

Study of the Simulation and Stability Technology of the Hydraulic Support in Deeply Inclined Coal Seam

【作者】 戴汉政

【导师】 万丽荣;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 经过几十年的发展,煤炭科学技术取得了长足的进步,其开采工艺日趋成熟及装备水平在不断提高,液压支架作为综采工作面的关键设备,是决定煤炭综采成败的关键因素。我国的液压支架设计技术已经达到了一定的发展水平,但适用于大倾角综放工作面的液压支架设计技术发展缓慢,因此本文以国家十一五科技支撑计划项目“复杂条件煤矿综放工作面关键设备研究”为研究背景,在借鉴国内外液压支架先进设计制造经验的基础上,运用理论计算、计算机辅助设计和试验相结合的方法,成功地设计了适用于大倾角综放工作面的液压支架。为解决大倾角液压支架设计的难点,本文的主要研究工作和创新性从以下几个方面得以体现:首先,根据设计要求对大倾角液压支架的重要组成机构四连杆进行优化设计,在传统的几何作图法和电算法的基础上提出了一种新型的设计方法,主要利用ADAMS软件构建四连杆机构的数学模型和定义设计参数,然后进行优化求解,最终得出最优参数,从而实现了对四连杆机构的参数化设计和优化;其次,借助CAD/CAE技术,采用自上而下的设计理念对液压支架进行设计、运动学仿真和有限元分析,应用Pro/E和ADAMS对支架进行三维建模和运动学仿真,完成整架干涉检查和运动轨迹仿真,验证了结构设计的合理性,根据MIT312-2000液压支架通用技术条件,应用COSMOS软件建立液压支架整架受力分析模型,完成对整架强度分析及关键部件的受力分析,验证了该型支架可靠性,为支架的设计提供了可靠的依据;最后,对大倾角液压支架稳定性技术进行了深入的分析研究,构建了支架的防滑防倒数学模型并进行分析,为大倾角液压支架防倒防滑设计提供了理论依据,并且样机在试验及实际应用中均满足使用要求,验证了此理论的可行性。本文的研究丰富和发展了大倾角综放工作面液压支架设计理论和方法,为大倾角液压支架的设计提供了有效的理论和方法。

【Abstract】 Coal Science and Technology has made great progress after several dozens year development, the production practice reaches its maturity and the mine equipment level improves constantly. Hydraulic support is the key equipment in fully mechanized coalface, so it is the key factor to decides full-mechanized mining success or failure. Hydraulic support design technology has been reached a fairly high level in our country, but the technology designing for deeply inclined coal seam develops slowly. So this paper was against the background of the national 11th Five-year Plan State science and technology support projects "The key equipment research on the complex conditions of fully mechanized caving face ", we successfully designed the hydraulic support which were adequate for 46 deeply inclined coal seam by means of theoretical arithmetic, CAD and experiment, which based on referring to the advanced experience of designing and manufacturing hydraulic support at home and abroad.In order to solve the problems of heavy dip angle hydraulic support design, this thesis contains following main research work and achievements: To begin with, optimization design of four-bar linkage of hydraulic support in deeply inclined coal seam was carried. A new method for the design was proposed in this paper, which based on the traditional methods of geometrical construction and computational program. By means of ADAMS software, mathematic model was constructed and design parameters were defined, then the model was optimized for obtaining the optimum result. Using this new method that can achieve parametric design and optimization design. In the next place, using CAD/CAE technology, hydraulic support was designed by design theory from top to bottom, simulation and FEA was carried out. 3d modeling of hydraulic support was established and kinematics simulation was carried out by using Pro/E and ADAMS, finished interference detection and kinematics simulation of motion trail, the rationality of structure design was validated. Dynamic analysis model was established, then strength of the whole support and force analysis of key parts were finished by using COSMOS according to MIT312-2000. The reliability of support was validated, dependable basis was provided for support design. Ultimately, This paper analyzed and studied the stability technology of the heavy dip angle hydraulic support. Mathematic model of anti-skid and anti-collapse was constructed, then analyzed the model. The dependable theoretical basis was provided for support design of anti-skid and anti-collapse. The prototype met design requirement through experiment and practical application, the feasibility of theory was validated.The design theory and methods of heavy dip angle hydraulic support in the fully-mechanized top coal caving face were enriched and developed through the study. The dependable theory and methods were provided for heavy dip angle hydraulic support design heavy dip angle hydraulic.
