

Study on the Accumulation and Tolerance in Plants Growing Around a Mine

【作者】 徐华伟

【导师】 张仁陟;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对陇南徽县矿区自然恢复的植被组成调查和优势植物体内重金属积累特征及生物迁移特征筛选出多金属耐性植物野艾蒿,并较为系统地研究了野艾蒿对重金属的吸收与富集特征。揭示了矿山植被在自然恢复状态下,其优势植物对重金属的累积;研究了矿区土壤和野艾蒿植物中重金属的含量分布;评价植被恢复的土壤改良和目标植物的吸收重金属状况。主要研究结果如下:(1)陇南矿区自然定居的20种植物,隶属12个科15个属。矿区植被组成以菊科蒿属最多,禾本科次之,少数物种种群优势度明显,贡献了群落生态功能的大部分。其中野艾蒿、针叶蒿、小蓬草、碱茅、黄蒿、醉马草、苦苣菜、车前草8种植物综合优势比占到90%以上,表现为矿区的优势植物,野艾蒿在矿区植被入侵定居表现突出,数量、生物量和高度在矿区植被中占优势。(2)8种优势植物地上部分重金属累积量和生物迁移系数各不相同。从重金属累积量来看,野艾蒿、针叶蒿、碱茅属于Pb和Zn的耐性植物,野艾蒿、小蓬草、黄蒿、苦苣菜属于Cu的耐性植物,野艾蒿、针叶蒿、小蓬草、碱茅属于Cd的耐性植物。从植物体内重金属的生物迁移系数来看,小蓬草、碱茅属于Pb的耐性植物,野艾蒿、碱茅、苦苣菜属于Zn的耐性植物,野艾蒿、针叶蒿、黄蒿属于Cu的耐性植物,野艾蒿、针叶蒿、小蓬草、苦苣菜属于Cd的耐性植物。(3)综合来看,碱茅属于Pb和Zn的耐性植物,针叶蒿和小蓬草属于Cd的耐性植物,黄蒿为Cu的耐性植物,而野艾蒿属于多金属耐性植物,可以作为潜在的矿区修复物种,其富集潜力和耐性机理有必要做进一步的探讨和研究。(4)三个典型样地中老尾矿废弃地土壤重金属的含量均为最高。野艾蒿对锌和铅的富集量较大,各样地土壤中Zn、Pb的含量之间有显著性差异。不同样地中野艾蒿和土壤Cu、Zn和Pb的含量之间呈极显著正相关,野艾蒿对重金属的吸收、富集有随土壤中重金属含量升高而增加的趋势。(5)野艾蒿的不同部位在不同样地中累积不同重金属的能力不同。除老尾矿废弃地野艾蒿中铅的含量地上部分小于地下部分外,其它环境下重金属含量都表现为地上部分大于地下部分。野艾蒿对4种重金属都有不同程度的转运能力,Zn在不同年限废弃地的生物富集系数均为最大,野艾蒿对Cu、Cd的转移系数较大,它能吸收富集多种重金属并且具有耐重金属的特性。(6)野艾蒿对重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd的吸收积累的数据分析比较表明,它不属于超富集植物,是富集植物。但在复合污染条件下,野艾蒿对Pb的吸收达到1 000 mg/kg以上,具备超富集植物的特征和潜能,且生物量较大,生长速度快,作为重金属污染的修复植物具有较好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Based on a field survey and analysis on habitats and vegetation and soil of Sha Ba Pb/Zn mined wastelands in Hui Xian of Gan Su province. In this paper, a mine of Hui County District composed of natural recovery of vegetation surveys and the advantages of heavy metal accumulation in plants and biological characteristics of migration of the characteristics of selected wild plants polymetal argyi patience, and a more systematic study of the field of Heavy Metal Uptake argyi and Enrichment characteristics. Mine revealed the natural recovery of vegetation in the state, the dominant plants on the accumulation of heavy metals; study of a mineral soil and wild plants argyi the distribution of heavy metals; evaluation of vegetation restoration and soil improvement goals of the plants to absorb heavy metals in the situation. The main results are as follows:(1)The results showed that 20 species belonging to 12 families and 15 genera of higher plants were found on the Sha Ba Pb/Zn mined wastelands. In vegetation composition of compositae in most gramineous times, a few species superiority, the contribution of the ecological function of community. Artemisia vulgaris、Tripolium vulgare、Erigeron annuu、Puccinellia chinampoensis、Herba Artemisiae Annuae、Digitatia ssp、Lexeris denticulata、Plantago asiatica comprehensive advantages of eight kinds of plants than accounted for more than 90% performance advantage for the mining plant.(2)8 kinds of advantages on the ground part of plant accumulation of heavy metals and biological factors vary migration. Judging from the accumulation of heavy metals,Artemisia vulgaris、Tripolium vulgare、Puccinellia chinampoensis Pb and Zn belong to the patience of plants, Artemisia vulgaris、Erigeron annuu、Herba Artemisiae Annuae、Lexeris denticulata patience are Cu plants, Artemisia vulgaris、Tripolium vulgare、Erigeron annuu、Puccinellia chinampoensis plant belonging to Cd patience. Heavy metals from the body of the biological plant migration coefficient shows that Erigeron annuu、Puccinellia chinampoensis patience are Pb plants, Artemisia vulgaris、Puccinellia chinampoensis、Lexeris denticulata are Zn plants, Artemisia vulgaris、Tripolium vulgare、Herba Artemisiae Annuae are Cu tolerance of plants, Artemisia vulgaris、Tripolium vulgare、Erigeron annuu、Lexeris denticulata belonging to Cd patience.(3)Taken together, Puccinellia chinampoensis Pb and Zn are patience plants, Tripolium vulgare and Erigeron annuu are Cd punta patience grass plant, Herba Artemisiae Annuae patience for Cu plants, and Artemisia vulgaris are Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd patience polymetal plants, can serve as a potential mining area restoration species, its mechanism of accumulation potential and patience there is a need for further exploration and study.(4)The concentrations of heavy metals in soils decreased with increasing abandoned times. Artemisia vulgaris had a better absorption capacity for zinc and lead. Correlation is significant at 0.01 level between concentrations of Cu,Zn and Pb in plants and soils.The percentage composition of heavy metals in plant increased with their amounts in soils.(5)Artemisia vulgaris in different parts of the same ground in the ability of different metals accumulated. Besides old tailings Artemisia vulgaris spoils the amount of lead in the field of underground part, other than the environment for heavy metal content is greater than the underground sections. Part Artemisia vulgaris field of 4 kinds of metals have different degrees of Zn, transport capacity in different period of biological enrichment coefficients spoils for maximum, Cu, Artemisia vulgaris Cd to transfer coefficient is larger, it can absorb enrichment of heavy metals and resistance properties.(6)Showing by comprehensive analysis that, Artemisia vulgaris is not a hyperaccumulator is a plant-rich. However, under the conditions of complex pollution, the absorption of Pb Artemisia vulgaris to 1 000 mg/kg, have more summarized.the features and potential, and biomass, fast growth, as heavy metal pollution repair plant has a good application prospect.
