理论,改进桥梁设计方法和相应的规范标准提供科学的依据。本文首先分析了大型桥梁结构健康监测的研究现状以及GPS同传统方法的优缺点比较。并对GPS应用于桥梁健康监测中的一些关键技术,如定位原理、坐标转换、数据处理等内容进行概括总结。然后,分析了在环境激励下位移变化较明显的悬索桥结构和受力特征,并在此基础上介绍了清水河悬索桥的工程概况以及ANSYS模态分析得到的清水河悬索桥的振动频率参数。接着,提出了GPS技术应用于桥梁跨度相对较小的清水河悬索桥结构健康监测中的基本框架、设计方法和具体实现的技术。同时采用了FlexPro8数据后处理软件对得到的试验数据进行研究和分析,并对基于窗函数法的FIR滤波器和基于巴特沃斯法的IIR滤波器的性能和滤波效果等进行了比较分析。进而根据所得到的自振频率和ANSYS的理论结果进行了比较,并对清水河悬索桥进行了安全评价分析。最后,对全文进行了总结,并提出了进一步研究工作的方向。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with large-scale bridge design, as well as the structure of the soft form and function of the increasing complexity and bridges in the construction and use of process, due to the environment, vehicles, wind, seismic, fatigue, human factors, such as role, as well as the material properties of the continuous degradation of their own, resulting in various parts of the structure to meet the design life is far different on the degree of damage and deterioration. If these injuries should not timely be detected and repaired, impacting the traffic safety and reducing the service life of bridges, while caused heavy damage and a sudden collapse of a bridge. In order to grasp bridge structure of the operation of load-bearing capacity, operation status, safety and durability, there is an urgent need to research structural health monitoring of bridges.GPS technology-based structural health monitoring of bridges, not only effectively reduced the monitoring costs, but also greatly enhanced the flexibility of operation. Structure of the bridge by the state of monitoring and evaluation based on GPS, it provided the appropriate scientific basis serve as the bridge in a special climate, special traffic conditions, abnormal operating conditions of a serious warning signal when the trigger and bridge maintenance, repair and management decision-making, bridge design to verify the theory, and improved the bridge design methods and standards.In this paper, it first introduced large-scale bridge structural health monitoring research status and GPS with the comparative advantages and disadvantages of traditional methods. It also summary GPS used in the bridge health monitoring of a number of key technologies such as location theory, coordinate transformation, data processing.After that, it analyzed displacement which inspired by the more obvious changes in the structure of the suspension and force characteristics in the environment. Then it introduced Qingshui river overview of the project. Finally it introduced ANSYS software which get theoretical modal parameters of the suspension bridge Qingshui river.And then, it proposed suspension bridge structural health monitoring of the basic framework and the design methods and specific technologies by relatively small span bridges of Qingshui river suspension bridge which based on GPS technology. At the same time using data processing software FlexPro8 on experimental data obtained by the study and analysis .Then it analyzed and compared a window function method based on the FIR filter and Butterworth law based on the performance of IIR filters. After, it compared the natural frequency through the test and the theoretical results of ANSYS. It also analyzed the safety assessment of a suspension bridge Qingshui river.Finally, it proposed a summary of the full text, and put forward the direction of further research.
