

The Glutenin Subunit Composition and Its Effect on Quality in China and Abroad Wheat Germplasm Resources

【作者】 陈平

【导师】 崔党群;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 麦谷蛋白作为小麦中重要的胚乳贮藏蛋白,主要由高分子量谷蛋白亚基和低分子量谷蛋白亚基组成蛋白聚合体。优良亚基组成对小麦营养品质和加工品质具有重要作用。引进和利用国内外优良亚基资源,对改良中国小麦品质,丰富种质资源的多样性,具有重要意义。为了深入了解国内外小麦种质资源高低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成差异及其对品质的影响,采用SDS-PAGE电泳方法分析了国内外129份小麦种质资源Glu-1、GluA3和GluB3位点的谷蛋白亚基组成及变异,检测分析了籽粒蛋白质含量、出粉率、吸水率、面团形成时间、稳定时间、弱化度等6个品质参数,运用数理统计方法分析了Glu-1、GluA3和GluB3位点所编码的蛋白亚基对这6个加工品质性状的影响。主要结论如下:(1)HMW-GS变异具有丰富的多样性。在GluA1位点上以亚基1、N为主,GluB1位点上以7+8、7+9亚基为主,GluD1以5+10、2+12为主。中国品种与国外品种相比,Glu-A1位点上对品质贡献最少的N亚基出现的频率明显高于国外品种,Glu-D1位点上优质亚基5+10的频率明显低于国外品种。品质评分上,中国品种整体评分低于国外品种,尤其是评分为10分的品种所占得比例与国外品种相差幅度较大。在品质特性上,中国品种的面团形成时间和稳定时间均显著少于国外品种,而弱化度要高于国外品种。(2)LMW-GS变异具有丰富的多样性。Glu-A3位点上以亚基A3d、亚基A3a为主,Glu-B3位点上以1BL/1RS易位亚基B3j为主。中国品种与国外品种相比,对品质贡献最少的A3a亚基和B3j亚基的频率均高于国外材料。品质评分上,中国品种整体评分低于国外品种,并且评分高的品种比例低于国外品种,而评分低的品种比例要高于国外品种。(3)Glu-1位点单个亚基对品质特性的影响为:Glu-A1位点对面团形成时间、稳定时间的影响具有极显著差异,表现为正向效应的亚基:2*>1>N;对弱化度表现为负向效应:N>1>2*;Glu-B1位点对面团吸水率表现为正向效应:14+15>6+8、7+9、7+8、17+18>7、13+16,对面团稳定时间表现为正向效应:17+18>7+8、7+9>13+16>14+15>7、6+8;Glu-D1位点对面团稳定时间具有正向效应:5+10>2+12>4+12,对弱化度表现为负向效应。Glu-1位点亚基组合对面团稳定时间和弱化度的影响具有极显著性差异。亚基组合类型为(1,17+18,5+10)品种与组合类型为(N,7+9,2+12)的品种比较,二者之间对面团稳定时间的影响达到极显著差异,组合(1,17+18,5+10)的稳定时间显著高于组合(N,7+9,2+12)。亚基组合类型为(N,7+9,2+12)品种的弱化度显著高于除(1,14+15,2+12)外的其它亚基组合类型的品种。(4)Glu-3位点单个亚基对品质特性的影响为:GluA3位点对面团稳定时间的影响具有极显著性差异,表现为正向效应:GluA3c、GluA3f > GluA3b、GluA3d> GluA3a;Glu-B3位点对面团稳定时间表现为正向效应:GluB3b> GluB3f、GluB3g >GluB3h、GluB3j,对弱化度的影响表现为负向效应:GluB3b>GluB3f=GluB3g> GluB3j。Glu-3位点亚基组合对面团稳定时间的影响表现为极显著差异。亚基组合类型为GluA3f/GluB3b、GluA3c/GluB3g品种的面团稳定时间显著长于亚基组合类型为GluA3f/GluB3j、GluA3a/GluB3d、GluA3d/GluB3h、GluA3c/GluB3d、GluA3a/GluB3j、GluA3a/GluB3h的品种。亚基组合类型为GluA3f/GluB3j品种的弱化度显著高于亚基组合类型为GluA3a/GluB3f、GluA3fGlu/B3b、GluA3c/GluB3g的品种。(5)品质特性间进行相关性分析,籽粒蛋白含量同面粉吸水率存在显著正相关,面团形成时间和稳定时间存在极显著正相关,面团形成时间、稳定时间与弱化度间存在极显著负相关。

