

Project Research on Inter-basin Water Transfer for Ecologic Water Compensation of Xiaoqing River in Jinan

【作者】 娄平平

【导师】 曹升乐;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 小清河发源于济南市睦里庄,在历史上曾是一条具有防洪、排涝、灌溉、航运、景观等多功能的人工运河。自上世纪70年代以来,随着工业化和城市化步伐的加快,工业和生活污水的超标排放导致小清河济南段水体遭受污染,生态环境严重恶化,严重影响了济南市及沿河地区社会经济发展。小清河济南段的源头治理是实现小清河根本治理和综合治理目标的关键。跨流域调水可以弥补其自身补充水源不足的问题,是调节区域水资源时空分布不均、实现水资源合理开发利用以及实现水资源优化配置的重要手段,通过调水可以明显改善小清河的水环境,促进沿岸地区经济发展。本文是“小清河干流济南段调水补源”项目的一部分,主要包括两部分内容:可供水量分析和方案模糊综合评价。通过对小清河周围多个水源地的综合分析,确定玉符河、黄河、东平湖三个可行的水源地方案。首先分析各供水方案实际情况,玉符河、东平湖水源根据水库兴利调节原理,分考虑农业灌溉和不考虑农业灌溉两种情况,采用VBA编程组合计算不同供水流量下的保证率。计算结果表明,东平湖、田山方案可独立满足小清河日需水30万m~3的要求,卧虎山方案只能提供日供水5万m~3的水源。其次考虑各供水方案的优缺点,确定可调用水量、原水水价、水质、配套工程造价、运行管理费用、管理体制、泥沙、综合景观效果8个因素作为评价指标,采用基于变异系数法和指标两两比较方法相结合确定权重的模糊综合评价模型对卧虎山、东平湖、田山调水方案进行了综合评价,得出了客观合理的结论。结果显示,东平湖调水方案较优,田山调水方案次之,卧虎山调水方案最次。在评价过程中,指标权重的确定实现了专家主观判断与数据客观信息的结合。本文首次提出了小清河跨流域调水方案,并对各个方案进行了比较客观地评价,评价结果可给小清河管理部门调水改善水环境提供参考,具有一定的现实意义和应用价值。

【Abstract】 Xiaoqing River originated from MuLi Zhuang, Jinan. In history it was a man-made canal and played an important role in flood protection, drainage, irrigation, shipping, landscape and so on. Since 70’s of last century, along with the step out of industrialization and urbanization, the excessive emission of industrial and domestic sewage has led to water pollution of Xiaoqing River Basin in Jinan, a serious deterioration of ecological environment, which have had a bad impact on economic development of Jinan City and areas along the river basin. The source treatment is the key to achive the goal of fundamental governance and comprehensive renovation. Inter-basin Water Transfer will make up the water resources shortage problem of its own. It is an important measure to adjust the spacail and tempoarl uneven distribution of regional water resource. Water environment of Xiaoqing River can be significantly improved by water transfer, which also promotes economic development of areas along the river basin.As a part of the project of water dirversion to Xiaoqing River, the thesis includes two parts: the analysis of available water supply and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. By comprehensive analysis of each scheme around Xiaoqing river, Dong-ping lake, Yufu River and the Yellow River are considerd as three avaliable project.Considering the situation of each water supply scheme, it could be calculated by different method based on the principle of reservoir profiting regualtion, which use VBA program to calculate the guarantee rate of water supply. The result shows that the scheme of Dongping Lake and Tianshan can meet the 300,000 cubic meters daily water demond of Xiaoqing River, while Wohu shan scheme can only supply 50,000 cubic meters a dayThen, considering the advantages and disadvantages of each water supply scheme, the thesis determine eight evaluation index which includes available water supply, source water price, quality, matching engineering cost, operation management cost, management system, sediment concentration, landscape effect. Based on the index system and fuzzy evaluating model, which combines the analytical variation coefficient method and index neighboring comparative method to calculate the weights of each index, the most practical conclusion of the water diversion project to Xiaoqing Rriver is achieved. The result shows that Dongping Lake is the optimum scheme, Tianshan is the next, Wohushan is the wosst scheme.The project of inter-basin water transfer for ecologic water compensation of Xiaoqing River is first put forward in this paper, which also evaluate each project objectively. The result provide reference for the management department of Xiaoqing River, and it also has some realistic significance and application value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期