

【作者】 李强

【导师】 闫献国;

【作者基本信息】 太原科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,深冷处理作为业界广泛认可的、新型的产品改性以及强化的重要工艺程序,已有很多文献探讨了其作用的机理。但是对其进行计算机模拟尚且处于起步阶段。本文以齿轮滚刀作为研究对象,以现行刀具制造厂热处理工艺规范为标准,根据深冷处理规范,在测定W9Mo3Cr4V材料低温热导率、低温比热以及温度场的试验基础上,以试验参数作为模拟的依据,使用ANSYS软件采用直接耦合法进行模拟,在完成了淬火过程的温度场和应力场分析之后,作为初始条件施加到深冷处理模拟中做后续分析,以此说明深冷处理作用。齿轮滚刀深冷处理过程模拟的成功,为同种材料或其它材料的刀具深冷处理模拟提供了一个模板,进而形成一套成熟稳定、操作简便的能够预测热处理过程温度场及应力场、控制热处理结果、合理选择热处理规范的方法体系,为热处理过程的预测提供依据。进而将以计算机模拟促进热处理虚拟生产的逐步普及,逐步提升热处理的技术水平,从而大幅度提高虚拟制造的功能。

【Abstract】 In recent years, cryogenic treatment is a process which can improve the new product and strengthen the product which has been accepted by the members of the material field. There were much documentation which has researched the strengthening mechanism, but calculating in computer was just start.This article describes the gear cutter hob in the basis of hot processing of manufactory, based on the cryogenic treatment processing and the experiment of measuring W9Mo3Cr4V material heat conductivity, specific heat and temperature field in the low temperature. The simulation was in response to test parameters, directly coupling using ANSYS software. Follow-up analysis in the simulation of cryogenic treatment processing was done after accomplishing quench treatment process for temperature field and stress analysis. Throughout the whole simulation, the projecting part was that the cryogenic treatment processing was the resume of cryogenic treatment process, the credibility and the accuracy of simulation were promised possibly.A set of mature, stable and simple operation for forecasting temperature pattern and stress analysis will be generalized to other similar products according with the success of the cryogenic treatment process with the gear cutter hob. Furthermore, calculating in computer will promote the technology of the dummy production and manufacturing.
