

Comparative Study of Contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean Vocabulary

【作者】 李暎真

【导师】 邵文利;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以中国汉语水平考试委员会制定的《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中的汉语词汇为主要研究对象,并结合我本人十几年来学习汉语和教授中国人学习韩国语的经验和体会,扩展了一部分大纲以外的词汇,词汇总量为2986个。其中选择了1772个《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中有对应的韩国语汉字词的词汇,占总词汇量的59%。具体地说,在《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》的1033个甲级词汇中选择了245个,占甲级词汇总量的23.7%,占本论文所研究词汇总量的8.2%;在2018个乙级词汇中选择了595个,占乙级词汇总量的29.5%,占本论文所研究词汇总量的19.9%;在2202个丙级词汇中选择了537个,占丙级词汇总量的24.4%,占本论文所研究词汇总量的17.9%;在3569个丁级词汇中选择了395个,占丁级词汇总量的11.1%,占本论文所研究词汇总量的13.2%。大纲以外的词汇1214个,占总词汇量的41%。论文以最简明的表达方式和分类方法,对这2986个汉语词和韩国语汉字词进行了比较研究,并按照汉语拼音的顺序做了整理,以期对汉语和韩语学习者及教授者有所帮助。我坚信本论文将为他们提供很大的方便。本论文共分为四部分:第一部分:引言。简要介绍了本课题研究的目的和任务、研究的范围和方法、大体探讨了先前对此类课题所做的研究、本课题研究的理论意义和应用价值。第二部分:介绍现代汉语和韩国语汉字词的概况。本部分以对比的方式,分别介绍了现代汉语和韩国语汉字词的形成过程,以及随着岁月的变迁各自所发生的变化而导致了不同特征的形成。汉字词在韩国语中虽然占有很大比重,但现在的汉字词,与其传入时的汉字词相比,无论在形式还是意义上都有了很大的变化。因此对它们的形成和特征的了解具有重要意义。第三部分:现代汉语词汇和韩国语汉字词的比较。本部分采用归纳和比较的方法,深入研究了现代汉语词汇和韩国语汉字词,并将其分为五大类:同形同义词,2199个,占总词汇的73.6%;同形异义词,114个,占总词汇的3.8%;同形部分异义词,284个,占总词汇的9.5%;异形同义词,384个,占总词汇的12.9%;异形异义词,5个,占总词汇的0.2%。文中以韩文、中文简体和中文繁体三种文字写出,以期成为方便韩国人和中国人的共同学习资料。其中对异形同义词下属小类做了具体说明和穷尽性列举。第四部分:结论。陈述研究结论及研究工作的某些不足。

【Abstract】 Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), originally created to assess the language skill of foreign students, has become the world’s most prestigious test to measure Chinese skills. With the increasing number of Chinese learners around the world, HSK has been attracting more and more interest in recent years. In particular, Korea is one of those countries, actively utilizing HSK to measure people’s Chinese skill level, ranked No 1 in the applicant number of the test.It’s often said that one’s degree of command of a language depends on his amount of knowledge on its vocabulary. Accordingly, the core objects of the study on this paper include Chinese vocabulary on the outline of Chinese Language Proficiency Test Level that China National Committee of HSK publicized. With focus on 2-syllable words among the words on the outline, I’ve proceeded with the research further, successfully managing to acquire additional words from personal experiences of the 10-year Chinese learning and about a year of Korean teaching to Chinese people. By adding these newly identified words to those core words listed on the outline of the Chinese Language Proficiency Test Level, the final number of target words for the study reaches at 2986. The composition of2986 words is as follows by 5 categories; ’Synonyms in same forms’, absolute majority of 5 categories, accounts for 73.6% with 2199 words; ’Homographs’ for 3.8 % with 114 words; ’Conditional homographs’ for 9.5% with 284 words, ’Synonyms in different forms’ for 12.9% with 384 words; ’Heterographs’ with different meanings for 0.2% with 5 words.The paper is designed and written to help both teachers and students of the Chinese and Korean languages in their teaching and learning efforts by concise explanations and practical classifications, acquired from comparative study of contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean Vocabulary. I hope this paper will eventually help people learn Korean and Chinese more easily and effectively.The paper is composed of four parts:Part I, introduction of the research, briefly introduces its purpose and tasks, study scope and methodology, reviews of the previous papers with similar topics, and lastly its meaning and possible applications in the near future. Part II: The understanding of contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary (or Hanja-eo) which refers to the set of words in the Korean language that originated from or were influenced by Chinese language. This section discusses the formation process and characteristics of contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary. Accounting for more than 60% of all Korean words, Sino-Korean vocabulary has changed in their forms and meanings since their introduction to Korea long time ago, which makes it important to understand the formation process and characteristics of contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary.Part III: Comparative study of contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary.In part III, the paper progresses its research into the contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary with 5 different categories, using the methodology of classification and comparison. As the paper’s written in all related languages - Korean, Chinese Simplified, and Traditional Chinese, both Chinese and Korean learners will be able to utilize this paper as their learning material without difficulties. Comparing contemporary Chinese with Sino-Korean vocabulary, the paper classifies them in 5 main categories, and classifies some of them again in sub-categories, where required, with lots of practical explanations and examples for learners’better understanding.In Part IV, the paper summarizes research findings again, and describes future tasks, not covered in the paper for reasons. For your information, I’d like to advise that some terms used in the paper may require further study and validation.

【关键词】 汉语韩国语汉字词比较研究
【Key words】 ChineseSino-Korean vocabularyComparative study
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】H55
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】766