

Analysis and Evaluation of Tobacco Leaf Chemistry Component and Ecologicalconditions in Chongqing Tobacco-Growing Region

【作者】 田涛

【导师】 符云鹏; 石栓成;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 以重庆市主要烟区烟叶化学成分、土壤和气候等生态因素为基础数据,通过方差分析、相关分析、主成分分析及模糊数学综合评价等统计方法,对该区的烟叶化学成分含量适用性、土壤适宜性和气候适生性进行了综合评价。结果如下:1重庆市不同地区烤烟化学成分的综合评价根据统计分析及与优质烟区烟叶化学成分比较结果,重庆市中、上部烟叶样品总糖、还原糖含量适中;中部叶烟碱含量基本适中,较河南、云南烟区含量略高;上部叶烟碱含量偏高,与河南、云南烟区差异不明显。中、上部叶总氮含量适中,变幅较小;氯、钾含量均偏低,氯含量远低于河南、云南烟区,钾含量在整个烟区普遍较低。钾氯比高,糖碱比适宜,总氮/烟碱比值较理想。不同地区间的方差分析表明,除烟碱、钾以外,各化学指标在重庆不同地区间差异不显著。模糊综合评价结果为:重庆上部烟叶化学成分综合得分为0.48,地区间以酉阳、南川、巫山综合评价指标值较高。重庆中部叶化学成分综合得分为0.518,地区间以彭水、南川、石柱土家族自治县综合评价指标值较高,烟叶化学成分协调性好。2重庆市不同烟区土壤养分状况综合评价根据优质烟土壤适宜指标分析,重庆烟区有机质含量偏高;pH适中偏高,但多在适宜范围内;全氮含量较高,速效氮含量适中;50.39%的土壤可对烟草提供充分的磷素;全钾含量丰富,近60 %的土壤速效钾含量适宜;中量元素中有效钙、有效硫含量高,镁含量属中等水平;微量元素有效硼、有效铜普遍缺乏,有60 %左右的土壤有效锰、有效锌含量偏低,大部分样品铁含量处于中等水平;氯含量不超标。方差分析表明,除全磷以外,各土壤养分指标在地区间的差异均达到0.01的极显著水平,地区间变异幅度较大。对256个土壤样品养分指标间的相关分析表明,土壤各养分指标间相关系数达到显著水平的总数为55对,占总相关关系的40.4%。其中0.01信度水平的43个,占达到显著水平总数的78.2%。说明土壤指标间具有较强的相关关系。重庆土壤适宜性指数为0.684,整体来看,重庆烟区大部分土壤样品的综合指标值总体处于较高(70.7%)水平,另有17.58 %和11.72 %处于中等和高水平,无样品分布在低水平。不同烟区间以彭水、巫山地区综合分值较高(>0.7)。3重庆典型烟区气候因素综合评价统计分析及与国外优质烟区气候资料比较结果表明,重庆黔江烟区年均温15.58℃,烟叶大田生长期平均温度为23.48℃,高于国外优质烟区的气温。大田期降雨量为552.36 mm,略低于国外优质烟区,雨量较充沛,又不过量。雨量分配前期少,中期多,后期偏少。年总日照时数平均为1097.12 h,日照百分率为26.48 %,大田期日照时数为434.63 h,低于国外烟区。总体来看,重庆烟区热量条件丰富,雨量充沛且季节分配符合烤烟需水规律,但光照略显不足。模糊综合评价结果表明,黔江烟区气候综合得分为0.817(CV=8.77%),气候适宜程度较高,且年际间变化幅度小。

【Abstract】 Using statistics of Chongqing flued-cured tobacco chemcical components, climate and soil , the climate feasibility, soil fertility and tobacco components were by the methods of variance analysis, correlation analysis, principal compopent analysis and fuzzy synthetic evaluation the main results were as follows:1 The chemcical components evaluation of flue-cured tobacco in different areas and in different leaf position of ChongqingThe statistical analysis and the comparision with superior tobacco-growing area of the regular chemical components indicated that the contents of total sugar and reducing sugar were in the optimum range;Chongqing flue-cured tobacco was in the optimum range and somewhat higher than Henan and Yunnan flue-cured tobacco on the contents of nicotine in cutters, the total nitrogen were in the optimum range; the contents of potassium and chlorine were both lower than the optimum range; the contents of potassium were low in all areas; the ratio of potassium to chlorine were high; the ratio of sugar to nicotine was adapt for acid-base balance; the ratio of total nitrogen to nicotine was in the optimum range. The variation between different areas was significant at 0.01 level for the content of nicotine and potassium. However, the variation was not significant at 0.05 level for the content of other chemical index.According to the fuzzy synthesis evaluation, the chemcical components evaluation of flue-cured tobacco in upper leaves in Chongqing is 0.48, the score of Nanchuan and Wushan is higher than others. The chemcical components evaluation of flue-cured tobacco in upper leaves in Chongqing is 0.518, the score of Pengshui Nanchuan and Wushan is higher than others.2 The soil feasibility evaluation of flue-cured tobacco in different areas of ChongqingAccording to the optimum range of superior tobacco-growing area analysis, the content of organic matter is high ; The pH value was base but in the optimum range; the content of total nitrogen was rich and available nitrogen was optimum; the content of potassium was rich and available potassium was suitable in 60% of soil ; the content of available calcium and available sulphur was higher, the content of magnesium was suitable in total; the content of available boron and available copper was obviously deficient in total; the content of available mangaese and zinc was lower in 60% of soil ; almostlly all the content of Fe was in the middle level ; the content of chlorine was no more than the standard level . Except for the variation was not significant at 0.05 level for the total phosphorus all the other soil index was significant at 0.01 level of the the variation which indicated that the properties of soil had distinct divergence between different areas. The relationships amony soil nutrients in tobacco-growing bases were analyzed with correlation analysis.The results indicated that the number of correlation coefficient at 0.05 level was 55, acounting for 40.4%. The number of correlation coefficient at 0.01 level was 43, acounting for 78.2%.The results showed that there were distinct nonlinear correlation among soil nutrients.Soil feasibility index in Chongqing is 0.684, the proportion at higher level was 70.7%, at medium level was 17.58% and at high level was 11.72%. No sample was at low level. The score of soil feasibility index of Pengshui and Wushan was higher than other areas.3 The climate feasibility evaluation of flue-cured tobacco in model areas of ChongqingThe statistical analysis and the comparision with superior tobacco-growing area in abroad indicated that yearly average temperature is 15.58℃, average temperature during field period was 23.48℃, which were higher than that of superior tobacco-growing area abroad. Total precipitation during field period is 552.36mm, which was somewhat lower than that of superior tobacco-growing area abroad. Rainfall distribution was lower in previous and latter period but higher in middle period. Annual total sunlight hours was 1097.12h, percentage of sunshine was 26.48%,total sunlight hours during field period was 434.63h, which were lower than superior tobacco-growing area in abroad. In general, the heat quantity condition and rainfall of Chongqing were rich and the distribution was adapt for request of water .However, sunlight was inadequate. According to the fuzzy synthetic evaluation, the integrated index of Qianjiang was 0.817(CV=8.77%), the climate feasibility was well, the variance was minor.

  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】2
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