

The Research of Hanke’s Poetry

【作者】 于美娜

【导师】 王小舒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 明清诗文, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 函可(1611—1660),字祖心,号剩人,俗家姓韩,名宗騋,字犹龙,明末广东博罗人,诸生,明礼部尚书韩日缵长子。韩氏一族世居广东惠州府博罗县浮碇冈,为当地望族。函可一生,起于繁华,历尽沧桑,竟似一部传奇。他出身名门仕宦之家,少年得意,却在壮年毅然断发出家,而后经历明清鼎革的世变沧桑,经历坎坷,令人感慨怅惘。并且,家国兴亡之际,函可又以“文字”获罪,身遭刑累,被远遣东北,成为有清一代文字狱第一人,也是早期东北流人文士的代表。个人的命运遭际,遗民与流人的双重身份,使他的情感体验从普通的鼎革易代的亡国哀思一变为具体的山河破碎身世浮萍的切身之感;同时东北大地截然不同的自然、生活环境也使得诗人的诗境骤然开阔,诗风也因有了厚重的内容而变为质朴深沉,于悲痛苍凉处动人心弦。清朝初年,东北的文学、文化事业都还很不发达,函可以其诗歌创作以及文学活动,丰富了东北诗坛的面貌,推动了东北诗坛的发展,给后世树立了良好的典范。本文希望在广泛搜集各种原始资料,详细考察前人成就的基础上,详细梳理函可的生平经历,考察其事迹经历、文学创作以及交游唱和活动,以期为一代遗民、一代流人、一代诗僧存照。并将以其作品《千山诗集》为出发点和落脚点,在回归文本的基础上,具体分析函可诗歌创作,从诗歌内容、风格特点等方面,全面呈现其诗歌创作特征,展现其文学创作成就,兼论及函可对清初及后世东北诗坛的影响。第一章着重论述他的生平经历和著述情况。第二章重点在其诗歌创作的具体分析,从诗歌内容、艺术风貌的角度来呈现其创作特色,展现其诗歌创作成就。第三章着重阐述其在东北诗坛的作用和地位,兼论及清初以流人为主体的东北诗坛概况。

【Abstract】 Hanke,styled Zuxin,was also known by his literary name shengren, with his original name han,called,zhonglai, styled Youlong. He was born in boluo of Guangdong province, and was the first son of the Ministry of Rites Shangshu who named Hanrizuan. His family had lived in the village named Fudinggang in boluo of Guangdong province,and was very big and famous in local area.He had been a student in the government schools of the late Ming Dynasty. He had a prosperous life at the beginning and then experienced many vicissitudes, which made a legend of him. He was well born and ambitious in his youth but chosed to a monk with fortitude in his prime of life. Later, he had gone through the unforeseen event of the change of Ming to Qing dynasty. At the same time, in the period of the rise and fall of the dynasty, he was condemned by his Writings, and was dispelled to the Northeast of China with crime. He is the first victim of the literary inquisition of Qing dynasty, and also the represent of the people who were stranded into the Northeast. Personal pool fate, the double status of Yimin(people who love the former dynasty and donot work in the government of the new dynasty)and Liuren (refugee persons who are stranded to remote areas by the goverment), which made his motion experience changed from the common fallen nation grief over dynastic change and national subjugation to immediate concern of concrete disinte grated country and unfortunate life experience. In the meantime , the totally different nature and living environment of the Northeast had widened his poetic vision, which made his poetry style simple but deep for the dignified content. This made his poetry very touching.As we know, in the Early Qing Dynasty, the literary and culture of the Northeast was very weak.Then Hanke developed the poetry wrinting level of the Northeast with his own articles,writings,and activitis.On the basis of the Extensive collection of original data and detailed previous study achievements, this article cards his life experience, literature creature and poem responding activity, so that is a reflection of a generation of upheaval, refugee, and poet work. Also, on the basis of<Qianshan anthology of poetry>(<thousand mountains anthology of poetry>) the article gives a detail analyze of his poem writing, literary achievements, as well as the influence to the Northeast poetry of the early Qing Dynasty and late period. Chapter I focus on the life experiences and his writing situation.Chapter II focus on the specific analysis of poetry, from the content of poetry, style and features of art, to display his achievement of his poetry.Chapter III focus on his function and position in the parnassus of the Northeast, and the general condition of northeast parnassus of Early Qing Dynasty ,which puts the refugee as main body.

【关键词】 函可遗民流人冰天诗社诗坛领袖
【Key words】 HankeYiminLiurenBingtian poetry societyleader of poetry league
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】206