

Explore and Analysis on China’s Tourism Resources of the Protection of Legislation

【作者】 王仕霞

【导师】 王晓冬;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游资源是旅游事业发展中最重要的生命线之一,它和其它一些资源一样属于难以再生或不可再生资源,对它的开发、利用和保护等问题,关系到一个国家、地区的经济发展和生态平衡。要真正解决旅游资源开发、利用、保护过程中已经出现的以及在今后的发展中可能出现的问题,实现可持续发展,完善旅游资源保护的法律体系是应该被首先解决的关键问题。目前,我国虽然已初步形成了比较系统的旅游资源保护法律体系,但随着旅游业的蓬勃发展以及旅游资源的开发热潮,旅游资源保护法律体系中存在的某些问题如立法问题、管理体制问题、执法问题也日益突出,已影响到对旅游资源进行全面有效的保护。关于旅游资源保护的法律制度虽然也在完善之中,但是人们还没有真正认识到旅游资源保护的紧迫性,还没能建立针对旅游资源保护的健全的法律体系。本文从我国目前旅游资源环境保护的现状入手,通过对国内外旅游资源的法律保护现状比较分析,指出完善我国旅游资源保护的法律体系的紧迫性,最后提出关于旅游资源保护立法的几条建议,使我国旅游资源保护的法律体系更加完善和科学,促进我国旅游资源的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Tourism resources in the development of tourism in one of the most important lifeline, and a number of other resources it is difficult to as renewable or non-renewable resources, its development, use and protection of such issues as a country, the region’s economic development and ecological environment. To really solve the problem of tourism resources development, utilization, protection of the process have emerged as well as the development of future problems that may arise in, To achieve sustainable development, improve the protection of tourism resources in the legal system should be first of all the key issues to resolve. At present, China has begun to take shape, although a more systematic legal system for the protection of tourism resources, But with the rapid development of the tourism industry, as well as the development of tourism resources boom, Tourism resources that exist in the legal system to protect some of the issues such as legislation, management, institutional issues, law enforcement has become more prominent, have an impact on the tourism resources in a comprehensive and effective protection. With regard to the protection of tourism resources in the legal system while also improving the wayHowever, but it has not really recognize the urgency of the protection of tourism resources, and not able to establish for the protection of tourism resources in a sound legal system. In this paper, the current status of environmental protection, tourism resources to start, At home and abroad through the legal protection of tourism resources in a comparative analysis of the status quo, Pointed out that China’s tourism resources to improve the protection of the urgency of the legal system, and finally the protection of tourism resources on a number of legislative recommendations for the protection of tourism resources in China’s legal system more complete and scientific, the promotion of the sustainable development of tourism resources.

  • 【分类号】F592;D922.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】196
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