

Effects of Fertilizer Application Level on the Soil Moisture, the Yield and Quality of Apple in the East of Gansu

【作者】 何学涛

【导师】 牛俊义;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 作物生态生理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来果农重视到施肥对增产的意义,施肥量有逐年增加的趋势,但对科学平衡施肥的缺乏认识和缺少技术,难以产生好的施肥效果,长期过量地施用化学肥料和无机复合肥,造成土壤退化、板结、有机质和有益微生物减少、土壤生态失去平衡、果品品质下降。本研究针对陇东旱塬多年生红富士果园的施肥现状,采用随机区组试验设计,探索了不同施肥水平对苹果园土壤水分、苹果产质量及果实中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐含量的影响,旨在为干旱半干旱地区苹果优质高产管理技术提供理论依据。取得的主要结果如下:1.各施肥处理在苹果各个生育时期均能提高苹果园土壤水分含量,但有机肥的保水能力明显高于化肥。与对照比较,苹果各生育期均以单施150kg/株有机肥土壤含水量最高,其中萌芽期达14.76%,较对照提高6.3%;开花期以单施0.5kg/株化肥最低,达13.4%;各生育不同施肥处理土壤含水量均呈下例变化趋势:在同一化肥水平上单施1.0kg/株化肥处理最低,且随有机肥配施量的增加而增加;同一有机肥水平上单施150kg/株有机肥处理高,且随化肥配施量的增加而减小。2.耗水量和化肥的施用量成正相关,而与有机肥的施用量呈负相关关系,进一步说明了,有机肥较化肥有较强的保水能力。苹果各生育期均以单施150kg/株有机肥土壤耗水量最低,其中花芽膨大期土壤耗水量,以单施1.0kg/株化肥处理最高,为15.84mm,以单施150kg/株有机肥耗水量最少,为12.94mm;幼果膨大期土壤耗水量,以单施1.0kg/株化肥最高,为60.3mm,较单施1.0kg/株化肥处理耗水量高5.2%。各生育不同施肥处理土壤耗水量均呈下例变化趋势:在同一化肥水平上单施1.0kg/株化肥处理最高,且随有机肥配施量的增加而减小;同一有机肥水平上单施150kg/株有机肥处理低,且随化肥配施量的增加而增加。3.化肥配施有机肥配施能提高产量23.7%~53.9%、单果均重4.3%~19.4%,提高果实中全氮、可溶性糖、可溶性固形物的含量,降低果实硬度。果实中全氮、可溶性糖含量及硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的积累与化肥的施用量在实验范围内呈正相关;有机肥在提高产量、改善品质等方面不明显,但有效的降低了果实中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的积累。其中处理100kg/株有机肥配施0.5kg/株氮肥在改善果实品质、提高产量,降低果实中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐含量等方面效果明显。

【Abstract】 In recent years,farmers have been awared of importance fertilization for increased of yield,fertilizer has increased year by year .However,balanced fertilization of science is lack of awareness and technology,it is difficult to have a good fertilization results,and long-term excessive use of chemical fertilizers and inorganic fertilizer,resulting in soil degradation, compaction,organic matter and beneficial micro-organisms to reduce, soil ecosystem out of balance,fruit quality is decreased consequences. In this study, perennial orchard fertilization status quo,in Longdong Dryland .using randomized block experimental design, and have explored the different fertilization levels on soil moisture apple orchard,apple fruit quality, yield and production of nitrate,nitrite content. Purpose for providing theory about apple management technology to high-quality high-yield,in arid and semi-arid. The results are:1.Apple’s deal with the application of various growth stages can improve the soil moisture content in apple orchard,however, organic manure water-retention capacity was significantly higher than that of chemical fertilizers. Compared with the control, The soil moisture content is the highest single application of organic manure for each 150kg in the reproductive period of apple, which sprout up to 14.76%, representing a 6.3 percent raise in control; bloom is minimum single application of fertilizer for each 0.5kg, amounting to 13.4%. The different fertilizer treatments of soil moisture changes were under the cases in the reproductive period of apple: in the same level of fertilizer treatment is C2> B2> A2, C3> B3> A3; the same level of organic manure treatment is B2> B1> B3, C1> C2> C3.2.Water consumption and fertilizer application was positively ,correlated with the application of organic manure was a negative correlation between the volume, that is organic manure stronger than fertilizer in the water-retention capacity. The soil water consumption is the lowest single application of organic manure for each 150kg in the reproductive period of apple, which the soil water consumption is the highest in flower bud expansion period to single application of fertilizer for each 1.0kg, 15.84mm, water consumption is the least for 12.94mm at a single application of organic fertilizer for each 150kg; fruitlet expansion phase of soil water consumption in order to single application of fertilizer for each 1.0kg highest 60.3mm, than single application of chemical fertilizers 1.0kg for each higher by 5.2%. The different fertilizer treatments of soil moisture changes were under the cases in the reproductive period of apple: in the same level of fertilizer treatment is A2> B2> C2, A3> B3> C3; the same level of organic manure treatment is B3> B1> B2, C3> C2> C1.3.The results showed that the right amount of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer increased per plant yield by 23.7% ~ 53.9%, single fruit weight by 4.3% ~ 19.4%, also increased nitrogen, soluble sugar and soluble solids content of the fruit, and reduced fruit rigidity. It was a positive correlation between the nitrogenous nutrients, soluble sugar content, nitrate and nitrite accumulation with the fertilizing amount of chemical fertilizer; Organic fertilizer was not obviously in improving the yield and fruit quality, but could effectively reduce nitrate and nitrite accumulation in the fruit. Per plant 100kg of organic fertilizer with per plant 0.5kg of nitrogen fertilizer would help to improve fruit quality and fruit yield, to regulate nitrate, nitrite content in the fruit.

【关键词】 施肥量土层土壤水分生育期产量品质
【Key words】 fertilizersoilsoil moisturegrowth periodyieldquality