

Research on the Accuracy Analysis and Synthesis of 3-RRRT Parallel Manipulator

【作者】 荀浩亮

【导师】 赵新华;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对3-RRRT并联机器人精度分析与综合问题作了比较深入的研究。通过对3-RRRT并联机器人的位置分析,建立了3-RRRT并联机器人输出位姿误差分析的数学模型。提出了3-RRRT并联机器人输出位姿误差的分析方法。该数学模型的建模方法亦适用于其他并联机器人及空间结构的精度分析;对于3-RRRT并联机器人的类似机构及其演化构型,给定各结构参数误差,应用此数学模型可直接得出并联机构输出位姿误差,从理论上为定量分析各结构参数误差对输出位姿误差的影响提供前提条件。基于位置分析对3-RRRT并联机器人位置输入输出方程微分,获得机器人逆雅可比矩阵。当机器人处于非奇异位姿且结构误差与位姿误差为微小量时,分析并联机器人结构误差对机器人末端误差的影响,建立它们之间关系的数学模型,研究表明该模型为线性数学模型。当给定机器人微小的结构误差时,研究机器人位姿变化与结构尺寸变化对机器人精度的影响。运用误差独立作用和等效作用的思想对3-RRRT并联机器人进行精度综合,将这一原本多目标多变量的非线性不确定最优化组合问题转化为线性问题,使并联机器人精度综合问题变得简单可行,具有一定的实用价值。

【Abstract】 A deep theoretical study on the accuracy analysis and synthesis of 3-RRRT parallel manipulator has been carried out in this dissertation.Based on the position analysis of the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator , the model for the pose error analysis method of the end executor of 3-RRRT parallel manipulator has been formulated and the analysis method of the pose error of the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator has been proposed .As for the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator and its relevant configuration ,the pose errors of the end executor can be directly obtained when the structural parameters are given. It provides the precondition of the quantitative analysis of the influence of errors of the structural parameters laid on the pose error of the end executor in the theory. This modeling method can also be used to the accuracy analysis of other parallel manipulators and spatial mechanisms.The relationship between the structure error and the end executor error of the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator has been studied through differential equations, which are obtained from the position analysis .As long as the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator is not on the singular location ,the errors are contained in the linear mathematics model when they are minuteness. The inverse Jacobi matrix of the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator is obtained from differential equations. Effects of pose changes and the structure changes on the accuracy of the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator has also been studied in the paper .The independent and equal effect principle of error is applied to the accuracy synthesis of the 3-RRRT parallel manipulator, which changed the multivariable , multi-object and non-linear problem into the simple linear problem. The algorithm studied in this paper has practical value.