【Abstract】 Composed by HMW-GS and LMW-GS as Glutenin polymeric protein, glutenin was an important part of the endoserm storage proteins. It was obvious that good composition subunits had great influence on the wheat processing qualities. Therefore, that introducing and utilizing good subunits from China and abroad was advantageous to rich the genetic diversity of germplasm resources of China and had important significance to create germplasm resources with good quality and excellent traits.129 cultivars from both domestic and abroad as test material was used to study wheat germplasm resources in China and abroad, and the index of namely protein content, flour yield, water absorption, dough development time, stability time and degree of softening was measured, and HMW-GS and LMW-GS compositions encoded by Glu-1 and Glu-3 by SDS-PAGE, and also the effects of protein subunits encoded by Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 on these quality parameters by using mathematical statistics method were analyzed. The main conclusions were as follows:(1). The results showed that the variation of HMW-GS diversification is rich .The main subunits were 1,N on GluA1 locus, and 7+8,7+9 on GluB1 locus and 5+10, 2+12 on GluD1 locus. Compared to other subunits the contribution of subunit N on GluA1 to quality was the lowest, and its frequency of Chinese varieties was significantly lower than abroad. Subunit 5+10 in Chinese varieties was significantly lower than foreign varieties. The quality score of china varieties was lower than abroad and the frequency of 10 score varieties had a big differences between china and abroad. The dough development time of china varieties was significantly longer than foreign varieties, and the degrees of softening was significantly different between china and abroad varieties.(2). The LMW-GS variation was rich. The main subunit were d,a on GluA3d, and 1BL/1RS on Glu-B3. The frequency of subunit GluA3a and GluB3j in Chinese varieties was lower than foreign varieties and the quality score was lower. The frequency of the highest score was lower than foreign varieties; Just the opposite for the frequency of the lowest score.(3). The influence of Glu-1 subunit on quality characters wre summarized as bellows: Subunits on Glu-A1 locus had a very significant difference on the dough development time and stability time: 2*>1>N, effect on the degrees of softening is N>1>2*. Glu-B1 locus positive effect on dough water absorption performance was: 14+15>6+8,7+9,7+8,7+18>7, 3+16; The positive effect on Dough stability time was 17+18>7+8,7+9>13+16>14+15>7, 7+8. Subunit on Glu-D1 locus on the dough development time was: 5+10>2+12>4+12; Just the opposite for Degrees of softening performance.The composition of the subunit on Glu-1 had a significant difference on the dough stability time and degrees of softening. There was a significant difference on the dough stability time between the composition (1,17+18,5+10) and (N,7+9,2+12). The stability time of composition (1, 17+18, 5+10) was significant longer than (N, 7+9, 2+12). The composition of (N,7+9,2+12) had a significant difference with others on the degrees of softening except (1,17+18,5+10).(4). The influence of Glu-3 subunit on quality characters were summarized as bellows: Subunit on GluA3 locus had a very positive significant difference effect on the dough stability time: GluA3c, GluA3f > GluA3b, GluA3d> GluA3a; GluB3 locus had a positive effect performance on the dough stability time: GluB3b> GluB3f, GluB3g >GluB3h, GluB3j, and performance positive effect on degrees of softening: GluB3b>GluB3f=GluB3g> GluB3j. Subunits composition On Glu-3 locus had a very significant difference on the dough stability time. The dough stability time of composition GluA3f/GluB3b and GluA3c/GluB3g were significant longer than GluA3f/GluB3j, GluA3a/GluB3d, GluA3d/GluB3h, GluA3c/GluB3d, GluA3a/GluB3j and GluA3a/GluB3h. The degrees of softening of GluA3f/GluB3j varieties were significant higher than GluA3a/GluB3f, GluA3fGlu/B3b and GluA3c/GluB3g.(5). Relativity between the quality traits was analyzed. It was showed that there was a significant positive relativity between the content of grain protein and the flour water absorption, and the same positive relativity between dough development time and stability time. Dough development time and stability time had a significant negative relativity with the degrees of softening.

【关键词】 小麦HMW-GSLMW-GS品质育种
【Key words】 wheatHMW-GSLMW-GSquality breeding
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