

Analyzing on Conditions of Oil and Gas Accumulation of Carboniferous-Permian Around Bohai Gulf Area

【作者】 宫萍萍

【导师】 李增学;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 环渤海湾地区石炭—二叠系油气资源有着巨大的潜力,具有油气成藏条件。在前人研究的基础上,本文运用沉积学、煤地质学、构造地质学,以及油气地质学与岩石学等方法,结合扫描电子显微电镜、岩石薄片观察等实验手段,根据研究区石炭—二叠系赋存特点,充分搜集了大量钻井资料,通过编图与系统分析,对烃源岩、储层、盖层、生储盖组合进行了研究。通过对煤系烃源岩的显微组分类型和含量、有机质丰度和类型、成熟度等数据的分析,揭示了环渤海湾地区石炭—二叠系煤系有效烃源岩的空间展布,圈定了有利油气生成区。分析了环渤海湾地区砂岩储层岩石学特征、物性特征及空间展布特点。结果表明:研究区二叠系山西组、石盒子组都发育以石英砂岩为主的砂岩储集体,由山西组—石盒子组砂岩成熟度逐渐增高。其中,石盒子组发育以中、粗砂为主,成熟度较高、分布广泛,是油气的主要储集层,但砂岩储层渗透率较差,属于特低孔低渗透率储层,为中等—较差储集岩类型;砂岩储层填隙物以黏土杂基最为常见,含少量硅质、钙质、自生黏土胶结物等;由于本区成岩作用强烈,砂岩储集空间中原生孔隙不发育,以次生为主;由于后期改造剧烈,储层空间分布具有一定不均性。在对环渤海地区石炭—二叠系盖层泥岩特征观察的基础上,通过对粘土矿物含量的相对定量分析及孔隙度、渗透率的统计分析,结合沉积控制,评价了该区盖层泥岩的封闭能力。结果表明,渤海湾盆地上、下石盒子组盖层泥岩分布范围广,保存完整,可作为区域盖层;下石盒子组盖层泥岩的孔隙度和渗透率又明显低于上石盒子组,封盖性更好;太原组和山西组发育的泥岩也作为局部盖层。对研究区的生储盖组合特征及生储盖组合进行综合分析研究表明:就石炭—二叠系而言渤海湾盆地济阳块坳是生油气中等的地区;黄骅块坳总体上是属于比较有利生油气的地区,有利的油气生成区块以孔西潜山和徐黑潜山一带最好,其次是歧口凹陷和南皮凹陷;文安坳陷生油气较好,其中以苏桥—文安一带各种条件都比较最适宜于油气的形成;临清块坳也是有利的煤成油气地区;鲁西的黄河北、聊城、鱼台—金乡、菏泽等含煤区块深部可作为今后勘探开发的目标区。

【Abstract】 Carboniferous-Permian oil and gas resources has great potential around Bohai Gulf area, with the conditions of oil and gas accumulation. On the based of the previous studies,This article utilizes the sedimentology, the coal geology, the structural geology, as well as methods and so on oil gas geology and petrology, etc, combining with experiment methods of scanning electron microscopy and rock thin slice observation, have collecting massive drilling data, through mapping and the system analysis,the hydrocabon source rock,reservoir,cap rock and the source-reserboir-seal combination are studied.Though researching maceral type and content ,abundance,types and maturity of organic matter in coal hydrocarbon source rocks according to the Carboniferous-Permian occurrence characteristics of the study region, revealed the spatial distribution of effective hydrocarbon source rocks of Carboniferous -Permian coal measures around Bohai Gulf area and delineated favorable oil and gas generation blocks.This paper analyzed the Petrological characteristics,physical characteristics and spatial distribution characteristic of sandstone reservior around Bohai Gulf area. The result indicated: The study region of Permian Shanxi Formation,Lower Shihezi Formation develop group consisting mainly of quartz sandstone in sandstone reservoirs,from Shanxi Formation to Shihezi Formation sandstone gradually maturer. And, Shihezi Formation develop primarily sandstone and coarse sandstone, with higher maturity and wide distribution,is majoe reservoir of oil and gas,but premeability of sandstone reserviors are low,belonging to the especially low porosity and low permeability reservoirs for the medium -poor reservoir rock types;Clay-based material is the most common in Sandstone reservoirs fillers,including a small amount of silica,calcium,self-generation clay cement and so on;Diagenesis is intense in this area, so in sandstone reservoir space the primary porosity is not grow and secondary porosity is the main;Because latter transformation is fierce,the spatial distribution of reservior is inequality.This paper studied the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the mudstone cover layers in Carboniferous-Permian coal bearing strata around Bohai Gulf area,on the basis of which, the sealing ability of regional mudstone cap rocks was evaluated. The results indicated, around Bohai Gulf area mudstone cap rocks of Upper and Lower Shihezi Formation cover a large area and well preserved,which is a valuable cap rock.;The porosity and permeability of Lower Shihezi Formation mudstone cover layers are obviously lower Upper Shihezi Formation,capping of a better;The mudstone in Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation could work as local cap.The comprehensive research to the study area of the source-reserboir-seal combinational characteristics and source-reserboir-seal combination indicate:Bohai Bay Basin Jiyang block-depression is the middle area of formating oil and gas to Carboniferous-Permian;Huanghua block-depression is generally more favorable to formating oil and gas,the most favorable area of formating oil and gas is Kongxi burial hill and Xuhei burial hill,followed by Qikou sag and Nanpi sag;Wenan depression is a better area to formating oil and gas,especially a variety of condications of Suqiao-Wenan are the most appropriate to the formation of oil and gas;Linqing block-depression is also beneficial area to formating oil and gas; In Luxi area Huanghebei,Liaocheng,Yutai-Jinxiang and Heze,such as deep coal blocks can be used as the future exploration and development of the target area.
