

Legal Thinking on the Incident of Sanlu Milk Power

【作者】 王宝宁

【导师】 蔡永民;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着“三鹿奶粉”事件的爆发,食品安全问题引起了社会普遍的关注。食品安全问题涉及从田间到餐桌的各个方面,不仅危及消费者的人身、财产安全,情况严重的还将影响整个社会的稳定,中国经济的发展、贸易的全球化,食品安全的问题又将影响国家的对外贸易。在此危急之下,《食品安全法》应运而生,解决了长期困扰中国多项食品安全问题,比如食品的标准、安全的监管以及责任的分配。《食品安全法》的出台对中国食品安全问题的解决起到了不可磨灭的作用,然而,仅仅是一部法典的出现并不足以解决中国食品安全的所有问题。当然,食品安全法律制度的完善是一个长期的过程,世界上任何国家的食品安全法律制度无不是在不断摸索中得到不断地进步的,同样对中国而言,食品安全法律制度的完善也需要我们摸着石头过河,循序渐进地逐步解决我们所面临的各项问题。在食品安全的问题当中,第一个问题是我们的食品标准体系不够完善,与发达国家完善的食品标准体下相比,我们的标准体系相对而言比较落后,制定的各项标准也不够科学。第二个问题是我们监管体系存在漏洞,监管人员的执法力度不够。第三个问题是我们的食品安全法律责任体系比较庞杂,需要进一步梳理。通过与发达国家的食品安全法律制度进行比较分析,得出解决我国食品安全法律问题的各项对策、构建我国的食品安全法律制度。

【Abstract】 With the "Sanlu milk powder" incident of the outbreak, food safety has aroused the concern of society in general. Food safety issues ranging from field to table in all its aspects, not only endanger the consumer’s personal and property security, the situation will seriously affect the stability of society as a whole, China’s economic development, trade, globalization, food security will also affect the country’s foreign trade. In this critical, the "Food Safety Law" came into being to solve a number of long-standing food safety issues in China, such as food standards, as well as the responsibility for monitoring the safety of the distribution. "Food Safety Law" introduced the issue of China’s food safety solution has played an indelible role, however, is only the emergence of a code will not solve all of China’s food safety issues. Of course, food safety, improve the legal system is a long-term process of any country in the world of food safety is not the legal system without constantly groping for progress constantly, and the same for China, food safety, improve the legal system also requires us to feeling our way across the river, step by step to resolve our issues faced.In food safety, the first problem is the food standards system is not perfect, and well-developed countries under the food standards body, our standard system is relatively backward, and the development of the standards is not enough science. The second issue is the existence of loopholes in our regulatory system to monitor the lack of law enforcement personnel. The third problem is our legal responsibility for food safety relatively complex system, the need for further grooming. With food safety in developed countries a comparative analysis of the legal system come to resolve the issue of China’s food safety laws of the measures, to build China’s food safety legal system.

【关键词】 食品安全标准监管法律责任
【Key words】 Food SafetyStandardSupervisionLegal responsibility
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期
  • 【分类号】F203;D922.292
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】675
  • 攻读期成果