

Indirect Principal Offender

【作者】 王雪丽

【导师】 周长军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 间接正犯无论是在刑法理论中还是在司法实践中,都具有重要意义。本文以我国的犯罪构成要件为结构线索,对间接正犯的概念、特征、主体以及主观方面、实行行为等基本问题进行了深入研究,在此基础上阐述了间接正犯的正犯性根据,并提出了间接正犯的立法构想。全文共分为以下六个部分:第一部分为引言。阐述了本文研究的意义、现状及方法。第二部分阐述了间接正犯的概念、特征与性质,并在理论上准确界定了间接正犯的内涵和外延。所谓间接正犯,是指与直接正犯相对应,通过中介者的工具行为实现犯罪且与中介者不构成共同犯罪关系的一种犯罪形态,并由此总结了间接正犯的特征:正犯性、非共同犯罪性、间接正犯的对象性特征、间接正犯的客观特征(利用行为的复合性和间接性)以及具有承担刑事责任的独立性与直接性。第三部分重点论述了间接正犯中行为者与中介者的资格和主观方面。笔者认为只有间接正犯中的行为者才有资格被称为间接正犯的犯罪主体,可以是负有刑事责任能力的自然人和单位。间接正犯的主观方面主要表现为故意,包括直接故意与间接故意,过失间接正犯的情况为例外。中介者既可以是未达到刑事责任年龄的人也可以是达到刑事责任年龄但不具有刑事责任能力,其主观方面包括故意、过失和无罪过。第四部分从实行行为入手,研究了实行行为的着手点。根据实行行为的相关理论,在探究实行行为着手的认定的基础上,重点论述了间接正犯着手的认定,笔者认为通常应以被利用者开始实施实行行为为着手,特殊情况下,以利用者行为的开始为着手。第五部分阐述了间接正犯的立法建议。传统理论认为间接正犯概念是作为弥补限制正犯概念和共犯极端从属性之间存在的处罚漏洞而推衍出来的,这一观点实质上是颠倒了逻辑思考顺序,间接正犯本质上归属于正犯。目前大陆法系国家关于间接正犯的立法例主要有两种模式,即将其归为正犯或是共犯之中。最后提出了我国对间接正犯的立法构想。第六部分为结语。笔者对本文的主要内容进行了总结,并指出在现实生活中承认间接正犯的必要性。

【Abstract】 Indirect principal offender, whether in criminal law theories or in judicial practice, is of great significance. By the structure of clues of our country’s criminal elements, the paper had an in-depth study on indirect principal offender, such as concept, characteristics, and subjective and action so on. On the basis of the theoretical study, the paper makes a deep analysis about the reasons why it is a kind of principal and indicates how it should be legislated in our criminal law. The paper is divided into six major sections of the body:Part one is the introduction, expatiating the significance and the method of the study made in this thesis as well as the current situation of the study on this issue home and abroad.Part two deals with the concept, characteristics and nature of indirect principal offender. The indirect principal offender, corresponding with the true criminal, generally refers to those who utilize other people’s action to commit crime. The paper summed up the characteristics of the indirect principal offender: principal, the non-common crime; the indierct principal offender’s objective characteristics and so on.Part three discusses the qualifications and subjective element of indirect principal offender. The subjective of indirect criminal are natural persons and unites. The subjective element of indirect principal offender is intentional, including direct and indirect, fault as an exception. The intermediary may not reached the age of criminal responsibility or reached the age of criminal responsibility witout criminal responsibility. The subjective of intermediary is intentional, fault and so on.Part four makes a issue of act to execute a crime in indirect principal theory, and according to the theory of action in crime, the auther makes a discussion of the time act to execute a crime of indirect principal offender.Part five expounded the legislative proposals of indirect principal offender. The traditional train of thought about indirect principal offender is, from the existence of the concept, that is proved by "the theory of gap -stop ", to its character as direct principal, then it put the concept on the basis that it exist only out of "compensation". It is illogical. At present the main civil-law countries has two kinds of patterns about the indirect principal offender’s legislation, either classified as the principal or the accomplice. Our country at persent do not legislate the indierct principal offender’s concept, and in our country criminal law also does not have the leeway which the indirect principal offender exists.Part six is the conclusion. The author makes a briefly summary about indirect principal offender, and indicates how it should be legislated in our criminal law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】230