

Safety Risk Management of Production in Small and Medium Dangerous Chemical Producting Enterprises

【作者】 舒宜

【导师】 宋文华;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国中小危险化学品生产企业数量庞大,发展迅速,形成我国国民经济和社会发展的重要力量。同时,中小型企业安全基础薄弱、缺乏安全管理,容易发生安全生产事故,造成人员伤亡、财产损失、设备破坏等诸多问题。本文目的在于查找和分析系统存在的危险有害因素及可能导致的风险,针对事故和事故隐患发生的可能原因事件和条件,提出消除危险的最合理可行的安全对策措施,指导危险源监控和事故预防,以达到提高安全化程度、降低事故率、获得最优风险投资效益的目的。在本文中,风险分析包括风险辨识和风险评价两个部分。风险分析中介绍了风险辨识的过程和方法,并根据风险产生的原因从物料、设备、工艺和作业环境等角度,对企业内部的各种潜在的风险及危险有害因素进行了全面系统的辨识。另外,由于中小企业中人的因素的重要地位,分析了人因失误的影响因素,并在此基础上,对人因失误在设备运行和维护阶段的表现形式进行了归纳。在风险辨识的基础上,针对涂料生产企业易发事故,选用事故树和FMEA方法对主要设备、设施进行了定性的分析,并对易发生火灾、爆炸事故的场所进行了重点评价,结合池火灾计算模型,对某涂料生产的生产系统单元和储运系统单元进行定量计算,从而得出各种爆炸能量的伤害半径,为制定科学、合理的安全控制措施提供基本的依据。本论文将风险管理理论应用于实际问题的分析,根据这些分析,提出了中小型危险化学品生产企业风险管理的措施,制定应急救援预案和教育培训措施,旨在形成良好的风险管理方式。并且结合目前的国内外现状,提出今后的工作设想。

【Abstract】 Small and medium dangerous chemical producting enterprises (SMDCEs) are in large quantity and in rapid development in our country, becoming significant power of national economy and social development. Meanwhile, for lack of safety base and management, accidents happen easily in SMDCEs, causing staff casualties, property loss, facilities destroy and other problems.The purpose of this paper is to find and analyse dangerous and harmful factors and risk that will lead to in the system. Aiming at the causing incident and condition of accident and hidden trouble, reasonable and feasible countermeasures have been put forward, to guide monitoring dangerous sources and preventing accidents, and to prove safeness, educe accident frequency, and to obtain maximum risk investment benefit.In the paper, risk analysis includes risk identification and appraisal. Risk indentification, from the point of view of material, equipment, process and environment, identifies all kind of potential risks and dangerous inside the enterprises. In view of the importance of human in SMDCEs, the modes of human fault in the stages of operation and maintenance of equipments are concluded.In the basis of risk identification, fault tree analysis and failure mode effect analysis is applied to qualitative analysis of main equipments and facilities. Combining calculate model of pool fire, the authors do the quantitative research of scope of death, serious injury, flesh wound in uint of coating product system, providing foundation tof scientific logical safety precautions.In the paper, risk management theory is applied to analyze reailsitc problems, furthermore, safety management measures of SMDCEs are proposed and emergency rescue pre-plan is established. Finally, combined with the present situition domestic and overseas, the futuer prospect is put forward.
