

Short Distance Wireless Technology Used in Automatic Reading System

【作者】 王富斌

【导师】 徐建政;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的快速发展,各种工业的、民用的仪表得到了日益广泛的应用,在地域上的分布也越来越分散。原始的采取人工抄表的方式即耗费大量的人力物力,又无法避免手工抄写和计算带来的差错,且对数据的分析处理也严重滞后,不利于及时发现问题、解决问题;而自动抄表方式则是新兴的、先进的抄表方式,融合了当今最先进的计算机和通信技术,能够降低设备成本、节约人力资源、提高可靠性、准确性和抄表效率,越来越受到用户的欢迎。由于电力系统的现场情况十分复杂,单独依靠某一种通信方式不能满足实际要求,只有综合不同通信方式的特点,取长补短,因地制宜,才能得到适合现场要求的通信模式,因此通信问题是自动抄表系统的关键。近年来,随着现代通信技术、计算机技术等相关技术的的发展,短距离无线通信技术逐渐成熟起来。无线局域网、蓝牙技术、ZigBee技术及移动自组织网络技术、Ad Hoc、无线网格网络(WMN)技术取得了巨大进展。将这种新兴技术用在自动抄表系统当中,可以克服当前各类有线远程自动抄表存在的室外长距离布线、短路、断线、调试和维护困难等缺点。本文简单介绍了自动抄表系统不同通信方式的优缺点;并采用先进的短距离无线通信这种新兴技术,结合其它通信形式来实现远程自动抄表任务;弥补了传统抄表方式的不足,使抄表方式变得更加灵活;本文还介绍了抄表网络的构成和功能,抄表终端的硬件结构、软件结构、通信协议等。本文采用C8051F310单片机作为处理器,以CC1100无线通信芯片作为无线收发器,设计了无线通信模块,并编写了相应的软件,实现了自动抄表的无线收发任务。并根据短距离无线通信的特点,借鉴现在流行的自组织通信技术,设计了一套适合无线抄表的通信路由协议。采用自动中继、自动路由,自组织网络,多跳技术等方法构成数据传输网络,实现特定区域的数据传递;再经由数据集中设备通过GPRS或宽带等构成更大范围的数据传输网络,完成自动抄表任务。实践证明,基于短距离无线通信的抄表系统运行稳定可靠,达到了预期的效果和设计要求,弥补了传统有线方式的缺陷,使得抄表方式的选择更加灵活。同时对加强用电管理和提高电网供电质量起到了积极的作用。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of national economy, various industrial and public meters are getting an extensive application day by day, and scatter in a large area. The way of traditional metering mode not only expends a great deal of manpower and material resources, but also can cause many other problems, for example cann’t get the correct data in time. But the Automatic Meter Reading system, using the computer and communication technologies, can solve the problems. It can get more exact datas in time, reduce the manpower, and overcome many other shortcomings. Because the complicate circumstance of the electric power system, only using one method can not satisfy actual request. So according to the actual situation and using the suitable ways of communication, the system can work stability and suit the request, therefore communication is the key of the Automatic Meter Reading system.In recent years, along with the development of communication and computer technologies and other related technologies, the short distance wireless communication becomes used more and more. Wireless Local Area Net(WLAN)、Bluetooth、ZigBee、Ad Hoc and wireless mesh network(WMN) technologies have made great progress. Automatic Meter Reading system using this wireless technology, can overcome many difficulties, for example short circuit, line break and so on, also can maintain the system easily.This text tells some ways of communication used in Automatic Meter Reading system, and uses wireless communication and other communications to make up the system. This way can make the system more flexible and solve some shortcomings of the traditional system. The text also tells the hardware structure of the terminal and communication protocols and so on.The system uses C8051F310 as processor and CC1100 wireless chip as a wireless transceiver to make up the wireless correspondence mold piece, and write corresponding software, to complete the wireless transceiver task. According to the characteristics of short distance wireless and draw lessons from the popular communication techniques, design a suitable routing protocol for the wireless system. The system using the methods of automatic routing and self-organization network to collect the datas in a particular district, and then through data concentration and GPRS or other methods collect datas in a large area to complete automatically meter reading task.The practice shows that the Automatic Meter Reading system using short distance wireless is running stably and reliably, reaches the design request. It is of great significance to improving the safety and economical operating level of distribution network and enhancing the energy management and power supply quality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期